Ferâizcizâde, Mehmed Sa'it Efendi (d. 1835). Tarih-i Gülşen-i Maarif [The History of Knowledge]. Istanbul: Dar üt-Tıbaat ül-Amire [Court Typ.], 1252 H. [1836].
Westermarck, Edward Alexander (1862-1939). Two Autograph Letters Signed‚ Discussing Publication of a Chapter from his Latest Book, Apparently, “The Origin and Development of Moral Ideas” (London, 1906-1908, 2 vols.), and Mentioning His Recent Return from Morocco. Two letters: London‚ 10 October 1908; Helsingfors‚ 26 April 1909.
Cosme, Robert. Album of ca. 228 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of a French Naval Officer’s Service Aboard the French Cruisers Galiée and Desaix During the First Year of the French Conquest of Morocco, Showing the Bombardment of Casablanca, Combat Exercises, French Officers and Sailors, Sultan Abdelaziz of Morocco, the Harem of the Pasha of Mogador Bel-Ghazi, and Moroccan Cities (Tanger, Mazaghan, Mogador, Saffi), etc., Titled: Campagne du Maroc. Ca. 1907-1908.
Collection of Two Albums with 79 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs Showing Casablanca During French Occupation After the Bombardment of Casablanca (1907). Ca. 1907-1908.
[Faulkner, Farr. G.J.?] Album with 189 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of the 13th/18th Royal Hussars’ Military Service on the North West Frontier, Showing Group Portraits of the Regiment’s Officers, Military Marches and Reviews, Cantonments, Khyber Pass, Landi Kotal, Peshawar, Lahore, Attock, Aerial Views of the Himalayas, Nowshera, Jamrud and Attock Forts, Taj Mahal, Delhi, Gilgit Landing Ground, Takht-i-Bahi Ruins near Mardan, Destruction after the 1935 Quetta Earthquake, Robert Baden-Powell in Risalpur. Ca. 1920s-1930s.
Holmes, Randolph Bezzant (1888-1973). Collection of Twenty-One Loose Gelatin Silver Photos of the Operations of British Indian Army during the Waziristan Campaign of 1919-1920, and Showing British Camp in Sorarogha, Military Engineering Works and Roads in Barari Tangi, Hazara Cliff, Zawa Kili Tangi, Hurley’s Corner, Marobi, Piazha Algal River, Bangilawa Tower, Portraits of British Military Commanders, Local Chiefs, Scenes with British Troops Firing Cannons, Taking Part in a Review, &c. Ca. 1919-early 1920s.
Album with Fifty Original Gelatin Photographs of a British Merchant Ship’s Early Cruise through the Black Sea & the Mediterranean, Showing Constantinople (Istanbul), Odessa, Pompei, Venice, Bagnara, Livorno, Petras, Nice, Santander, Henaine, Bona; also, with the Photos of Arkhangelsk, Dartmouth, Hull, etc. Ca. 1900s.
Castéra, Jean Henri (1749-1838) & Argyropolous Iakovos [transl.] (1776-1850). İcmal-i eva'il-i ahval-i devlet-i Rusiya [or] Katerina Tarihi [General Overview of the History of the Russian Empire [or] The History of Catherine]. Cairo: Bulaq Typ., 1246 H. [1830].
Postlewaite, Margaret Alice (ca. 1871-1955). Album with Ninety-Eight Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of an Early Cruise from New York to the Black Sea & the Mediterranean, Showing Constantinople (Istanbul), Trebizond (Trabzon), Tiflis (Tbilisi), Sebastopol, Yalta, and Odessa; also with the Photographs of Madeira, Gibraltar, Algiers, Palermo, Nice, Genoa, and Contrexéville; titled: Margot Alice Postlewaite Views Taken on our Two Months Trip on the Prinzessin Victoria Luise. Leaving New York Wednesday, March 12th 1902. Ca. 1902.
Reade, Sir Thomas (1785-1849). Official Decree by the Bey of Tunis Appointing George William Crowe His Plenipotentiary in Order to Compile a Treaty of Friendship and Commerce with the City of Hamburg; With: Separate Document Containing the Italian Translation of the Decree Signed by Hassuna Morali, First Interpreter of the Court of Basha Bey of Tunis; Both Documents are Certified as Genuine by the British Consul General, Sir Thomas Reade (on verso of the leaf with the Italian text). Two documents, both Tunis, 1828.
Berggren, Guillaume (1835-1920); Abdullah Frères (active ca. 1858-1899); Sebah & Joailler (1888-1908) & Others. Album with 65 Original Albumen Photographs of Ottoman Istanbul and Its People. Ca. 1890s.
Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph Freiherr von (1774-1856). [Autograph Letter in Secretarial Hand Signed by Hammer-Purgstall to “Charles Fellows, Esquire” Regarding the Latter’s Book. Vienna, 12 January 1841.
Album of 173 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs Showing Greece, Including Athens (the Acropolis, Temple of Olympian Zeus, Church of Panagia Kapnikarea, Royal Palace, Kerameikos, Street Scenes), Sparta (Street Scenes), Meteora Monasteries, Temple of Hera Olympia, Temple of Apollo Delphi, Delos, Knossos; Turkey, Including Istanbul and Smyrna, etc. Ca. 1910-1912.
[Great Game: Khanate of Kokand] Nazarov, F.M. Zapiski o nekotorykh narodakh i zemliakh srednei chasti Azii Filippa Nazarova, otdel’nogo Sibirskogo korpusa perevodchika, posylannogo v Kokant v 1813 i 1814 godakh [i.e. Notes on People and Lands in the Central Part of Asia by Filipp Nazarov, a Translator of the Special Siberian Corps Who was sent to Kokand in 1813 and 1814]. St. Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1821.
Bond, Frances Eileen Berkswell. Album with over a Hundred Original Photographs Compiled During Two Cruises: a 1931-1932 World Cruise on RMS “Empress of Britain” Showing Jerusalem, Cairo, Bombay, Colombo, Batavia, Bangkok, Beijing, the Great Wall of China, Japan, Hawaii, Panama Canal, and others; and a 1934 Cruise around the Caribbean, Showing Nassau, Jamaica, Colon in Panama, Cartagena, La Guaira in Venezuela, Trinidad, Barbados and others; Titled: World Cruise. From Monaco to Southampton. December 15th 1931 – April 16th 1932. Q.S.T.S. “Empress of Britain;” Cruise to the West Indies. From Southampton to Southampton. January 27th – March 8th 1934. R.M.S. “Homeric.” 1931-1934.
Historically Significant Album with 72 Original Photos of a French Military Hospital Camp for Serbian Soldiers Recovering in Tunisia after the Great Retreat or Serbian Golgotha; the Photos Show Starved Serbian Soldiers in a Hospital at Vido Island (Greece), Their Arrival and Disembarkation at the Camp, Disinfection, Interior of Hospital Rooms, Medical Operations, Patients, Doctors and Nurses, Recovering Soldiers Dancing and Playing Musical Instruments, Official Visits and Reviews, Possibly by the Maritime Prefect of Bizerte Admiral Guépratte, Serbian Orthodox Funeral Service and Internment, Serbian Cemetery near “Sidi Yaya,” &c. Ca. 1916-1917.