Rayev, Grigory Ivanovich (1863-1957). Collection of Eighteen Original Albumen Photographs of Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, and the Georgian Military Road from the Series “Views of the Caucasus”. Ca. 1900.
Schematismus der orthodox-orientalischen Bukowinaer Dioecese für das Jahr 1863 [Hierarchy of the Bukovina Diocese of the Eastern Orthodox Church for 1863]. Czernowitz: Johann und Rudolph Eckhardt, [1863].
[Badcock, Sir Lovell Benjamin, General, KH, KCB] (1786-1861). Collection of Three Autograph Letters, Written by, Addressed to or Mentioning Badcock, and Closely Related to the Events of the Portuguese Civil War in Which Badcock was a Military Reporter. 1832-1834.
Foster (Skeffington), Thomas Henry, 2nd Viscount Ferrard, 2nd Baron of Oriel (1772-1843). Autograph Letter Signed “Ths. Foster” to his mother Margaretta Amelia Foster, Baroness Oriel, with Observations on Lisbon and the Portuguese. Lisbon: 22 February ca. 1791.
Smith, Charlotte J. Collection of Thirteen Watercolours and Drawings Made on a Trip to the Rhine Castles, Tagus River in Spain, Moreton Hall in Cheshire, Ghent, and Italy. 1827-1829.
Schmidt, J.M.F., Professor. Special-Karte eines Theils des russischen Reichs vom Bug bis hinter Moskau, übersetzt und aus dem grossen russischen Atlas in 107 Blatt gezogen von J.M.F. Schmidt [Special Map of the Part of the Russian Empire from the Bug River to the Area Around Moscow]. Berlin: Simon Schropp & Comp, 1812.
Levesque, Pierre-Charles (1736-1812). Histoire de Russie [History of Russia]: Atlas Volume.
Paris, Hamburg & Brunswick: l’Imprimerie de Guilleminet,Pierre-Francois Fauche, An VIII [1800].
Collection of Eighteen Loose Original Gelatin Silver Photographs and Two Real Photo Postcards Taken and Collected during the Czechoslovak Legion’s Revolt against the Bolsheviks in Siberia and Russian Far East in the 1910s-1920s, Showing the Legion’s Defense of the Krasnoyarsk Bridge, Soldiers Posing at the Site of a Train Collision in Yekaterinburg, Czech Militaries and Hussites Celebrating the Overthrow of the Soviet Power, Soldiers Awaiting the Evacuation from Vladivostok, etc.; also, with a Photo of the Destroyed Ononsky Bridge in Manchuria in 1918. Ca. 1917-1929.
Album with Fifty Original Gelatin Photographs of a British Merchant Ship’s Early Cruise through the Black Sea & the Mediterranean, Showing Constantinople (Istanbul), Odessa, Pompei, Venice, Bagnara, Livorno, Petras, Nice, Santander, Henaine, Bona; also, with the Photos of Arkhangelsk, Dartmouth, Hull, etc. Ca. 1900s.
[Remarkable Primary Source on 17th Century Russian-Western European Relations] Relatione d’Alcuni Costumi de’Sig.i Ambasc. Moscoviti, che ora si trovano in Livorno per passare all’Ambasciata di Venezia [Autograph Letter by an Anonymous Author from Livorno Witnessing the Muscovite Embassy to Venice (1656-1657) and Containing Vivid Observations and Remarks About Russians]. Livorno, ca. 1656.
Saunders, Charles, Sir, Admiral (ca. 1715-1775). Two Official Orders Addressed to "Captain Tonyn, Commander of HMS Brune", both Written in Secretarial Hand, one Signed "Chas. Saunders." Both: on board HMS Neptune, Gibraltar Bay, 5 January 1762.
Templer, Charles Bertram, Major (1860-1931). Album of Six Original Watercolours of South Africa, with two Watercolour Views taken at the coast of Normandy, France. Ca. 1923.
Postlewaite, Margaret Alice (ca. 1871-1955). Album with Ninety-Eight Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of an Early Cruise from New York to the Black Sea & the Mediterranean, Showing Constantinople (Istanbul), Trebizond (Trabzon), Tiflis (Tbilisi), Sebastopol, Yalta, and Odessa; also with the Photographs of Madeira, Gibraltar, Algiers, Palermo, Nice, Genoa, and Contrexéville; titled: Margot Alice Postlewaite Views Taken on our Two Months Trip on the Prinzessin Victoria Luise. Leaving New York Wednesday, March 12th 1902. Ca. 1902.
Danford, Charles George (fl. 1870s-1890s). Collection of Twenty-Seven Original Watercolour Views of Dalmatia and Transylvania, Modern Croatia and Romania. Ca. 1870s.
Reade, Sir Thomas (1785-1849). Official Decree by the Bey of Tunis Appointing George William Crowe His Plenipotentiary in Order to Compile a Treaty of Friendship and Commerce with the City of Hamburg; With: Separate Document Containing the Italian Translation of the Decree Signed by Hassuna Morali, First Interpreter of the Court of Basha Bey of Tunis; Both Documents are Certified as Genuine by the British Consul General, Sir Thomas Reade (on verso of the leaf with the Italian text). Two documents, both Tunis, 1828.
Album of 173 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs Showing Greece, Including Athens (the Acropolis, Temple of Olympian Zeus, Church of Panagia Kapnikarea, Royal Palace, Kerameikos, Street Scenes), Sparta (Street Scenes), Meteora Monasteries, Temple of Hera Olympia, Temple of Apollo Delphi, Delos, Knossos; Turkey, Including Istanbul and Smyrna, etc. Ca. 1910-1912.
Album with Eight Original Albumen Photos Documenting the Svyatohirsk Lavra a Few Years before its Closure by the Soviet Authorities; with Rare Photos of the Now-Destroyed Arsenius Skete and the Holy Gate.; titled: Vidy Uspenskoy Svyatogorskoy Pustyni [Views of the Holy Mountains Pustyn of the Holy Dormition. Ca. early-1900s.
Gope, Bertha. Album of Thirty-Six Watercolour Sketches of North Wales, Including Bangor, Aber Village, Llanberis, Menai Bridge et al. 8 July – 2 September 1862.