Krusenstern, Adam Johann von (1770-1846); Tilesius, Wilhelm Gottlieb von Tilenau (1769-1857); Ukhtomsky, Andrei Grigorievich (1771-1852). Original Copper Engraving from the Famous "Atlas k Puteshestviiu Vokrug Sveta Kapitana Krusensterna" (Atlas to the Circumnavigation of Captain Krusenstern), Titled: Tab. XXVIII. Grobnitsa Kapitana Klerka v Petropavlovske. Captain Clerkes Grabmal im Hafen St. Peter und Paul [Captain Clerkes’ Tomb in Petropavlovsk]. [Saint Petersburg]: [Morskaya Typ.], [1813].
Album with 130 Original Photos of the 1939-1940 Soviet Oil Exploration Expedition to Nordvik Bay, Showing the Expedition Base Camp (General View, Bathhouse, etc.), Construction Works (Rotor No 2), Team Members (Including the Compiler and his Wife), Equipment (Boiler Room, Rotor Drilling Rig, Oil Drilling Rigs, etc.), and Infrastructure (Meteorological Station, Tankette, etc.); also, with the Photos of a Local Fire, Funeral of Deceased Explorers, Rallies, and Native Yakuts; titled: Alʹbom dlya malyuvannya [Album for Drawing]. Ca. 1939-1940.
Puteshestvie Flota Kapitana Sarycheva po Severovostochnoi Chasti Sibiri, Ledovitomu Moriu i Vostochnomu Okeanu, v Prodolzheniye Osmi Let, pri Geograficheskoi i Astronomicheskoi Morskoi Ekspeditsii, byvshey pod Nachalstvom Flota Kapitana Billingsa, s 1785 po 1793 god. Chast’ I... Chast' II. [Voyage of Fleet Captain Sarychev across the Northeastern Part of Siberia, the Icy Sea and the Eastern Ocean, for Eight Years, during Geographical and Astronomical Maritime Expedition under the Command of Fleet Captain Billings, from 1785 to 1793. Part I… Part II]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of [Johann Carl] Schnoor, 1802.
Barsukov, I.P. Innokentii, Mitropolit Moskovsky i Kolomensky po Yego Sochineniyam, Pismam i Rasskazam Sovremennikov [i.e. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, His Works, Letters and Stories of Him by His Contemporaries]. Moscow: Typ. of the Holy Synod, 1883.
[Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilyevich] (1711-1765). Sochinenie Lomonosova. Izdano ot Gidrograficheskago Departamenta Morskago Ministerstva. Kratkoe Opisanie Raznikh Puteshestvii po Severnim Moryam… [Lomonosov’s Work. Published by the Hydrographical Department of the Naval Ministry. A Brief Description of Various Voyages in the Northern Seas and Indication of a Possible Passage via the Siberian Ocean to the East Indies]. Saint Petersburg: Morskaya [Naval] Typ., 1847.
Proekt Lomonosova i ekspeditsiya Chichagova; [and:] Kratkoe opisanie raznikh puteshestvii po severnim moryam… [i.e. Lomonosov’s Project and Chichagov’s Expedition; with: A Brief Description of Various Voyages in the Northern Seas and Indication of a Possible Passage via the Siberian Ocean to the East Indies/ Published by the Hydrographical Department of the Naval Ministry. St. Petersburg: Morskaya Typ. 1854.
Borzhimskii/Borzhimsky, Fedor Kondratievich (1883-1919?). Kratkoe Istoriko-Geograficheskoe i Statisticheskoe Opisanie Khulunbuirskoi Oblasti// Izvestiia Vostochno-Sibirskogo Otdela Imperatorskogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva. Tom XLIV. [A Brief Historical, Geographical and Statistical Description of the Hulunbuir Region// Proceedings of the Eastern-Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society]. Vol. XLIV. Pp. 1-38. Irkutsk: Typ. Tovarischestva Pechatnogo Dela, 1915.
Fritsche, Hermann (1839-1913). Astronomicheskie, Magnitnie i Gipsometricheskie Nabliudeniia, Proizvedennie v 59 Punktakh na Puti ot Pekina, cherez Mongoliiu, Nerchinskii Zavod, Irkutsk, Barnaul, Yekateriburg i Perm v S.-Petersburg [Astronomical, Magnetic and Hypsometric Observations Executed in 59 Points on the Way From Peking, through Mongolia, Nerchinsk, Irkutsk, Barnaul, Yekaterinburg and Perm to Saint Petersburg]. In: Zapiski Imperatorskogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obschestva po Obschei Geografii [Bulletins of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society on the Geography in General]. Saint Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, Typ. of V. Bezobrazov & Co., 1875
Makarenko, Alexei Alexeevich (1860-1942). Sibirskii Narodnii Kalendar v Etnograficheskom Otnoshenii. Vostochnaia Sibir. Eniseiskaia Gubernia [Siberian Folk Calendar in Ethnographical Prospective. Eastern Siberia. Yenisei Province]. Published as vol. 36 of "Zapiski Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obschestva po Otdeleniiu Etnografii" (The Proceedings of the Ethnographical Department of Russian Geographical Society /ed. By A.S. Ermolov). Saint Petersburg: State Typography, 1913.
Collection of Forty Original Photos from the 1908-1910 Ryabushinsky Expedition to Kamchatka, Showing the Expedition Members Conducting Experiments, Bathing in Thermal Springs, Driving Dog Sleds, Resting by their Yurt, Posing at a Winter Base, etc.; also with the Photos of Local Villages (Milkovo, Sharomi, Pushchino, Ganaly, Klyuch), Mountains (Mishennaya Sopka), Rivers (Ozernaya, Kamchatka, Kroda-Kyg, Andrianovka), Ranges (Valaginsky, Karakuli), etc. 1908-1910.
Collection of Eighteen Loose Original Gelatin Silver Photographs and Two Real Photo Postcards Taken and Collected during the Czechoslovak Legion’s Revolt against the Bolsheviks in Siberia and Russian Far East in the 1910s-1920s, Showing the Legion’s Defense of the Krasnoyarsk Bridge, Soldiers Posing at the Site of a Train Collision in Yekaterinburg, Czech Militaries and Hussites Celebrating the Overthrow of the Soviet Power, Soldiers Awaiting the Evacuation from Vladivostok, etc.; also, with a Photo of the Destroyed Ononsky Bridge in Manchuria in 1918. Ca. 1917-1929.
Rodevich, Vsevolod Mikhailovich (1878-1942). Ocherk Uriankhaiskogo Kraya (Mongolskogo Basseina Reki Eniseya)/ Materialy dlya Opisaniya Russkikh Rek i Istorii Uluchsheniya ikh Sudokhodnykh Uslovii. Vyp. XXIV. Izdaniye Upravleniya Vnutrennikh Vodnykh Putey i Shosseynykh Dorog (po Otdely Vodyanykh Soobscheniy). [Description of the Uriankhai Region (Mongolian Basin of the Yenisei River)/ Materials for the Description of the Russian Rivers and the History of Enhancing the Navigation Along Them. Vol. XXIV. Issued by the Administration of the Internal Waterways and Highways]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of the Ministry of Transport (Kushnerev & Co.), 1910.
[Far Eastern Hunting] Zapiski okhotnika Vostochnoi Sibiri (1856-1863), Zaklyuchayushchie v sebe: nekotorye zamechaniya, kasayushchiyesya sobstvenno tekhnicheskoy chasti okhoty... [i.e. Notes of a Hunter from Eastern Siberia (1856-1863), Including: Some Notes Regarding the Technical Part of Hunting; Description of Different Animals Inhabiting the Spanless Forests and Steppes of Eastern Siberia, and Methods of Hunting in All Possible Ways, with the Demonstration of the Hunting Devices, and Some Notes on Siberian Nature and Siberian Hunters, their Everyday Life, Superstitions and Habits]. St. Petersburg: S.V. Zvonaryov, 1867.
[Semivsky/Semivskii, Nikolai Vasilyevich, 1767-1816] (Vice-Governor of the Irkutsk Province), [Losev, Ivan Antonovich] (artist). Noveyshie, Lyubopytnye i Dostovernye Povestvovaniya o Vostochnoi Sibiri, iz Chego Mnogoe Donyne ne Bylo Vsem Izvestno [The Newest, Curious and Reliable Narrations about Eastern Siberia Mostly Unknown to the Public Before]. Saint Petersburg: Military Typography of His Imperial Majesty’s General Staff, 1817.
Müller, Gerhard Friedrich (1705-1783). Opisanie Sibirskogo Tsarstva i Vsekh Proizshedshikh v Nem Del on Nachala, a Osoblivo ot Pokoreniya Yego Rossiiskoi Derzhave po Sii Vremena; Sochineno Gerardom Friderikom Millerom, Istoriografom i Professorom Universiteta Akademii Nauk i Sotsieteta Aglinskago Chlenom [Description of the Siberian Kingdom and All Affairs That Took Place there from the Beginning, and Especially from its Conquest by the Russian State until These Times; Created by Gerard Friderik Miller, Historiographer and Professor of the University of the Academy of Sciences and a Member of the English Society]. Saint Petersburg: Imp. Academy of Sciences, 1787.
Shcurovskii, Grigorii Efimovich (1803-1884). Geologicheskoe Puteshestvie po Altaiiu, s Istoricheskimi Svedeniiami o Kolyvano-Voskresenskikh Zavodakh [A Geological Travel through the Altai with Historical Information about the Kolyvano-Voskresensk Metallurgical Factories]. Moscow: University Typ., 1846.
[Nil/ Isakovich, Nikolay Fedorovich, archbishop] (1799-1874). Buddizm, Rassmatrivayemyi v Otnoshenii k Posledovateliam Yego, Obitayushchim v Sibiri [Buddhism, Interpreted in Relation to Its Followers Living in Siberia]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of Grigory Trusov, 1858.
Mesiatsoslov s Rospisju Chinovnykh Osob v Gosudarstve, na Leto ot Rozhdestva Christova 1802 [Calendar for the Year 1802 after the Birth of Christ, with an Annotated List of all State Officials]. Saint Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, [1801].
Historically Significant Album with 100 Original Gelatin Silver Amateur Photographs, Documenting Construction of Cast Iron Metallurgical Factories on the Vishera River and Its Tributaries (Kama River Basin, Eastern Urals), belonging to the French-Owned Volga-Vishera Mining and Metallurgical Joint-Stock Company or Société Minière et Métallurgique Volga-Vichéra, Titled: Vizhaika – Kutim, Vels – Chuvalsk. Reka Vishera i Zavody Obschestva “Volga-Vishera.” Vyaika – Koutime. Velce – Tchouvalsk. La Vichéra et les Usines de la Société «Volga-Vishera». Ca. 1890s – early 1900s.
Mainov/ Maynov, Ivan Ivanovich (1861-1936). Russkiye Krestyane i Osyodlye Inorodtsy Yakutskoy Oblasti/ Zapiski Imperatorskogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva po Otdeleniyu Statistiki. Tom XII, Izdanny pod Redaktsiyey d. chl. V.V. Morachevskogo [Russian Peasants and Sedentary Indigenous People of the Yakutsk Province/ Proceedings of the Russian Imperial Geographical Society. Statistics Department / Vol. XII. Ed. by V.V. Morachevsky]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of V.F. Kirshbaum, 1912.