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Search results: Melbourne Rare Book Fair 2024
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Humphrys, George, Esq. (ca. 1802-1873); Kebbell, John (1810-1879); Briggs, Mary Jane (1811-1893); Broughton, Bryan Sneyd Herbert (ca. 1838-1862), & Others. Historically Significant Archive of ca. 150 Documents, Including Over 80 Original Autograph Letters Signed (with Thirteen Original Envelopes), 50 Period Copies or Drafts of Original Letters, ca. 20 Financial Documents and a Deed of Land Purchase, Regarding the Pastoral Runs in the Onahau Bay (Queen Charlotte Sound) and Pelorus Sound in the Marlborough Province of New Zealand’s South Island. Wellington, Onahau Bay, Nelson, Picton, Christchurch, Suffolk House (Cheltenham, England), Liverpool & others, ca. 1860-1872.
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Greenham & Evans (fl. ca. 1895-1900); King, Henry (1855-1923); Caire, Nicholas John (1837-1918); Sargeant, Albert & Others. Album with 77 Original Gelatin Silver and Albumen Studio Photographs of Australia and Tasmania, Showing Perth, Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne, Gippsland Lakes, Hobart, Strahan (Tasmania), Cape Raoul, Fren Tree Bower, Portraits of Aboriginal Australians, Gold Miners, Tree Loggers, &c. Ca. 1880s-1890s.
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$ 3750.00
Andrew, Thomas (1855-1939); Davis, John (d. 1893)/ Tattersall, Alfred John (1866-1951). Album with Thirty-Five Original Albumen and Gelatin Silver Photos of Samoa, Including Eight Photos of Wrecked American and German Naval Ships after the 1889 Apia Cyclone, Images Illustrating the Second Samoan Civil War (“Guard from U.S.F.S. Philadelphia at the American Consulate,” “U.S. Entrenchment, Mulinuu,” “Gatling gun commanding the beach road near Court House,” “The start for Mulinuu,” “Bombardment of Apia”), Scenes of “Unveiling the Anglo-American monument” and Ceremony during the “American Samoa Cession Day, <…> 17 April 1900,” Portraits of Chief Mata’afa Iosefo and King Malietoa Tanumafili I, a Detachment of Samoans Armed with Rifles, &c. Ca. 1889-1900.
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Krusenstern, Adam Johann von (1770-1846); Tilesius, Wilhelm Gottlieb von Tilenau (1769-1857); Ukhtomsky, Andrei Grigorievich (1771-1852). Original Copper Engraving from the Famous "Atlas k Puteshestviiu Vokrug Sveta Kapitana Krusensterna" (Atlas to the Circumnavigation of Captain Krusenstern), Titled: Tab. XXVIII. Grobnitsa Kapitana Klerka v Petropavlovske. Captain Clerkes Grabmal im Hafen St. Peter und Paul [Captain Clerkes’ Tomb in Petropavlovsk]. [Saint Petersburg]: [Morskaya Typ.], [1813].
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$ 2250.00
Album with 43 Original Gelatin Silver Photos of the New Guinea Campaign of WW2, Showing Australian General Sir Thomas Blamey, U.S. General Robert L. Eichelberger, Australian and Papuan Soldiers, Papuan Load Carriers, Families, Children, Villages, &c., Titled: This Book Contains Pictures of New Guinea, 1943-1944. Ca. 1943-1944.
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$ 1750.00
[Burton, Lucy]. Collection of Eight Attractive Watercolours of Fiji, Showing Suva, Levuka, a Sugar Plantation, a Fishing Boat, a Coastal Scene with a Dugout Canoe, a Fijian in Traditional Dress, &c. Ca. 1911.
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Admiral M.P. Lazarev. Steel Engraved Portrait. London, ca. 1840s.
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$ 950.00
Collection of 21 Original Photos, taken during XIXth Soviet Antarctic Expedition on Molodezhnaya station in the years 1973-1975, led by V. S. Ignatov and D. D. Maksutov. The collection shows the work process at the station, the equipment and the experiments conducted, the everyday life of the scientists, including food preparation and participation in Soviet elections, the machinery used at the station, as well as the panoramic view of the station itself. 1973-1975.
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Gatzuk, V.A. Blizhe vsekh k Iuzhnomu poliusu [i.e. The closest to the South Pole]. 2nd edition. Moscow: Yunaia Rossiya, 1918.
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$ 650.00
Album with Nine Original Albumen and Gelatin Silver Photographs, Showing the Australian Bush, Homestead and a Creek near “Langiwilli,” Sutherland Dock on the Cockatoo Island (Sydney Harbour), and Cotton Shipping in Galveston, TX. Ca. late 1890s - early 1900s.
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A Collection of Four Original Watercolours of Australia and Tasmania, Showing Botany Bay, Murrumbidgee River and Wollundry Lagoon in Wagga-Wagga and Tamar River in Tasmania; With a Watercolour Plant Sketch, Titled "Homeward Bound". Ca. 1890s.
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Hallam, A. Original Unsigned Ink Drawing, Titled: Manly Beach from the North. Sydney, N.S.W. Ca. 1880.
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Ashton, Sir John William (Australian, 1881-1963). Original Watercolour Scene, Showing a Docked Sailship, Most Likely in the Sydney Waterfront. Ca. 1898.
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Hall, William James (1877-1951); Kerry, Charles (1857-1928); Rudd, Charles (1849-1901), & others. Historically Interesting Album with 48 Original Albumen Photographs of Australia and Tasmania, Showing Sydney, Mount Victoria, Govetts Leap and Wentworth Falls Lookouts, Melbourne, Bengido, Hobart, Huon Road, Mount Wellington, New Norfolk, Derwent River, Cape Raoul, &c. Ca. 1890s.
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Chatskin, S. პირველინი პოლუსზე. მოთხრობა როალდ ამუნდსენისა და რობერტ სკოტის შესახებ [i.e. First to the Pole. The story about Roald Amundsen and Robert Scott] / edited by T.Vardosanidze Tbilisi: Gosizdat, 1936.
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Vansant, K.L., U.S.S. “New Mexico”. Attractive Keepsake Album with Sixty-Seven Gelatin Silver Studio Photos and Real Photo Postcards, and One Piece of Printed Ephemera, Compiled by a Sailor from U.S.S. “New Mexico” during the US Fleet Exercise at Hawaii and its Good-will Tour to South Pacific, Australia and New Zealand in April-October 1925; the Album is Titled: U.S.S. New Mexico. In Remembrance of Maneuvres at Hawaii – Australia – New Zealand, 1925. Ca. 1925.
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Vysheslavtsev, A.V. Ocherki Perom i Karandashom iz Krugosvetnogo Plavaniya v 1857, 1858, 1859 i 1860 godakh [i.e. Sketches in Pen and Pencil from the Circumnavigation in 1857, 1858, 1859 and 1860]. St. Petersburg-Moscow: M.O. Wolf, 1867.
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Dobell, Peter/Petr Vasil’evich; [Dzhunkovsky, A.S.]. Puteshestviia i Noveishiia Nabliudeniia v Kitae, Manille i Indo-Kitaiskom Arkhipelage Byvshego Rossiiskogo Generalnogo Konsula na Filippinskikh Ostrovakh, Kollezhskogo Sovetnika Petra Dobelia, Sostavil i s Angliiskogo Perevel, s Vysochaishego Soizvolenia A. Dzh. [i.e. Travels and Latest Observations in China, Manila and the Indo-China Archipelago by a Former Russian Consul General in the Philippine Islands, Collegiate Councillor Petr Dobell, Compiled and Translated from English, by the Highest Permission A. Dzh.] St. Petersburg: N. Grech, 1833.
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$ 2250.00
Presentation copy: Album with 33 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs, Titled: Phographs [Sic!] of Japan Raw Silk. 1937. Presented to Dr. Paul Monroe by the Central Raw Silk Association of Japan. Ca. 1937.
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$ 1250.00
Collection of Two Sepia Pen and Wash Watercolours after the Aquatints from “A Picturesque Voyage to India by the Way of China” (1810) by Thomas and William Daniell’s; Titled: Anjere Point, Strait of Sunda; Malays of Java. Ca. 1810s.
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$ 1750.00
Collection of Fifteen Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of New Caledonia, Showing Noumea, Native Villages and People, French Colonial Officers and Soldiers, &c. Ca. 1900s.
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$ 525.00
Guillemard, Francis Henry Hill (1852-1933). Autograph Letter Signed with Interesting Notes about South African Tsama (Citron Melon) and a Gratitude to His Correspondent for “your kindly criticism of the Marchesa”. Old Mill House, Trumpington, Cambridge: , 15 September 1902.
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Collection of Thirteen Original Photos of New South Wales, Including Views of Sydney Harbour, Bondi Beach, Hacking River, Shoalhaven River, and Three Interesting Images of the Parramatta River Taken on the Day of the Scull Boat Race between George Towns and Jim Stanbury in 1905 or 1906. Ca. 1900s.
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$ 450.00
[Burton, Lucy]. Attractive Original Watercolour, Showing a Volcanic Eruption in the Waimangu Rift Valley of New Zealand’s North Island. Ca. late 1900s.
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$ 1500.00
Martin, Josiah (1843-1916); Valentine, George Dobson (1852-1890); & others. Album of 17 Albumen Studio Photographs of New Zealand, showing Arthur River, Auckland, Wellington, Port Chalmers, Dunedin, Lake Rotorua, Rotorua Sanatorium and Malfroy Geysers, Waiotapu (Rainbow Hill, Sulphur Terrace, White Terrace before 1886 eruption), Mt. Tarawera, Whakarewarewa, Ohinemutu (Tametekapua meeting house), etc. Ca. 1880s.
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Two Albums with 192 Original Gelatin Silver Snapshot Photos Taken by British Travellers, Including 142 photos from a Car and Railway Trip Across New Zealand’s North and South Islands, 29 photos of Southern Australia from Perth to Sydney, and Views of Rarotonga, Tahiti, Moorea, Celebration of Crossing the Equator, etc. Ca. 1925-1926.
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$ 525.00
Bougainville, Hyacinthe Yves Philippe Potentien, Baron de (1781-1846). Private Autograph Note Signed ‘de Bougainville’ to His Friend “cher Henry”. N.p., 3 August.
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$ 1500.00
Resin, Alexander Alexandrovich. Ocherk Inorodtsev Russkogo Poberezhiya Tikhogo Okeana [Sketch of the Natives of the Russian Coast of the Pacific]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of A.S. Suvorin, 1888.
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Collection of 24 Vernacular Gelatin Silver Photographs Documenting the 117th Engineer Combat Battalion during the Bougainville Campaign (November 1943 to September 1944), etc. July 1943 - September 1944.
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$ 1250.00
[Burton, Lucy]. Collection of Five Watercolours of Samoa, Showing Apia Harbour with the Wreck of S.M.S. Adler, a Volcanic Eruption on Savaii Island, and Native Villages with Traditional Thatched-Roof Houses. Ca. 1911.
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$ 950.00
[Burton, Lucy]. Collection of Three Original Watercolours of Tonga, Showing the Wharf and Village of Nuku'alofa, and a Traditional House in the Vicinity of the Swallows Cave. Ca. 1911.
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Original Unsigned Dated Watercolour, Titled: “National Park from the Railway Station”, Sydney, N.S.W. Sept. 30, 1899.
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$ 1250.00
Edwardes, David Jones (d. 1878). Autograph Letter Signed by David Jones Edwardes, a British Diplomat in the Kingdom of Siam, Talking about the Funeral of a Siamese Prince (with a Separate Captivating Four-page Manuscript Account of the Funeral), the Delimitation of Siamese-Burmese Boundary, American Baptist Missionaries in Bangkok, Including Ms. Adele Fielde, etc.; the Manuscript Account is Titled: Account of Burning the Remains or Skeleton of the Son of the First King. Bangkok: British Consulate, 8 February 1868.
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Moore-Bennett, Helen Fletcher (née Latimer) (1891 – ca. 1960s); Moore-Bennett, Arthur John (1877-1950). Historically Significant Scrapbook with ca. 170 Original Gelatin Silver Photos and Real Photo Postcards, Various Manuscript and Printed Ephemera (Business or Calling Cards, Store and Suppliers’ Receipts, Hotel Invoices, Telegrams, Autograph Letters Signed, Original Envelopes, Telegrams and Newspaper Clippings), Taken and Collected during a Ten-Year-Long Cruise on Yacht “Medea” from Shanghai to Hong Kong, Singapore, Around the Malay Peninsula and thence to Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Goa, Aden, Red Sea, Suez Canal, Cyprus, &c. Ca. 1931-1940 (the period of the voyage), but some photos and documents cover the period from 1913 to 1965.
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Album of 113 Vernacular Gelatin Silver Photographs of the Solomon Islands (US Soldiers, the Wrecks of a Japanese Submarine and Yamazuki Maru, Japanese Troop Transport), Guam after the Battle of Guam (Inarajan (St. Joseph’s Church), Umatac (Umatac School, Outdoor Library, San Dionisio Church), Portraits of Chamorro People), and Portraits of Melanesians (Likely Ni-Vanuatu) in Traditional Dress, etc. Ca. 1940s.
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[O’Vary, Geza Philip] (1887 – after 1946) & [O’Vary, Helene] (ca. 1883 – after 1958). Collection of Three Photo Albums with ca. 416 Original Gelatin Silver Photos, Taken by an American Employee of the Nederlandsche Koloniale Petroleum Maatschappij (Nederlands Colonial Oil Company) During His Work at the Oil Refinery in Soengei-Gerong (Sungai Gerong, South Sumatra) in 1929-1931. Ca. 1929-1931.
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