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$ 4500.00
Robertson, James (1813-1888); Beato, Felice (1832-1909), attributed to. Collection of Six Loose Salt Paper Prints, Showing Sevastopol and Environs During the Crimean War and in the Aftermath of the Capture of the Malakhov/Malakoff Redoubt on September 8, 1855. Ca. 1855-1856.
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Rohlfs, Friedrich Gerhard (1831-1896). Autograph Letter in German Signed "Gerhard Rohlfs" Dated at New York 29 Nov. 1875 and Addressed to most Likely his American Agent Regarding two Lectures Rohlfs is Planning in the United States."[With] A Carte de Visite Sized Albumen Photograph of Rohlfs ca. 1875 (9 x 5.5 cm) Signed in Black ink on Bottom of the Original Paper Mount. New York, 29 Nov. 1875.
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$ 850.00
Morland, John. Official Autograph Letter Signed to Miguel Tacón y Rosique, Captain General of Cuba in 1834-38, from U.S. Acting Consul in Havana John Morland, Asking for Release of Eugine Newman, an American Seaman of the U.S. Vessel “Cavalier” who was “confined in the Stocks at the Prison;” With: the Official Translation of the Letter into Spanish. Havana: Consulate of the United States of America, 7 August 1834.
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$ 525.00
Harvey, Robert (1848-1920). Original Watercolour View of the Morro Castle in Havana. 1905.
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[Benapres, Pablo]. Album with 38 Original Gelatin Silver Studio Photographs of Santiago de Cuba and Its Environs, Showing the Events and the Aftermath of the Battle of Santiago de Cuba during the Spanish-American War, Titled: Recortes Cubabos por P. Benapres. Ca. 1898 – early 1900s.
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West, Isaac E., Attorney at Law (1838-1900) & “Laughing Sam” (Hartman, Samuel S.). Autograph Letter Signed Regarding the Defense of Dakota Outlaw “Laughing Sam” (Samuel S. Hartman), and Mentioning the New Governor of the Dakota Territory William A. Howard, the First State’s Attorney of the Lawrence County A.J. Flanner, and Yankton’s Store Owner and Public Figure A.W. Lavender. Yankton, D[akota]. T[erritory]: 25 April 1878.
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An Interesting Original Autograph Letter Written by a Pioneer Cowboy of Custer County (Dakota Territory) Working at the Short-Lived “Union Cattle Co.” to “Dear Mother” Back in the East, He Brags about the Company as the Largest Cattle Outfit (125,000 Head) in the American West, Urging His Hometown Friend to Immediately Move to Dakota Territory, and Talking about One of the Biggest Roundups Ever Conducted in the State; Also Delivering the Latest News about His Hard Work at the Newly-Established S&G Ranch (the Present-Day Town of Dewey) and Commenting on the Massive Wave of Migration to the West. S.&G. Ranch [near Custer City, Dakota Territory], 12 May 1884.
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Historically Significant Archive of Over Fifty Original Manuscripts and Period Copies, Merchants’ Receipts, Two Rare Printed Caribbean Broadsides and an Autograph Letter Signed, Documenting Trade Voyages of Canadian-Built Wooden Schooner "Lima," Manned and Commanded by Americans, from New York to St. Thomas, Danish West Indies, Mostly Focusing on its Damage during a Storm in the Caribbean in September-October 1865 and Subsequent Auction Sale in St. Thomas. New York, St. Thomas (Danish West Indies), Kingston (Jamaica), ca. 1865 – early 1866.
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$ 4500.00
Stepanov, A.P. Yeniseyskaya Guberniya [i.e. Yeniseysk Governorate]. St. Petersburg: Typ. Of Conrad Wingeber, 1835.
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Makarenko, Alexei Alexeevich (1860-1942). Sibirskii Narodnii Kalendar v Etnograficheskom Otnoshenii. Vostochnaia Sibir. Eniseiskaia Gubernia [Siberian Folk Calendar in Ethnographical Prospective. Eastern Siberia. Yenisei Province]. Published as vol. 36 of "Zapiski Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obschestva po Otdeleniiu Etnografii" (The Proceedings of the Ethnographical Department of Russian Geographical Society /ed. By A.S. Ermolov). Saint Petersburg: State Typography, 1913.
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$ 2250.00
Album with 394 Original Amateur Gelatin Silver Studio Photographs of Ecuador, Showing Rio Napo, Coastal and Riverside Villages, Snow-Capped Mountains (most likely, Cotopaxi), Cattle Ranches, Banana and Papaya Plantations, a Bullfight in Quito, a Pottery Workshop, Market Stalls, “Handicraft/ Art-Workshop, Arturo Kiewe,” “Hotel de Palace,” “Pension Federico,” Scenes of Transportation and Installation of a Tank, Possibly for a Brewery, Portraits of German Residents, Ecuadorian Mule Drivers, Loaders Carrying Wooden Casks, a Show Polisher, Children at a street Christmas Celebration, Native Species of Mammals, Birds and Turtles, &c. Ca. 1950s.
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$ 950.00
Collection of Twenty Early Original Albumen Stereoview Photographs of Egypt, Showing Cairo, Ancient Egyptian Temples and Sites along the Nile and Suez Canal Under Construction. Ca. 1860s.
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$ 2250.00
Zangaki Brothers (ca. 1880s-1890s); Sébah, Johannes Pascal (1872-1947); Sébah, Pascal (1823-1886); Beato, Antonio (-1906); Schroeder & Cie (active ca. 1870s-1890s); Béchard, H. (active ca. 1870s-1880s); & others. Album of 78 Albumen Studio Photographs of Ancient Egyptian Temples and Their Bas-Reliefs. Ca. 1890s.
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$ 1500.00
Album of Nine Attractive Original Watercolour Views of Egypt and the River Nile. December 1892 - February 1893.
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$ 3750.00
Beato, Antonio (after 1832 – 1906; active 1862- ca. 1900); Sébah, Pascal (1823-1886); Rae, Gray Kynoch Leathart “Bino” (1887-1947). Two Albums with 144 Original Albumen and Gelatin Silver Photographs, Documenting a Nile River Cruise and a Trip to the Holy Land in 1908, and Showing Ancient Temples and Sites of the Upper and Lower Egypt, River Nile and Boats, Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo, Edinburgh Medical Mission in Damascus, and Several Locations of the Holy Land (Nazareth, River Jordan, Capernaum, Tiberias, the Sea of Galilee, &c.); the Albums are Titled: I. The Second Cataract to Karnak; II. Karnak to Syria & Constantinople. Albums: ca. 1908; most studio photos: ca. 1880s-1890s.
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$ 2500.00
Rafalovich, Artemy Alexeevich (1816-1851). Puteshestvie po Nizhnemu Yegiptu i Vnutrennim Oblastiam Delty [Travel to Lower Egypt and the Inner Regions of the Delta]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of Yakov Trey, 1850.
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$ 3500.00
Hammerschmidt, Wilhelm (ca. 1830 - d. 1869), Maison Bonfils (1867-1909), and others. Album with Twenty-One Original Albumen Photos of the Ancient Temples of Egypt (Djoser Pyramid in Saqqara, Temples in Dendera, Karnak, Luxor, Abu Simbel, Philae Island), Nile’s First Cataract, Tombs of the Califs and Sultan Hassan Mosque in Cairo, the Bacchus Temple in Baalbec, Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, the Valley of Josaphat, and others, Titled: Documents Archéologiques sur la Egypte. Nubie. Syrie. P. Verdier de Latour, 1875. Ca. 1870s.
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$ 2500.00
Frantiŝek Lexa (1876-1960)? Album with 178 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs and Real Photo Postcards, Taken during a Trip to Egypt Possibly by Frantiŝek Lexa (1876-1960) and his Wife in the Spring of 1930 and Showing Temples in Luxor, Karnak Medinet Habu, Colossi of Memnon, Ramesseum, Theban Necropolis, Edfu, Pyramid of Djoser, Great Pyramids of Giza, Philae Temple, Aswan, Fayum Oasis, Cairo, Winter Palace Hotel in Luxor, Czechoslovak Legation in Cairo, Czechoslovak Ambassador in Egypt Vladimir Hurban, Czech Egyptologist Jaroslav Černý, &c. Ca. 1930.
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$ 650.00
Pietschmann, Richard (1851-1923). Autograph Letter Signed “Richard” to a German Historian Eduard Meyer; With: a Printed Obituary of Wilhelm Spitta (Director of the Khedival Library in Cairo), Authored and Inscribed by Meyer. Breslau, 2 April, 1884.
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$ 2500.00
Zangaki Brothers (ca. 1880s-1890s); Beato, Antonio (-1906); Maison Bonfils (1867-1939); Sébah, Pascal (1823-1886); Sébah, Johannes Pascal (1872-1947); Arnoux, Hippolyte (active ca. 1860s-1900); Lékegian, G. (active ca. 1887-1925); Fiorillo, Luigi (active ca. 1870s-1890); Maison Garrigues (active ca. 1870s-1911); Neurdien Fréres (active ca. 1870s-); Perdis, P. (active ca. 1890s-1905); & others. Album of 139 Albumen Studio Photographs of Egyptian Cities (Cairo, Alexandria, Port Said), the Suez Canal, and Egyptian Temples (Philae, Dendera, Luxor, Karnak, Wadi es-Sabua, Edfu), etc. Ca. 1870s-1890s.
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$ 3250.00
Hammerschmidt, Wilhelm (ca. 1830 - d. 1869); Désiré, Ermé (fl. ca. 1864-1885); Royer & Aufiére (fl. ca. 1860s), Délié, Hippolyte (fl ca. 1860-1880s), De Michele, Luigi/Fotografia Egiziana (fl. ca. 1850-1890), Neurdein, Étienne (fl. ca. 1870s-1900s), Deplanque, Jules, & Others. Album of Sixty Early Original Carte-de-visite Albumen Photographs of Egypt - Mostly Portraits of the Locals (Water Carriers, Musicians, “Bedouins from Giza,” Camel, Oxen and Donkey Riders, Sellers of Oranges or Sugar Canes, a Beggar, a Barber and His Client, a “Tobacco Cutter,” lsmail Pasha, Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt, Arab and Nubian Women with Water Jugs, Smoking Hookah, Posing in Traditional Dress, with Covered Faces, and Others), Also Views of Cairo (Muhammad Ali Mosque, Mosque of Qani-Bay, “Houses of Copts,” &c.), Suez Canal, Pompey’s Pillar, &c. Ca. 1860s.-1880s.
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Unsigned Watercolour View of the Town and Harbour of Alexandria with Pompey's Pillar and the Attarine Mosque in the Foreground, Titled: Alexandria, Egypt. Ca. 1870.
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$ 725.00
Unsigned Watercolour View of the Tombs of the Caliphs in Cairo, Titled on Verso: Tombs of the Caliphs. Ca. 1870.
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$ 3250.00
Collection of Sixty-Nine Early Original Albumen Stereoview Photographs of Egypt, Showing the Alexandria Waterworks and Kom Ad Dikah Neighbourhood, Almost Certainly Taken by European Associates of the Waterworks and Their Servants, Views of Cairo, and Ancient Egyptian Temples and Sites along the Nile. 1863-4.
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Album with 56 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs Taken by a Passenger of the SS “City of Cairo”, Showing Nubian and Sudanese Cities and Villages along the White Nile, from Ibrim to Kosti, Including Khartoum, Omdurman, Wad-Alzaky, Ad Douiem and Others; Several Views of the Blue Nile, and a Three-Part Panorama of Port Said. 1924-6.
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