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[Martynov, Ivan Ivanovich (1771-1833). Izvestiya o Puteshestviyakh Rossiyan okolo Sveta [A Relation about Voyages of the Russians around the World]. In: Litsey: Periodicheskoye Izdaniye [Litseum: A Periodical]. Part 1. Book 2. Pp. 87-94. [Saint Petersburg: Imperial Typ., 1806].
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Krusenstern, Adam Johann von (1770-1846); Tilesius, Wilhelm Gottlieb von Tilenau (1769-1857); Ukhtomsky, Andrei Grigorievich (1771-1852). Original Copper Engraving from the Famous "Atlas k Puteshestviiu Vokrug Sveta Kapitana Krusensterna" (Atlas to the Circumnavigation of Captain Krusenstern), Titled: Tab. XXVIII. Grobnitsa Kapitana Klerka v Petropavlovske. Captain Clerkes Grabmal im Hafen St. Peter und Paul [Captain Clerkes’ Tomb in Petropavlovsk]. [Saint Petersburg]: [Morskaya Typ.], [1813].
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Fridrikhs, Vasiliy Nikolayevich (1852-1898). Plavanie na Kreisere “Afrika” pod Flagom Kontr-Admirala Aslanbegova (1880-1882) [A Voyage on Cruiser “Africa” under the Flag of Rear Admiral Aslanbegov (1880-1882)] // From: Russky Vestnik. 1883. Vol. СLXIV. No. 3, pp. 321-347; No. 4, pp. 670-702. [Moscow: University Typ., 1883].
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Ukazaniye Puti v Tsarstviye Nebesnoye. Beseda iz Poucheniy Novoprosveschennym Khristianam, Sitkhinskogo Mikhailo-Arkhangelskogo Sobora Protoiereya Ioanna Veniaminova, chto nyne Preosvyaschennyi Innokentii, Arkhiepiskop Kamchatskii, Kurilskii i Aleutskii [A Guide of the Path to the Kingdom of Heaven. A Talk from the Lessons to the Newly Converted Christians, [Compiled] by Ivan Veniaminov, Protoiereus of St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral in Sitka, Now the Bishop of Kamchatka, Kurile and Aleut Islands]. Moscow: Synodalnaya Typ., 1859.
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$ 2250.00
Vavilov, M.I. Poslednie Dni v Russkoi Amerike. Iz Zapisok Ochevidtsa. 1867-1868 [Last Days in Russian America. From the Notes by an Eye-Witness. 1867-1868] // From: Russkaya Starina. 1886. Vol. XLIX. Pp. 549-560; Vol. L. Pp. 593-598; Vol. LI. Pp. 605-614. [Saint Petersburg: Typ. of V.S. Balashev, 1886].
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Barsukov, I.P. Innokentii, Mitropolit Moskovsky i Kolomensky po Yego Sochineniyam, Pismam i Rasskazam Sovremennikov [i.e. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, His Works, Letters and Stories of Him by His Contemporaries]. Moscow: Typ. of the Holy Synod, 1883.
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Gatzuk, V.A. Blizhe vsekh k Iuzhnomu poliusu [i.e. The closest to the South Pole]. 2nd edition. Moscow: Yunaia Rossiya, 1918.
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[Chichagov, Vasily Yakovlevich] (1726-1809). Izvestiya o Puteshestviyakh Rossiyan okolo Sveta (Prodolzheniye) [Relation about Voyages of the Russians around the World (Continuation)]. In: Litsey: Periodicheskoye Izdaniye [Litseum: A Periodical]. Part 2. Book 1. Pp. 69-86. Saint Petersburg: Imperial Typ., 1806.
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Proekt Lomonosova i ekspeditsiya Chichagova; [and:] Kratkoe opisanie raznikh puteshestvii po severnim moryam… [i.e. Lomonosov’s Project and Chichagov’s Expedition; with: A Brief Description of Various Voyages in the Northern Seas and Indication of a Possible Passage via the Siberian Ocean to the East Indies/ Published by the Hydrographical Department of the Naval Ministry. St. Petersburg: Morskaya Typ. 1854.
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$ 5250.00
Vladimirov, Mikhail Mikhailovich. Russkiy Sriedi Amerikantsev. Moi Lichnye Vpechatlieniya kak Tokarya, Chernorabochego, Plotnika i Puteshestvennika [A Russian Amongst the Americans. My Personal Recollections as a Turner, Labourer, Carpenter and Traveller]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of T-vo “Obshchestvennaya Polza,” 1877.
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Borzhimskii/Borzhimsky, Fedor Kondratievich (1883-1919?). Kratkoe Istoriko-Geograficheskoe i Statisticheskoe Opisanie Khulunbuirskoi Oblasti// Izvestiia Vostochno-Sibirskogo Otdela Imperatorskogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva. Tom XLIV. [A Brief Historical, Geographical and Statistical Description of the Hulunbuir Region// Proceedings of the Eastern-Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society]. Vol. XLIV. Pp. 1-38. Irkutsk: Typ. Tovarischestva Pechatnogo Dela, 1915.
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Fritsche, Hermann (1839-1913). Astronomicheskie, Magnitnie i Gipsometricheskie Nabliudeniia, Proizvedennie v 59 Punktakh na Puti ot Pekina, cherez Mongoliiu, Nerchinskii Zavod, Irkutsk, Barnaul, Yekateriburg i Perm v S.-Petersburg [Astronomical, Magnetic and Hypsometric Observations Executed in 59 Points on the Way From Peking, through Mongolia, Nerchinsk, Irkutsk, Barnaul, Yekaterinburg and Perm to Saint Petersburg]. In: Zapiski Imperatorskogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obschestva po Obschei Geografii [Bulletins of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society on the Geography in General]. Saint Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, Typ. of V. Bezobrazov & Co., 1875
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$ 4500.00
Robertson, James (1813-1888); Beato, Felice (1832-1909), attributed to. Collection of Six Loose Salt Paper Prints, Showing Sevastopol and Environs During the Crimean War and in the Aftermath of the Capture of the Malakhov/Malakoff Redoubt on September 8, 1855. Ca. 1855-1856.
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$ 4500.00
Stepanov, A.P. Yeniseyskaya Guberniya [i.e. Yeniseysk Governorate]. St. Petersburg: Typ. Of Conrad Wingeber, 1835.
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Makarenko, Alexei Alexeevich (1860-1942). Sibirskii Narodnii Kalendar v Etnograficheskom Otnoshenii. Vostochnaia Sibir. Eniseiskaia Gubernia [Siberian Folk Calendar in Ethnographical Prospective. Eastern Siberia. Yenisei Province]. Published as vol. 36 of "Zapiski Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obschestva po Otdeleniiu Etnografii" (The Proceedings of the Ethnographical Department of Russian Geographical Society /ed. By A.S. Ermolov). Saint Petersburg: State Typography, 1913.
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Dolgorukov, Vladimir Andreevich, prince (1810-1891). Autograph Letter Signed “Prince Vladimir Dolgorouki,” written when he was the General Governor of Moscow. Moscow, 18/30 December 1873.
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Official Indenture of a Land Transfer: Conveyance of One Sixth part of a Customary Estate called Skirreth held of the Mansion of Ingleton (Lancashire); between William Gillison Bell the Younger Esq. Of the City of Saint Petersburg in Russia merchant, and Thomas Graven Esq. Saint Petersburg, 2 June 1816.
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Vysheslavtsev, A.V. Ocherki Perom i Karandashom iz Krugosvetnogo Plavaniya v 1857, 1858, 1859 i 1860 godakh [i.e. Sketches in Pen and Pencil from the Circumnavigation in 1857, 1858, 1859 and 1860]. St. Petersburg-Moscow: M.O. Wolf, 1867.
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[Pyasetsky/Piasetskii], P.Y. Puteshestvie po Kitayu v 1874-1875 gg. (cherez Sibir, Mongoliyu, Vostochny, Sredny i Severo-Zapadny Kitai): Iz dnevnika chlena ekspeditsii P.Y. Pyasetskogo [i.e. Travel across China in 1874-75 (via Siberia, Mongolia, Eastern, Central and Northwestern China): From the Diary of the Expedition Member P.Y. Pyasetsky]. St. Petersburg: Typ. of M. Stasyulevich, 1880-1881. [With]: Pyasetsky, P.Y. Neudachnaya ekspeditsiya v Kitai 1874-1875 gg. V otvet na xashchitu g. Sosnovskogo po povodu knigi ‘‘Puteshestvie v Kitai’’ [i.e. Unsuccessful expedition to China. In Reply to the Defense of Mr. Sosnovsky about the book ‘‘Travel across China’’].
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Zubov, Platon Pavlovich (ca. 1796 – after 1857). Kartina Posledney Voiny Rossii s Persiyeyu, 1826-1828. S Prisovokupleniyem Istoriko-Statisticheskogo Obzora Zavoyovannykh Gorodov i Vospominanii o Erivani [A Picture of the Latest of War Between Russia and Persia, 1826-1828. With the Addition of a Historical and Statistical Overview of the Captured Cities and Memoirs on Erivan]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of Conrad Wingeber, 1834.
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$ 5250.00
[Golovnin, V.M.]. Zapiski Vasiliia Mikhailovicha Golovnina v Plenu u Yapontsev d 1811, 1812 i 1813 Godakh, i Zhizneopisanie Avtora [i.e. Notes of V.M. Golovnin [made] in Japanese Captivity in 1811, 1812 and 1813, and the Biography of the Author]. St. Petersburg: Typ. Of N. Grech, 1851.
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Krusenstern, Adam Johann von (1770-1846) & Tilesius, Wilhelm Gottlieb von Tilenau (1769-1857). Large Copper Engraving from the Famous Atlas of Captain Krusenstern’s First Russian Circumnavigation, Titled: Sudno Printsa Chingodzina, na Kotorom Rossiysky Poslannik Poyekhal s Korablya na Bereg. Das Fahrzeug auf welchem der Russische Gesandte zuerst in Nangasaki ans Land fuhr [The Boat of Prince Tschingodzin on Which the Russian Ambassador Travelled Ashore from the Ship]. [Saint Petersburg]: [Morskaya Typ.], [1813].
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$ 3750.00
Kostenkov, Kapiton Ivanovich (1792-1883). [ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATED PUBLISHER’S WRAPPER PRESERVED:] Istoricheskiye i Statisticheskiye Svedenia o Kalmykakh, Kochuyushchikh v Astrakhanskoi Gubernii. S Kartoyu Kalmutskoy Stepi. Sostavil Glavny Popiechitel Kalmytskogo Naroda General-Mayor K. Kostenkov/ [Izdaniye Ministerstva Gosudarstvennykh Imushchestv] [Historical and Statistical Intelligence about Kalmyks, Roaming in the Astrakhan Province. With a Map of the Kalmyk Steppe. Compiled by the Chief Trustee of the Kalmyk People Mayor General K. Kostenkov/ Published by the Ministry of State Properties]. St. Petersburg: Typ. of V. Nusvalt; title page and map – in the lith. of N. Glybov, 1870.
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Collection of Forty Original Photos from the 1908-1910 Ryabushinsky Expedition to Kamchatka, Showing the Expedition Members Conducting Experiments, Bathing in Thermal Springs, Driving Dog Sleds, Resting by their Yurt, Posing at a Winter Base, etc.; also with the Photos of Local Villages (Milkovo, Sharomi, Pushchino, Ganaly, Klyuch), Mountains (Mishennaya Sopka), Rivers (Ozernaya, Kamchatka, Kroda-Kyg, Andrianovka), Ranges (Valaginsky, Karakuli), etc. 1908-1910.
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$ 2500.00
[Pazukhin, Boris Andreievich] (d. 1679) & [Pazukhin, Semen Ivanovich]. Nakaz Borisu Andreievichu i Semenu Ivanovichu Pazukhinym na Posolstvo v Bukharu, Baklh i Urgench, dlia Vykupa Russkikh Plennykh, s Prilozheniem k Nakazu Stateinogo Spiska o Sovershenii Pazukhinymi Posolstva. 1669-1673. Izdano pod Redaktsiei Chlena Arkheograficheskoi Kommissii Askalona Truvorova [Instruction to Boris Andreievich and Semen Ivanovich Pazukhin for their Embassy to Bukhara, Balkh and Urgench for the Ransom of Russian Captives, with the Addition of the Report of Pazukhins’ Embassy. 1669-1673. Published under the Supervision of a Member of the Archaeographic Commission Askalon Truvorov]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of V.S. Balashev, 1894.
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