Schmidt, Yakov Ivanovich (Isaak Jakob) (1779-1847). Tibetsko-Russky Slovar c Prisovokuplyeniyem Alfavitnogo Spiska [Tibetan-Russian Dictionary with Addition of the Alphabetic List [of Russian Words]. St. Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1843.
Historically Significant Album with 100 Original Gelatin Silver Amateur Photographs, Documenting Construction of Cast Iron Metallurgical Factories on the Vishera River and Its Tributaries (Kama River Basin, Eastern Urals), belonging to the French-Owned Volga-Vishera Mining and Metallurgical Joint-Stock Company or Société Minière et Métallurgique Volga-Vichéra, Titled: Vizhaika – Kutim, Vels – Chuvalsk. Reka Vishera i Zavody Obschestva “Volga-Vishera.” Vyaika – Koutime. Velce – Tchouvalsk. La Vichéra et les Usines de la Société «Volga-Vishera». Ca. 1890s – early 1900s.
Mainov/ Maynov, Ivan Ivanovich (1861-1936). Russkiye Krestyane i Osyodlye Inorodtsy Yakutskoy Oblasti/ Zapiski Imperatorskogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva po Otdeleniyu Statistiki. Tom XII, Izdanny pod Redaktsiyey d. chl. V.V. Morachevskogo [Russian Peasants and Sedentary Indigenous People of the Yakutsk Province/ Proceedings of the Russian Imperial Geographical Society. Statistics Department / Vol. XII. Ed. by V.V. Morachevsky]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of V.F. Kirshbaum, 1912.