Arnoux, Hippolyte (active ca. 1860 - ca. 1890); Zangaki, Adelphoi (active 1870s–1890s). Album with Sixteen Original Albumen Studio Photograph Views of Port Said, Suez Canal, and Aden. Ca. 1870s.
Katrak, Sorab Kavasji Hormuzdyar (1892-1972). Through Amanullah’s Afghanistan: A Book of Travel. Karachi: D.N. Patel at the “Sind Observer” & Mercantile Steam Press Ltd., 1929.
Album of Five Indian School Watercolour, Ink and Pencil Portraits Signed “CP,” Showing the Traditional Dress of People and Leaders in the Kingdom of Caubul [Kabul] During the Durrani Dynasty (1747-1842) Perhaps used as the Original Archetype Illustrations for Montstuart Elphinstone's, 1815 Book:] “An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and its Dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India; comprising a view of the Afghaun Nation, and a history of the Doorauni Monarchy.” Ca. 1815.
Neurdein Frères (active ca. 1870s-1890s); Jouve, Noël (ca. 1880s-1910s) & Others. Album with 49 Original Albumen Studio Photos of Algeria, Showing Algiers, Oran, Tlemcen, Mers El Kebir, Mansoura, Constantine, Algerian People, French Colonial Residents and Catholic Missionaries, etc. Ca. 1880s-1890s.
Album with Fifty-Eight Early Original Albumen Photographs of French Algeria, Showing Algiers, Constantine, Bone, El Kantara, Katara Gorge, Roman Ruins in Timgad, Portraits of Native Algerians, Views of Smaller French Settlements and Country Houses, Algerian Villages etc. Ca. 1878.
Album of 450 Original and Studio Gelatin Silver and Platinum Photographs Showing French Troops in Algeria and Morocco During the Early Years of the Conquest of Morocco, Including Military Activity (Battle of Menabha, Oran Military Hospital, Reconnaissance, Reviews, and Camps), the Cities of Béchar (Algeria), Boudenib, Ain Chair, and Takoumit (Morocco), and Portraits and Snapshots of Indigenous Algerians and Moroccans. Ca. 1900s-1910s.
Helbert, Raymond Ferdinand Marie (1877-1972), colonel. Historically Significant Album of ca. 410 Gelatin Silver Photographs Taken by Raymond Helbert, a Lieutenant of the 4th Zouave Regiment, During His Service in Tunisia (1904-1906) and the Conquest of Morocco (1909-1911), Showing Sidi Abdallah (French Military Base in Bizerte), Zouave Barracks, a Series of “Manoeuvres” (Camps of the 4thZouaves, “Artillery in Position”), the Departure of General d’Amade, the “Méhalla des Grands Vizirs,” Moroccan Goumiers, Senegalese Tirailleurs, Helbert’s Legion d’Honneur Ceremonies, etc. Ca. 1904-1919, 1930-1933.
Gulbenkian, C.S. Transcaucasie et la peninsule D’Apchéron. Souvenirs de Voyage [i.e. Transcaucasia and the Apsheron Peninsula. Travel Memories]. Paris: Librarie Hachette et Cie, 1891.
Hanway, Jonas, Sir, 1st baronet (1712-1786). Victualling Board Document Signed by Jonas Hanway, Joah Bates and John Slade, ordering a payment to William Wilkinson, owner of the Three Sisters Victualler, which had been chartered 27 December 1779 ‘to carry Provisions for the use of His Majesty’s Ships on the West Indies’. London: Victualling Office, 15 November 1780.
Ehrmann, Theophil Friedrich (1762-1811). Beitraege zur Laender und Staadenkunde der Tartarei. Aus Russischen Berichten. Mit Einer Einleitung. Nebst Einer Neuberichtigten Charte von dem Kirgisenlande [Contributions to the Geographical Information about Tartary. From Russian reports. With a Corrected Map of the Lands of Kirghizes]. Weimar: F.G. Privil. Landes Industrie Comptoirs, 1804.
Przhevalsky, Nikolay Mikhailovich (1839-1888). Tretye Puteshestviye v Tsentralnoi Azii Iz Zaysana cherez Khami v Tibet i na Verknovya Zheltoy Reki [Third Travel in Central Asia from Zaysan through Hami to Tibet and the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River/ Edition of the Russian Geographical Society]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of V.S. Balashev, 1883.
Rafalovich, Artemy Alexeevich (1816-1851). Puteshestvie po Nizhnemu Yegiptu i Vnutrennim Oblastiam Delty [Travel to Lower Egypt and the Inner Regions of the Delta]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of Yakov Trey, 1850.
Zangaki Brothers (ca. 1880s-1890s); Beato, Antonio (-1906); Maison Bonfils (1867-1939); Sébah, Pascal (1823-1886); Sébah, Johannes Pascal (1872-1947); Arnoux, Hippolyte (active ca. 1860s-1900); Lékegian, G. (active ca. 1887-1925); Fiorillo, Luigi (active ca. 1870s-1890); Maison Garrigues (active ca. 1870s-1911); Neurdien Fréres (active ca. 1870s-); Perdis, P. (active ca. 1890s-1905); & others. Album of 139 Albumen Studio Photographs of Egyptian Cities (Cairo, Alexandria, Port Said), the Suez Canal, and Egyptian Temples (Philae, Dendera, Luxor, Karnak, Wadi es-Sabua, Edfu), etc. Ca. 1870s-1890s.
Hammerschmidt, Wilhelm (ca. 1830 - d. 1869), Maison Bonfils (1867-1909), and others. Album with Twenty-One Original Albumen Photos of the Ancient Temples of Egypt (Djoser Pyramid in Saqqara, Temples in Dendera, Karnak, Luxor, Abu Simbel, Philae Island), Nile’s First Cataract, Tombs of the Califs and Sultan Hassan Mosque in Cairo, the Bacchus Temple in Baalbec, Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, the Valley of Josaphat, and others, Titled: Documents Archéologiques sur la Egypte. Nubie. Syrie. P. Verdier de Latour, 1875. Ca. 1870s.
Hammerschmidt, Wilhelm (ca. 1830 - d. 1869); Désiré, Ermé (fl. ca. 1864-1885); Royer & Aufiére (fl. ca. 1860s), Délié, Hippolyte (fl ca. 1860-1880s), De Michele, Luigi/Fotografia Egiziana (fl. ca. 1850-1890), Neurdein, Étienne (fl. ca. 1870s-1900s), Deplanque, Jules, & Others. Album of Sixty Early Original Carte-de-visite Albumen Photographs of Egypt - Mostly Portraits of the Locals (Water Carriers, Musicians, “Bedouins from Giza,” Camel, Oxen and Donkey Riders, Sellers of Oranges or Sugar Canes, a Beggar, a Barber and His Client, a “Tobacco Cutter,” lsmail Pasha, Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt, Arab and Nubian Women with Water Jugs, Smoking Hookah, Posing in Traditional Dress, with Covered Faces, and Others), Also Views of Cairo (Muhammad Ali Mosque, Mosque of Qani-Bay, “Houses of Copts,” &c.), Suez Canal, Pompey’s Pillar, &c. Ca. 1860s.-1880s.
Collection of Twenty Early Original Albumen Stereoview Photographs of Egypt, Showing Cairo, Ancient Egyptian Temples and Sites along the Nile and Suez Canal Under Construction. Ca. 1860s.
Zangaki Brothers (ca. 1880s-1890s); Sébah, Johannes Pascal (1872-1947); Sébah, Pascal (1823-1886); Beato, Antonio (-1906); Schroeder & Cie (active ca. 1870s-1890s); Béchard, H. (active ca. 1870s-1880s); & others. Album of 78 Albumen Studio Photographs of Ancient Egyptian Temples and Their Bas-Reliefs. Ca. 1890s.
Zangaki brothers (fl. ca. 1880s-1890s); Beato, Antonio (-1906); Arnoux, Hippolyte (fl. ca.1860s-1900); Maison Bonfils (fl. ca. 1860s-1939); Sebah, Jean (1872-1947); Maison Fiorillo (fl. ca. 1870s-1915). Album of 74 Albumen Studio Photographs of Egyptian Cities (Cairo, Luxor, Alexandria, Tell el-Kebir), the Suez Canal (Suez, Port Said, Construction of the Canal, Suez Company Offices), Portraits of Locals (Nubians, Merchants, Vendors, Street Scenes, etc.), and Ancient Sites (Pyramids of Giza, Karnak Temple, Philae Temple Complex). Ca. 1880s-1890s.
Unsigned Watercolour View of the Town and Harbour of Alexandria with Pompey's Pillar and the Attarine Mosque in the Foreground, Titled: Alexandria, Egypt. Ca. 1870.