Collection of Two Albums with 248 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs and 144 Real Photo Postcards Showing Japan, Including Tokyo (Ōmori, Ueno Park, Tsukiji, Street Scenes, Portraits of Locals), Hakone Hot Springs, Karuizawa, Mt. Asama, Gotemba, Shrines and Temples, Countryside Views, Portraits of Geisha, etc. Ca. 1919-1920.
[Golovnin, V.M.]. Zapiski Vasiliia Mikhailovicha Golovnina v Plenu u Yapontsev d 1811, 1812 i 1813 Godakh, i Zhizneopisanie Avtora [i.e. Notes of V.M. Golovnin [made] in Japanese Captivity in 1811, 1812 and 1813, and the Biography of the Author]. St. Petersburg: Typ. Of N. Grech, 1851.
A Beautiful Keepsake Album with 75 Original Amateur Platinum Photographs of Japan, Showing Temples and Shrines, Torii Gate of the Itsukushima Shrine, Mount Fuji, Busy City Streets, Exterior and Interior of a Guesthouse, a Residence with a Waving French Flag, Japanese Villages, Countryside, People in Traditional Dress, Titled: Vues du Japon prises de 1905 à 1907. Ca. 1905-1907.
[Golovnin, Vasily Mikhailovich] (1776-1831). Zapiski Flota Kapitana Golovnina o Prikliucheniyakh Yego v Plenu u Yapontsev v 1811, 1812 i 1813 Godakh. S Priobshcheniyem Zamechaniy Yego o Yaponskom Gosudarstve i Narode [Notes of Fleet Captain Golovnin About his Adventures in Japanese Captivity in 1811, 1812 and 1813. With the Supplement of His Notes about Japanese State and People]. St. Petersburg: Naval Typ., 1816.
Oyamada, Tomokiyo (1783-1847). [Japanese Woodblock Printed Travel Book of a Journey from Edo (Tokyo) to Soma, in the Kanto Region Titled:] Soma Nikki. Edo: Iseya Tadaemon; Kadomaruya Jinsuke, Bunsei 1 [1818].
Album of 143 Studio and Original Snapshot Gelatin Silver Photographs Showing US Military Bases in Japan (East Fuji Maneuver Area, Camp Sakai, Shinodayama), Kyoto (Yasaka Pagoda, Nijō Castle, Shrines), Kobe, Osaka, etc. During the Allied Occupation of Japan. Ca. 1949-52.
Attractive Lacquered Album with 112 Original Photographs of Japan, China, Singapore, Samoa, and Hawaii, Including Interesting Images of Nikko Temples and Processions, Tea Houses, Villages and Hotels around Lake Hakone, Streets of Tokyo, and Nara, Panoramas of Penang and Hong Kong, Scenes of Execution in Canton, Portraits of “Maoris” and Samoans, etc., Titled: Around the World, 1900. 20 March - 31 August 1900.
Presentation copy: Album with 33 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs, Titled: Phographs [Sic!] of Japan Raw Silk. 1937. Presented to Dr. Paul Monroe by the Central Raw Silk Association of Japan. Ca. 1937.
Krusenstern, Adam Johann von (1770-1846) & Tilesius, Wilhelm Gottlieb von Tilenau (1769-1857). Large Copper Engraving from the Famous Atlas of Captain Krusenstern’s First Russian Circumnavigation, Titled: Sudno Printsa Chingodzina, na Kotorom Rossiysky Poslannik Poyekhal s Korablya na Bereg. Das Fahrzeug auf welchem der Russische Gesandte zuerst in Nangasaki ans Land fuhr [The Boat of Prince Tschingodzin on Which the Russian Ambassador Travelled Ashore from the Ship]. [Saint Petersburg]: [Morskaya Typ.], [1813].
[Taylor, R., Attributed to]. Album with Forty-One Gelatin Silver Photographs Taken by a Private of the 9th Marine Regiment of the US Marine Corps During the Mass Ascent of Mountain Fuji. 1957.
Historically Significant Album with 132 Original Gelatin Silver Amateur and Studio Photographs, Taken and Collected by a Serviceman of the Yokohama Headquarters of the Eighth U.S. Army, Showing U.S. Military Camp and Headquarters in Yokohama, the Compiler and His Fellow Servicemen, Japanese People and Girls in Western Clothes, Streets and Sites of Yokohama and Tokyo, Scenes of Atomic Destruction in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, &c.; With: An Original Blue Cloth "Air Police" Armband. Ca. 1945 – late 1940s.
Ichiryusai, Yoshitoyo. Coloured Oban ‘Ukiyo-e’ Woodblock Print Showing an American Sailor Smoking a Pipe, a Servant and a Young Japanese Courtesan, Titled:] America jin Yuriya no Zu [i.e. American in a Brothel. Yokohama, Kikuya Ichibei, ca. 1860s.
Schrenck, Leopold von (1826-1894). Ocherk Fizisheskoi Geografii Severo-Iaponskogo Moria. Prilozhenie k XVI-mu tomu Zapisok Imp. Akademii Nauk. No. 3 [A Sketch of Physical Geography of Northern Sea of Japan. Supplement to Vol. XVI of the Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. No. 3]. St. Petersburg: Typ. of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1869.
Bond, Frances Eileen Berkswell. Album with over a Hundred Original Photographs Compiled During Two Cruises: a 1931-1932 World Cruise on RMS “Empress of Britain” Showing Jerusalem, Cairo, Bombay, Colombo, Batavia, Bangkok, Beijing, the Great Wall of China, Japan, Hawaii, Panama Canal, and others; and a 1934 Cruise around the Caribbean, Showing Nassau, Jamaica, Colon in Panama, Cartagena, La Guaira in Venezuela, Trinidad, Barbados and others; Titled: World Cruise. From Monaco to Southampton. December 15th 1931 – April 16th 1932. Q.S.T.S. “Empress of Britain;” Cruise to the West Indies. From Southampton to Southampton. January 27th – March 8th 1934. R.M.S. “Homeric.” 1931-1934.