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Search results: Central Asia
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$ 525.00
Bonvalot, Pierre Gabriel Édouard (1853-1933). Autograph Note Signed ‘G. Bonvalot’ to André Liesse, with the Original Envelope with Postal Stamps. Lyon, 20 February 1896.
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$ 525.00
Hanway, Jonas, Sir, 1st baronet (1712-1786). Victualling Board Document Signed by Jonas Hanway, Joah Bates and John Slade, ordering a payment to William Wilkinson, owner of the Three Sisters Victualler, which had been chartered 27 December 1779 ‘to carry Provisions for the use of His Majesty’s Ships on the West Indies’. London: Victualling Office, 15 November 1780.
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$ 3750.00
[Ezra, Alfred] (1872-1955). Album with 78 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of Mostly Central Asia, Taken During an Overland Travel from India to England and Showing Srinagar (Khanqah-e-Moula Mosque, Hindu Raghunath Temple, Sher Garhi Palace), Kashgar (Afaq Khoja Mausoleum), Fort Verny (Almaty), Pamir Mountains, Scenes of the Party Crossing Mountains and Rivers, Portraits of Central Asian Tribesmen, a Chinese Elder, Criminals with Their Heads Locked in Pillories, Street and Market Scenes, &c. Ca. 1904.
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$ 375.00
Hedin, Sven Anders 1865-1952. A Signed Photo Postcard of Hedin. Stockholm: Paul Heckscher, ca. 1910.
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Ehrmann, Theophil Friedrich (1762-1811). Beitraege zur Laender und Staadenkunde der Tartarei. Aus Russischen Berichten. Mit Einer Einleitung. Nebst Einer Neuberichtigten Charte von dem Kirgisenlande [Contributions to the Geographical Information about Tartary. From Russian reports. With a Corrected Map of the Lands of Kirghizes]. Weimar: F.G. Privil. Landes Industrie Comptoirs, 1804.
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Przhevalsky, Nikolay Mikhailovich (1839-1888). Tretye Puteshestviye v Tsentralnoi Azii Iz Zaysana cherez Khami v Tibet i na Verknovya Zheltoy Reki [Third Travel in Central Asia from Zaysan through Hami to Tibet and the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River/ Edition of the Russian Geographical Society]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of V.S. Balashev, 1883.
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[Panov, Ivan Nikolayevch] & Others. Collection of Thirty-Eight Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of Soviet Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, Showing Ashgabat before the 1948 Earthquake, the Ruins of Merv, Tashkent, Andijan, Bukhara, Przhevalsk, Koisara Resort on Lake Issyk-Kul, Portraits of Local Carpet Sellers, Families, Baloch People, &c. Ca. 1928-1930 (with several later imprints, possibly made in the 1950s).
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$ 3750.00
Kostenkov, Kapiton Ivanovich (1792-1883). [ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATED PUBLISHER’S WRAPPER PRESERVED:] Istoricheskiye i Statisticheskiye Svedenia o Kalmykakh, Kochuyushchikh v Astrakhanskoi Gubernii. S Kartoyu Kalmutskoy Stepi. Sostavil Glavny Popiechitel Kalmytskogo Naroda General-Mayor K. Kostenkov/ [Izdaniye Ministerstva Gosudarstvennykh Imushchestv] [Historical and Statistical Intelligence about Kalmyks, Roaming in the Astrakhan Province. With a Map of the Kalmyk Steppe. Compiled by the Chief Trustee of the Kalmyk People Mayor General K. Kostenkov/ Published by the Ministry of State Properties]. St. Petersburg: Typ. of V. Nusvalt; title page and map – in the lith. of N. Glybov, 1870.
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$ 2500.00
[Pazukhin, Boris Andreievich] (d. 1679) & [Pazukhin, Semen Ivanovich]. Nakaz Borisu Andreievichu i Semenu Ivanovichu Pazukhinym na Posolstvo v Bukharu, Baklh i Urgench, dlia Vykupa Russkikh Plennykh, s Prilozheniem k Nakazu Stateinogo Spiska o Sovershenii Pazukhinymi Posolstva. 1669-1673. Izdano pod Redaktsiei Chlena Arkheograficheskoi Kommissii Askalona Truvorova [Instruction to Boris Andreievich and Semen Ivanovich Pazukhin for their Embassy to Bukhara, Balkh and Urgench for the Ransom of Russian Captives, with the Addition of the Report of Pazukhins’ Embassy. 1669-1673. Published under the Supervision of a Member of the Archaeographic Commission Askalon Truvorov]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of V.S. Balashev, 1894.
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$ 5250.00
Przhevalsky, Nikolay Mikhailovich (1839-1888). Mongoliya i Strana Tangutov: Trekhletneye Puteshestvie v Vostochnoi Nagornoi Azii [Mongolia, The Tangut Country, and the Solitudes of Northern Tibet, Being a Narrative of Three Years’ Travel in Eastern High Asia, by N. Przhevalsky of the Russian Staff Corps, Member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society/ Edition of the Russian Geographical Society. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of V.S. Balashev, 1875.
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$ 2250.00
[Rare Early Drawings of Soviet Turkmenistan] Collection of Twenty-One Pencil Drawings of Ashgabat and Merv in Soviet Turkmenistan. September 1928.
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Collection of Fourteen Real Photo Postcards and One Gelatin Silver Photo of the Old Town of Bukhara in the Early Soviet Era. Ca. 1930s.
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[Great Game: Khanate of Kokand] Nazarov, F.M. Zapiski o nekotorykh narodakh i zemliakh srednei chasti Azii Filippa Nazarova, otdel’nogo Sibirskogo korpusa perevodchika, posylannogo v Kokant v 1813 i 1814 godakh [i.e. Notes on People and Lands in the Central Part of Asia by Filipp Nazarov, a Translator of the Special Siberian Corps Who was sent to Kokand in 1813 and 1814]. St. Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1821.
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