Collection of 96 Loose Gelatin Silver Photographs Showing Panama, Including US Army Air Base France Field (Airplanes on Tarmac, Base Headquarters, Base Chapel, Bachelors’ Quarters, “France Field Exchange,” Group Portraits of Officers), Colón (Balboa Avenue, Washington Hotel, Municipal Palace), Cristóbal (High School, Fire Station, Union Church, Christ Church by the Sea), Street Scenes, etc. Ca. 1945.
Fisher, J. Album of 130 Original and Studio Gelatin Silver Photographs of the Panama Canal Zone During the Interwar Period Showing Fort Clayton (Aerial View, 16th Pack Train, Pacific Sector Review), the Miraflores Locks, US Fleet in Panama, a Visit from Secretary of War George Dern, Panama City, Colon, “Arrajan,” Taboga Island, etc. Ca. 1930s.
Collection of 24 Vernacular Gelatin Silver Photographs Documenting the 117th Engineer Combat Battalion during the Bougainville Campaign (November 1943 to September 1944), etc. July 1943 - September 1944.
Album with Thirty-Five Large Gelatin Silver Studio Photos of Paraguay, Presented and Signed by the American Ambassador George L. Kreeck to a Noted Writer Frances Parkinson Keyes during her Tour of South America; The Photos Include Views of Buildings and Sites in Asunción, Paraguay Military Regiments, Portraits of Graduates from the Asunción School of Aviation, Elementary Schoolchildren, Paraguayan President José Eligio Ayala, etc. Ca. 1929.
Album of 37 Gelatin Silver Photographs Showing Patagonia and the Strait of Magellan, Including Punta Arenas, Ushuaia, Rio Gallegos and Monte Sarmiento, Cockburn Channel, Beagle Channel, Lago del Toro, Mount Balmaceda, Sheep Farming, and Ethnographic Portraits of the Selk’nam (Ona) People, etc. Ca. 1920s.
Leytsinger, Yakov Ivanovich (1855-1914). Collection of Six Original Photograph Views of Arkhangelsk, Solovetsky Monastery and Mezen City on the White Sea. Ca. 1890.
Collection of Eighteen Loose Original Gelatin Silver Photographs and Two Real Photo Postcards Taken and Collected during the Czechoslovak Legion’s Revolt against the Bolsheviks in Siberia and Russian Far East in the 1910s-1920s, Showing the Legion’s Defense of the Krasnoyarsk Bridge, Soldiers Posing at the Site of a Train Collision in Yekaterinburg, Czech Militaries and Hussites Celebrating the Overthrow of the Soviet Power, Soldiers Awaiting the Evacuation from Vladivostok, etc.; also, with a Photo of the Destroyed Ononsky Bridge in Manchuria in 1918. Ca. 1917-1929.
Album with Fifty Original Gelatin Photographs of a British Merchant Ship’s Early Cruise through the Black Sea & the Mediterranean, Showing Constantinople (Istanbul), Odessa, Pompei, Venice, Bagnara, Livorno, Petras, Nice, Santander, Henaine, Bona; also, with the Photos of Arkhangelsk, Dartmouth, Hull, etc. Ca. 1900s.
Collection of 26 Large Early Loose Albumen Photographs of the Casamance Region in Southern Senegal, Showing Premises and Operations of “Compagnie Commerciale et Agricole de la Casamance” on the Carabane Island, in Ziguinchor, Mangacounda, Sédhiou, Karantaba, French Catholic Mission on the Carabane Island, Portraits of French Customs Officers, Native Workers, and Diola People from the Upper Soungrougrou River. Ca. 1890s.
Moore-Bennett, Helen Fletcher (née Latimer) (1891 – ca. 1960s); Moore-Bennett, Arthur John (1877-1950). Historically Significant Scrapbook with ca. 170 Original Gelatin Silver Photos and Real Photo Postcards, Various Manuscript and Printed Ephemera (Business or Calling Cards, Store and Suppliers’ Receipts, Hotel Invoices, Telegrams, Autograph Letters Signed, Original Envelopes, Telegrams and Newspaper Clippings), Taken and Collected during a Ten-Year-Long Cruise on Yacht “Medea” from Shanghai to Hong Kong, Singapore, Around the Malay Peninsula and thence to Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Goa, Aden, Red Sea, Suez Canal, Cyprus, &c. Ca. 1931-1940 (the period of the voyage), but some photos and documents cover the period from 1913 to 1965.
Album of 113 Vernacular Gelatin Silver Photographs of the Solomon Islands (US Soldiers, the Wrecks of a Japanese Submarine and Yamazuki Maru, Japanese Troop Transport), Guam after the Battle of Guam (Inarajan (St. Joseph’s Church), Umatac (Umatac School, Outdoor Library, San Dionisio Church), Portraits of Chamorro People), and Portraits of Melanesians (Likely Ni-Vanuatu) in Traditional Dress, etc. Ca. 1940s.
[Ott, Adolph] (1873-1953). Album of 24 Gelatin Silver Studio Photographs of Johannesburg, South Africa, Showing Street Views (Pritchard St., Market Square, Commissioner St., Rissik St., Harrison St., Kirk St., and Jeppe’s Town), Jumpers Deep Gold Mine, Robinson Deep Gold Mine, etc. Ca. 1905
Pollard, F.E. Collection of Thirty Original Gelatin Silver Photos of Gold Mines and Refining Plants of the Witwatersrand Gold Fields around Johannesburg. Ca. 1900.
Interesting Collection of Twelve Albumen Photographs Documenting an Early Cruise by Steamship from Guayaquil, Ecuador to Lima, Peru with Stops in Peru Along the way. Ca. 1890.
Skeen & Co. (fl. ca. 1860s-1920s); The Colombo Apothecaries Co. LTD. (fl. ca. 1880s-1890s); Scowen, Charles Thomas (1852-1948) & Others. Album with 77 Original Albumen Photos of Sri Lanka, Showing Colombo, Kandy, Portraits of Market Sellers, Tea Pluckers, Buddhist Monks, a “Kandian Chief,” a Female Musician, a Snake Charmer, &c., Titled: Der ferne Osten. Ca. 1890s.
Skeen & Co (ca. 1860s-1920s) & others. Album of 12 Albumen Studio Photographs of Colombo, Showing Its Harbour and Breakwater, Chatham Street, Mount Lavinia, Kelani River Pontoon Bridge, a Hindu Temple, a Religious Procession, etc. Ca. 1890s.
Album with 56 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs, Showing British Rubber and Tea Plantations in the Kelani Valley, Sri Lanka, Including the Kiriporuwa Estate of the “Nagolle Rubber and Tea Plantations Ltd.” and Halpe Estate of the “Ceylon Rubber Co. Ltd.,” Their Managers, Native Workers, Rubber Harvesting Operations, &c. 1913-1914.
Album with Twenty-four Original Gelatin Silver Photos Documenting the 1919 Voyage of S.S. Boveric Through the Strait of Magellan Starting in the South Atlantic and Ending in Iquique, Chile. September - October 1919.
[O’Vary, Geza Philip] (1887 – after 1946) & [O’Vary, Helene] (ca. 1883 – after 1958). Collection of Three Photo Albums with ca. 416 Original Gelatin Silver Photos, Taken by an American Employee of the Nederlandsche Koloniale Petroleum Maatschappij (Nederlands Colonial Oil Company) During His Work at the Oil Refinery in Soengei-Gerong (Sungai Gerong, South Sumatra) in 1929-1931. Ca. 1929-1931.
Album with 243 Photographs Taken and Collected by an American Tourist during Her Early Car Trips from Wisconsin to San Antonio, Texas, in October 1933 and May 1935; Showing S. A. Missions (Mission San Francisco de Espada, Mission of the Immaculate Conception, etc.), Churches (National Shrine of the Little Flower, Our Lady of the Lake Church, etc.), Local Landmarks (Governor’s Palace, Sunken Garden, Fort Sam Houston), etc.; also with the Photos of Mexico (Saltillo, Monterey, Matamoros), Illinois (Rochelle, Springfield, Elkville), Oklahoma (Miami), Missouri (St. Louis, Florissant, Devils Elbow), Arkansas (Forest City, Little Rock, Devall’s Bluff), and Other Texas Cities (Hearne, Edinberg, San Juan, etc.). 1933-1935.
Postlewaite, Margaret Alice (ca. 1871-1955). Album with Ninety-Eight Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of an Early Cruise from New York to the Black Sea & the Mediterranean, Showing Constantinople (Istanbul), Trebizond (Trabzon), Tiflis (Tbilisi), Sebastopol, Yalta, and Odessa; also with the Photographs of Madeira, Gibraltar, Algiers, Palermo, Nice, Genoa, and Contrexéville; titled: Margot Alice Postlewaite Views Taken on our Two Months Trip on the Prinzessin Victoria Luise. Leaving New York Wednesday, March 12th 1902. Ca. 1902.
Berggren, Guillaume (1835-1920); Abdullah Frères (active ca. 1858-1899); Sebah & Joailler (1888-1908) & Others. Album with 65 Original Albumen Photographs of Ottoman Istanbul and Its People. Ca. 1890s.
Album of 173 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs Showing Greece, Including Athens (the Acropolis, Temple of Olympian Zeus, Church of Panagia Kapnikarea, Royal Palace, Kerameikos, Street Scenes), Sparta (Street Scenes), Meteora Monasteries, Temple of Hera Olympia, Temple of Apollo Delphi, Delos, Knossos; Turkey, Including Istanbul and Smyrna, etc. Ca. 1910-1912.
Album with Eight Original Albumen Photos Documenting the Svyatohirsk Lavra a Few Years before its Closure by the Soviet Authorities; with Rare Photos of the Now-Destroyed Arsenius Skete and the Holy Gate.; titled: Vidy Uspenskoy Svyatogorskoy Pustyni [Views of the Holy Mountains Pustyn of the Holy Dormition. Ca. early-1900s.