Arnoux, Hippolyte (active ca. 1860 - ca. 1890); Zangaki, Adelphoi (active 1870s–1890s). Album with Sixteen Original Albumen Studio Photograph Views of Port Said, Suez Canal, and Aden. Ca. 1870s.
Zangaki brothers (fl. ca. 1880s-1890s); Beato, Antonio (-1906); Arnoux, Hippolyte (fl. ca.1860s-1900); Maison Bonfils (fl. ca. 1860s-1939); Sebah, Jean (1872-1947); Maison Fiorillo (fl. ca. 1870s-1915). Album of 74 Albumen Studio Photographs of Egyptian Cities (Cairo, Luxor, Alexandria, Tell el-Kebir), the Suez Canal (Suez, Port Said, Construction of the Canal, Suez Company Offices), Portraits of Locals (Nubians, Merchants, Vendors, Street Scenes, etc.), and Ancient Sites (Pyramids of Giza, Karnak Temple, Philae Temple Complex). Ca. 1880s-1890s.
Rafalovich, Artemy Alexeevich (1816-1851). Puteshestvie po Nizhnemu Yegiptu i Vnutrennim Oblastiam Delty [Travel to Lower Egypt and the Inner Regions of the Delta]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of Yakov Trey, 1850.
Hammerschmidt, Wilhelm (ca. 1830 - d. 1869), Maison Bonfils (1867-1909), and others. Album with Twenty-One Original Albumen Photos of the Ancient Temples of Egypt (Djoser Pyramid in Saqqara, Temples in Dendera, Karnak, Luxor, Abu Simbel, Philae Island), Nile’s First Cataract, Tombs of the Califs and Sultan Hassan Mosque in Cairo, the Bacchus Temple in Baalbec, Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, the Valley of Josaphat, and others, Titled: Documents Archéologiques sur la Egypte. Nubie. Syrie. P. Verdier de Latour, 1875. Ca. 1870s.
Collection of Twenty Early Original Albumen Stereoview Photographs of Egypt, Showing Cairo, Ancient Egyptian Temples and Sites along the Nile and Suez Canal Under Construction. Ca. 1860s.
Pietschmann, Richard (1851-1923). Autograph Letter Signed “Richard” to a German Historian Eduard Meyer; With: a Printed Obituary of Wilhelm Spitta (Director of the Khedival Library in Cairo), Authored and Inscribed by Meyer. Breslau, 2 April, 1884.
Zangaki Brothers (ca. 1880s-1890s); Sébah, Johannes Pascal (1872-1947); Sébah, Pascal (1823-1886); Beato, Antonio (-1906); Schroeder & Cie (active ca. 1870s-1890s); Béchard, H. (active ca. 1870s-1880s); & others. Album of 78 Albumen Studio Photographs of Ancient Egyptian Temples and Their Bas-Reliefs. Ca. 1890s.
Hammerschmidt, Wilhelm (ca. 1830 - d. 1869); Désiré, Ermé (fl. ca. 1864-1885); Royer & Aufiére (fl. ca. 1860s), Délié, Hippolyte (fl ca. 1860-1880s), De Michele, Luigi/Fotografia Egiziana (fl. ca. 1850-1890), Neurdein, Étienne (fl. ca. 1870s-1900s), Deplanque, Jules, & Others. Album of Sixty Early Original Carte-de-visite Albumen Photographs of Egypt - Mostly Portraits of the Locals (Water Carriers, Musicians, “Bedouins from Giza,” Camel, Oxen and Donkey Riders, Sellers of Oranges or Sugar Canes, a Beggar, a Barber and His Client, a “Tobacco Cutter,” lsmail Pasha, Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt, Arab and Nubian Women with Water Jugs, Smoking Hookah, Posing in Traditional Dress, with Covered Faces, and Others), Also Views of Cairo (Muhammad Ali Mosque, Mosque of Qani-Bay, “Houses of Copts,” &c.), Suez Canal, Pompey’s Pillar, &c. Ca. 1860s.-1880s.
Zangaki Brothers (ca. 1880s-1890s); Beato, Antonio (-1906); Maison Bonfils (1867-1939); Sébah, Pascal (1823-1886); Sébah, Johannes Pascal (1872-1947); Arnoux, Hippolyte (active ca. 1860s-1900); Lékegian, G. (active ca. 1887-1925); Fiorillo, Luigi (active ca. 1870s-1890); Maison Garrigues (active ca. 1870s-1911); Neurdien Fréres (active ca. 1870s-); Perdis, P. (active ca. 1890s-1905); & others. Album of 139 Albumen Studio Photographs of Egyptian Cities (Cairo, Alexandria, Port Said), the Suez Canal, and Egyptian Temples (Philae, Dendera, Luxor, Karnak, Wadi es-Sabua, Edfu), etc. Ca. 1870s-1890s.
Unsigned Watercolour View of the Town and Harbour of Alexandria with Pompey's Pillar and the Attarine Mosque in the Foreground, Titled: Alexandria, Egypt. Ca. 1870.
Collection of Sixty-Nine Early Original Albumen Stereoview Photographs of Egypt, Showing the Alexandria Waterworks and Kom Ad Dikah Neighbourhood, Almost Certainly Taken by European Associates of the Waterworks and Their Servants, Views of Cairo, and Ancient Egyptian Temples and Sites along the Nile. 1863-4.
Gentz, Wilhelm and Ismael, Mueller, Leopold and Welsch, Charles. Collection of Nine Original Drawings by Wilhelm and Ismael Gentz, Leopold Mueller, and Charles Welsch, Used as Prototypes for Illustrations in Georg Ebers’ Encyclopaedic Work “Aegypten in Bild und Wort (Stuttgart & Leipzig 1879-80);” [Egypt: Descriptive, Historical, and Picturesque] [With]: Complete Sets of both the First German and the First English Editions of the Book. Ca. 1870s.
Album with 56 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs Taken by a Passenger of the SS “City of Cairo”, Showing Nubian and Sudanese Cities and Villages along the White Nile, from Ibrim to Kosti, Including Khartoum, Omdurman, Wad-Alzaky, Ad Douiem and Others; Several Views of the Blue Nile, and a Three-Part Panorama of Port Said. 1924-6.
Greene, Captain Dominick Sarsfield (1826-1892), Royal Artillery and Aide-de-Camp. Original Mounted Watercolour Titled in Pencil on Verso: "Port Said." Ca. 1857.
Hammerschmidt, Wilhelm (ca. 1830 - d. 1869); Van Lennep, Henry John (1815-1889). Album from the Collection of Noted American Christian Missionary, Writer and Artist Henry John Van Lennep, with Thirty Original Albumen Photographs of Beirut, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Damascus, Baalbek, and Ancient Sites of Egypt - the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx of Giza, Pompey’s Pillar and Cleopatra’s Needle in Alexandria, Karnak, Luxor, Ramesseum Temples, and the Philae Island Complex]
Ca. 1869.
Album with Thirty-Seven Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of an Early Cruise from New York to the Mediterranean, Showing the Holy Land (Jerusalem, Tiberias, Nazareth), Egypt (Cairo, Giza), Algiere (Algiers), Greece (Athens), Portugal (Lisbon), Spain (Seville), Italy (Venice, Rome), Gibraltar, and Monte Carlo; titled: Photographs. 1926.
Castéra, Jean Henri (1749-1838) & Argyropolous Iakovos [transl.] (1776-1850). İcmal-i eva'il-i ahval-i devlet-i Rusiya [or] Katerina Tarihi [General Overview of the History of the Russian Empire [or] The History of Catherine]. Cairo: Bulaq Typ., 1246 H. [1830].
[Gordon, Charles George CB] (1833-1885); Watson, Charles Moore, Lt., RE (1844-1916). Collection of Three Original Autograph Letters and a Manuscript Map by the Governor of Equatoria Charles Gordon during his White Nile Expedition of 1874-1876 and Reporting on His Steaming up the River from the Mouth of the Sobat River to Gondokoro; WITH: Three Original Autograph Signed Letters by Gordon’s Subordinate Lt. Watson, also Written during the Expedition. Gordon’s manuscripts: Three original autograph letters signed and addressed to Col. Nugent. Saubat, 21 August 1874; Entrance Bahr el Abiad from Bahr Gazal, 25 August 1874; Bahr el Abiad, 26 August – [8 September] [1874].