Butler, Charles M. (ca. 1866 – after 1930); [Hopkins, William A.] (ca. 1862-1951). Collection of Three Original Autograph Letters Signed to His Friend William Hopkins from Watsonville, CA, Talking about His Gold Mining on the Sunset Creek near Nome, the Success of the “Pioneer Mining Co.” on the Metson Bench and of Other Miners on the Ophir Creek, the Creation of a New Gold Mining Camp on the Iditarod River, and that “it is the hardest time I ever saw in Nome”. Nome, Alaska, 20 June 1909, 28 October 1909, 10 March 1910.
Ennis, R.C.? Album of 180 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of Dutch Harbor (Unalaska), Sand Point (Popof Island) and Unga Village on Unga Island (a Ghost Town Since 1969), Taken and Collected by an American Resident During WW2. Ca. 1940-1944.
Tembreull, Christine Erma (1895-1961), attributed to. Album with 114 Original Gelatin Silver Photos Taken During a Cruise to Alaska in 1938 and Showing Metlakatla, Ketchikan, Wrangell, Petersburg, Sitka, Skagway, Letnikof Cove, Haines Barracks, Famous Skagway Tour Guide Martin Itjen, Indigenous People, Filipino Steerage Passengers, American Military men from Haines Barracks, Cruiseship Passengers and Captain, & c. 1938.
Dodge, William S. A Historically Important, One of the Earliest Manuscript Liquor Licenses Signed by the First Mayor of Sitka and Alaska Pioneer, William S. Dodge, Just a Year After the US Purchased Alaska from Russia and Only a Few Months before the Act of Congress of 27 July 1868 Prohibited the Sale and Import of Alcohol to the Inhabitants of the Territory. Sitka, 07 March 1868.
Album with 39 Early Original Gelatin Photographs of Fairbanks, Showing St. Matthew’s Church and Hospital, the Launch of the “Koyukuk” River Steamer, City Streets, Interior of a Building Decorated for the “Floral Ball,” Firefighters and their Horse-Driven Cart, “Fireman Cook” with Pet Bears, Pioneer J. [Schuster?], “Sale Cup” of the Fairbanks Gun Club, &c. Ca. 1900s – 1920
[“Wadhams & Co”] (1865-1905). Collection of Three Manuscript and Two Typewritten Official Autograph Letters Signed to the Offices of the “Wadhams & Co.” in Portland and San Francisco, Regarding the Shipments of Deer, Hair Seal and Wolf Skins from Howkan and Loring (Alaska) and by Transit from Port Townsend (Washington). Loring, 4 May 1889; Howcan [sic!], 5 March and 26 April, 1890; San Francisco, 30 April and June 13 1890.
Kennedy, W. W. Original Autograph Letter Written on Printed Letterhead of the Juneau’s “Circle City Hotel” by an Alaskan Gold Miner, with Notes about Hard Living and Working in Juneau in Winter.
Juneau, Alaska: 11 January 1899.
George, T.H. Original Autograph Manuscript Letter Written by a Juneau Pioneer “T. H. George” and Addressed to “Friend Easton,” Talking about the Resumption of Mining Operations and the Construction of a New Mill in the Silver Bow District; also with Notes about an Early Local Mining Company “Hayward & Lane”. Juneau, Alaska: 26 February 1895.
Helsel Photo (fl. ca. 1940s); Ordway Photo (fl. ca. 1930s). Album of 123 Gelatin Silver Photographs Showing Naval Air Base Kodiak (Planes on Tarmac and in Hangar, Control Room and USO Show Audience in Base Theatres, Building Exteriors, Portraits of Sailors), Kodiak (Local Businesses, the Harbour, etc.), and Landscapes of Surroundings. Ca. 1940s.
Lascy, Albert (ca. 1827-1917). Collection of Two Extensive Autograph Letters Signed by Gold Miner and Surveyor Albert Lascy, Giving a Detailed Account of His Gold Exploration near Karluk, Uyak and Uganik Bays on the Northern Kodiak Island. 1893.
Album with 229 Original Gelatin Silver Snapshot Photographs, Showing Nome (Sheldon Hotel, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Front Street, Golden Gate Hotel, &c.), Dutch Harbor (Facilities of the “North American Commercial Co.,” Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Ascension, Iliuliuk Bay), Likely Kotzebue Sound, Gold Miners Panning, Dredging and Digging, Canoeing, Dog Sledding, Posing next to Their Tents, on Board a Steamship, Native Alaskans, “Wisconsin” Gold Dredge, &c. Ca. 1898-1903.
Smith, W[illiam] D. [Collection of Three Original Autograph Letters Signed by W.D. Smith, Owner of the “Shumagin Packing Company” in the Chignik Bay (Alaska Peninsula), Addressed to His Agents in San Francisco and Discussing Financial Operations and Shipping of Supplies and Canned Salmon. 1889.
Barsukov, I.P. Innokentii, Mitropolit Moskovsky i Kolomensky po Yego Sochineniyam, Pismam i Rasskazam Sovremennikov [i.e. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, His Works, Letters and Stories of Him by His Contemporaries]. Moscow: Typ. of the Holy Synod, 1883.
Barrow, John, Sir, 1st Baronet (1764-1848). Autograph Letter Signed "John Barrow" to "Mr. James Mayning, Boatswain, HSM Talavera, Gibraltar" Informing Him About His Promotion. Letter: Admiralty, 8 March 1838.
Barrow, John, Sir, 1st Baronet (1764-1848). Official Letter on the form of the Admiralty Signed "John Barrow" to "Sir G. Hammond, Bt., KCB" with the Latest Instructions about the Naval Armament. Admiralty: 9 December 1834.
Back, George (1796-1878). Autograph Letter Signed “Geo Back,” to “Webster, Esq.” asking him “when you correct the list of Members, will you add to my name, instead of Captain, Rear Admiral, DCL. FRS”. [London]: 109 Gloucester Place, Portman Square, 2 April 1857.
Parry, Sir William Edward (1790-1855). A Collection of Two Autograph Letters Signed "W. Parry"; With Two Engraved Portraits of William Parry: Sir Captn. W.E. Parry, R.N. Letters: 1) Mattishall, 17 April 1835.
Interesting Album with 53 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of Iceland, Showing Natural Sites, Kaldadal Highland Road, Bridges, and Smaller Communities around the Island. Ca. 1938
Proekt Lomonosova i ekspeditsiya Chichagova; [and:] Kratkoe opisanie raznikh puteshestvii po severnim moryam… [i.e. Lomonosov’s Project and Chichagov’s Expedition; with: A Brief Description of Various Voyages in the Northern Seas and Indication of a Possible Passage via the Siberian Ocean to the East Indies/ Published by the Hydrographical Department of the Naval Ministry. St. Petersburg: Morskaya Typ. 1854.
Litke, Fedor Petrovich /Luetke, Friedrich von (1797-1882). Chetyriekratnoye Puteshestviye v Severnyi Ledovityi Okean, Sovershennoye po Poveleniyu Imperatora Aleksandra I, na Voyennom Brige Novaya Zemlya v 1821, 1822, 1823 i 1824 godakh flota Kapitan-Leytenantom Fyodorom Litke. S Prisovokupleniyem Puteshestviy Leytenanta Demidova v Beloye Moye i Shturmana Ivanova na Reku Pechoru. Izdano po Vyshochayshemu Poveleniyu [Four Voyages to the Northern Icy Ocean, Executed on the Order of His Majesty Alexander I on the Naval Sloop Novaya Zemlya in 1821, 1822, 1823 and 1824 by Fleet Captain-Lieutenant Fyodor Luetke. With Addition of Voyages of Leiut. Demidov to the White Sea and Navigator Ivanov to the Pechora River. Published on the Highest Order]. Saint Petersburg: Morskaya [Naval] Typ., 1828.
Conway, Sir William Martin (1856-1937). Autograph Letter Signed “M. Conway” to Mr. Colles (Most Likely Literary Agent William Morris Colles (1865-1926) Regarding two Books Conway has ready "First Italian Renaissance" and one far advanced, "History of Spitsbergen". London, 13 Dec. 1901.