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Lewisohn, Walter Pickett (ca. 1910-1991). Historically Significant Archive of a Member of Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s Second Antarctic Expedition, Walter P. Lewisohn, Including His Original, Richly Illustrated Diary, Kept during the Expedition and Containing the Complete Set of a Very Rare Mimeographed Periodical “The Snowshovel,” Issued on Board the Expedition Ship S.S. “Jacob Ruppert” in Jan. 1934; the Diary’s Typescript; a Complete Set of an Extemely Rare First American Publication in Antarctica - Mimeographed Periodical “The Barrier Bull,” Issued in “Little America” (the Expedition’s Base in Antarctica) in May-July 1934; Lewisohn’s Original Snow Glasses from the Expedition; Original Medals Presented to Lewisohn and to Another Expedition Member, Kennett Rawson; Official Expedition Stationery Leaf with the Postal Stamps, Cancelled in “Little America”; Printed Account of Byrd’s First Antarctic Expedition, Signed by the Author; and Two Groups of Later Ephemera and Original Photographs. Ca. 1933-1935.
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$ 8500.00
Golovnin, Vasily Mikhailovich (1776-1831) & Duncan, Archibald. Opisanie Primechatelnykh Korablekrusheniy... [Description of the Most Interesting Shipwrecks Which have Taken Place at Various Times. A work by Mr. Duncan. Translated from English and Supplemented with Notes and Explanations for the Use of Russian Navigators by Fleet Captain-Commander Golovnin. Published by the order of the State Admiralty Department: in 3 parts]. [With]: GOLOVNIN, Vasily Mikhailovich (1776-1831) Opisanie Primechatelnykh Korablekrusheniy, v Raznye Vremena Preterpennykh Rossiyskimi Moreplavatelyami... [Description of the Most Interesting Shipwrecks Suffered at Various Times by Russian Navigators. Collected, Organized and Supplemented with Notes and Explanations by Fleet Captain-Commander Golovnin. Part 4, Serving as the Continuation to the Description of the Most Interesting Shipwrecks by Mr. Duncan. Published by the order of the State Admiralty Department]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. Of N. Grech, 1853.
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Vysheslavtsev, A.V. Ocherki Perom i Karandashom iz Krugosvetnogo Plavaniya v 1857, 1858, 1859 i 1860 godakh [i.e. Sketches in Pen and Pencil from the Circumnavigation in 1857, 1858, 1859 and 1860]. St. Petersburg-Moscow: M.O. Wolf, 1867.
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$ 9500.00
Müller, Gerhard Friedrich (1705-1783). Opisanie Sibirskogo Tsarstva i Vsekh Proizshedshikh v Nem Del on Nachala, a Osoblivo ot Pokoreniya Yego Rossiiskoi Derzhave po Sii Vremena; Sochineno Gerardom Friderikom Millerom, Istoriografom i Professorom Universiteta Akademii Nauk i Sotsieteta Aglinskago Chlenom [Description of the Siberian Kingdom and All Affairs That Took Place there from the Beginning, and Especially from its Conquest by the Russian State until These Times; Created by Gerard Friderik Miller, Historiographer and Professor of the University of the Academy of Sciences and a Member of the English Society]. Saint Petersburg: Imp. Academy of Sciences, 1787.
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Zubov, Platon Pavlovich (ca. 1796 – after 1857). Kartina Posledney Voiny Rossii s Persiyeyu, 1826-1828. S Prisovokupleniyem Istoriko-Statisticheskogo Obzora Zavoyovannykh Gorodov i Vospominanii o Erivani [A Picture of the Latest of War Between Russia and Persia, 1826-1828. With the Addition of a Historical and Statistical Overview of the Captured Cities and Memoirs on Erivan]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of Conrad Wingeber, 1834.
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$ 1250.00
Katrak, Sorab Kavasji Hormuzdyar (1892-1972). Through Amanullah’s Afghanistan: A Book of Travel. Karachi: D.N. Patel at the “Sind Observer” & Mercantile Steam Press Ltd., 1929.
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Fridrikhs, Vasiliy Nikolayevich (1852-1898). Plavanie na Kreisere “Afrika” pod Flagom Kontr-Admirala Aslanbegova (1880-1882) [A Voyage on Cruiser “Africa” under the Flag of Rear Admiral Aslanbegov (1880-1882)] // From: Russky Vestnik. 1883. Vol. СLXIV. No. 3, pp. 321-347; No. 4, pp. 670-702. [Moscow: University Typ., 1883].
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[Martynov, Ivan Ivanovich (1771-1833). Izvestiya o Puteshestviyakh Rossiyan okolo Sveta [A Relation about Voyages of the Russians around the World]. In: Litsey: Periodicheskoye Izdaniye [Litseum: A Periodical]. Part 1. Book 2. Pp. 87-94. [Saint Petersburg: Imperial Typ., 1806].
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Ukazaniye Puti v Tsarstviye Nebesnoye. Beseda iz Poucheniy Novoprosveschennym Khristianam, Sitkhinskogo Mikhailo-Arkhangelskogo Sobora Protoiereya Ioanna Veniaminova, chto nyne Preosvyaschennyi Innokentii, Arkhiepiskop Kamchatskii, Kurilskii i Aleutskii [A Guide of the Path to the Kingdom of Heaven. A Talk from the Lessons to the Newly Converted Christians, [Compiled] by Ivan Veniaminov, Protoiereus of St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral in Sitka, Now the Bishop of Kamchatka, Kurile and Aleut Islands]. Moscow: Synodalnaya Typ., 1859.
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$ 2250.00
Vavilov, M.I. Poslednie Dni v Russkoi Amerike. Iz Zapisok Ochevidtsa. 1867-1868 [Last Days in Russian America. From the Notes by an Eye-Witness. 1867-1868] // From: Russkaya Starina. 1886. Vol. XLIX. Pp. 549-560; Vol. L. Pp. 593-598; Vol. LI. Pp. 605-614. [Saint Petersburg: Typ. of V.S. Balashev, 1886].
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Barsukov, I.P. Innokentii, Mitropolit Moskovsky i Kolomensky po Yego Sochineniyam, Pismam i Rasskazam Sovremennikov [i.e. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, His Works, Letters and Stories of Him by His Contemporaries]. Moscow: Typ. of the Holy Synod, 1883.
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Tarih-İ İskender Bin Filipos [i.e. A History of Alexander the Great, the Son of Philip]. Cairo: Bulaq Typ. 1838.
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Gatzuk, V.A. Blizhe vsekh k Iuzhnomu poliusu [i.e. The closest to the South Pole]. 2nd edition. Moscow: Yunaia Rossiya, 1918.
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[Chichagov, Vasily Yakovlevich] (1726-1809). Izvestiya o Puteshestviyakh Rossiyan okolo Sveta (Prodolzheniye) [Relation about Voyages of the Russians around the World (Continuation)]. In: Litsey: Periodicheskoye Izdaniye [Litseum: A Periodical]. Part 2. Book 1. Pp. 69-86. Saint Petersburg: Imperial Typ., 1806.
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Proekt Lomonosova i ekspeditsiya Chichagova; [and:] Kratkoe opisanie raznikh puteshestvii po severnim moryam… [i.e. Lomonosov’s Project and Chichagov’s Expedition; with: A Brief Description of Various Voyages in the Northern Seas and Indication of a Possible Passage via the Siberian Ocean to the East Indies/ Published by the Hydrographical Department of the Naval Ministry. St. Petersburg: Morskaya Typ. 1854.
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Karaçelebizade, Abdülaziz Efendi (1591-1658). Ravzat ül-ebrar [The Garden of Piety]. Cairo: Bulaq Typ., 1248 H. [1832].
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Halid Al-Bagdadi, Mawlana Ziyaeddin (1779-1826). Tercüme-yi Risale-yi Halidiye [Translation of Halidi Order Letters]. Cairo: Bulaq Typ., 1262 H. [1846].
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$ 4500.00
[Baegert, Johann Jakob] (1717-1772). Nachrichten von der Amerikanischen Halbinsel Californien: mit einem zweyfachen Anhang falscher Nachrichten. Geschrieben von einem Priester der Gesellschaft Jesu, welcher lang darinn diese letztere Jahr gelebet hat. [News from the American Peninsula California..,] Mannheim: Churfürstl. Hof- und Academie-Buchdruckerey, 1773.
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$ 5250.00
Vladimirov, Mikhail Mikhailovich. Russkiy Sriedi Amerikantsev. Moi Lichnye Vpechatlieniya kak Tokarya, Chernorabochego, Plotnika i Puteshestvennika [A Russian Amongst the Americans. My Personal Recollections as a Turner, Labourer, Carpenter and Traveller]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of T-vo “Obshchestvennaya Polza,” 1877.
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Ogorodnikov, Pavel Ivanovich (1837- 20 December 1884 O.S./ 1 January 1885 N.S.) Ot Niyu-Yorka do San-Frantsisko i obratno v Rossiyu [From New York to San Francisco and back to Russia]. Saint Petersburg: Edition of booksellers F. Kolesov & F. Mikhin, Typ. of Dr. M. Khan, 1872.
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Przhevalsky, Nikolay Mikhailovich (1839-1888). Tretye Puteshestviye v Tsentralnoi Azii Iz Zaysana cherez Khami v Tibet i na Verknovya Zheltoy Reki [Third Travel in Central Asia from Zaysan through Hami to Tibet and the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River/ Edition of the Russian Geographical Society]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of V.S. Balashev, 1883.
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Borzhimskii/Borzhimsky, Fedor Kondratievich (1883-1919?). Kratkoe Istoriko-Geograficheskoe i Statisticheskoe Opisanie Khulunbuirskoi Oblasti// Izvestiia Vostochno-Sibirskogo Otdela Imperatorskogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva. Tom XLIV. [A Brief Historical, Geographical and Statistical Description of the Hulunbuir Region// Proceedings of the Eastern-Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society]. Vol. XLIV. Pp. 1-38. Irkutsk: Typ. Tovarischestva Pechatnogo Dela, 1915.
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Fritsche, Hermann (1839-1913). Astronomicheskie, Magnitnie i Gipsometricheskie Nabliudeniia, Proizvedennie v 59 Punktakh na Puti ot Pekina, cherez Mongoliiu, Nerchinskii Zavod, Irkutsk, Barnaul, Yekateriburg i Perm v S.-Petersburg [Astronomical, Magnetic and Hypsometric Observations Executed in 59 Points on the Way From Peking, through Mongolia, Nerchinsk, Irkutsk, Barnaul, Yekaterinburg and Perm to Saint Petersburg]. In: Zapiski Imperatorskogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obschestva po Obschei Geografii [Bulletins of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society on the Geography in General]. Saint Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, Typ. of V. Bezobrazov & Co., 1875
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Miklouho-Maclay, N. Sobranie sochinenii v piati tomakh [i.e. Five-Volume Complete Works]. Moscow; Leningrad: Akademiia nauk SSSR, 1950-1954.
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$ 4500.00
Stepanov, A.P. Yeniseyskaya Guberniya [i.e. Yeniseysk Governorate]. St. Petersburg: Typ. Of Conrad Wingeber, 1835.
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