Album with 394 Original Amateur Gelatin Silver Studio Photographs of Ecuador, Showing Rio Napo, Coastal and Riverside Villages, Snow-Capped Mountains (most likely, Cotopaxi), Cattle Ranches, Banana and Papaya Plantations, a Bullfight in Quito, a Pottery Workshop, Market Stalls, “Handicraft/ Art-Workshop, Arturo Kiewe,” “Hotel de Palace,” “Pension Federico,” Scenes of Transportation and Installation of a Tank, Possibly for a Brewery, Portraits of German Residents, Ecuadorian Mule Drivers, Loaders Carrying Wooden Casks, a Show Polisher, Children at a street Christmas Celebration, Native Species of Mammals, Birds and Turtles, &c. Ca. 1950s.
Jomard, Edme François (1777-1862). Autograph Letter Signed 'Jomard' to Louis Leon Jacob, French Minister of the Navy and the Colonies, Regarding the Recently Published Report of Francois Leprieur’s Voyage in the Interior of French Guiana. Paris: 23 October 1834.
Turner, Captain Henry A. Royal Artillery (British, Active 1849-1853). Original Initialed Drawing Heightened in White Titled: "St. Georges, Grenada, W.I." Сa. 1852.
Album with Eighty-Six Original Photographs of Two French Navy School Ships Including Views of Onboard Activities and Stops in Guadeloupe, Martinique, Malta, Portugal, Algeria, France and Belgium Titled: Campagne d’Été (Aout 1885) à bord du Bougainville – École Navale, Manche-Anvers Campagne d’Application à bord de la frégate d’Iphigénie (5 Octobre 1886-30 Juillet 1887) – Atlantique-Méditerranée occidentale [Summer Voyage (August 1885) Aboard the Bougainville - Naval School, Manche-Antwerp Voyage aboard the Frigate Iphigénie (5 October 1886-30 July 1887) - Atlantic - Western Mediterranean]. Ca. 1885-1887.
Pim, Bedford Clapperton Trevelyan (1826-1886). Autograph Letter Signed "Bedford Pim" to Don Carlos Gutierrez (1818-1882), Minister Plenipotentiary, Honduras Government, with the Latter’s Signed Note, Countersigned by Pim in Receipt. London: 2 Crown Office Row, Temple, E.C., 15 July 1872.
Interesting Album with 105 Original Gelatin Silver Snapshot Photos of Jamaica (Kingston Streets and Residences, Pier of the “Standard Fruit and Steamship Company,” Road Sign of the Hardwar Gap in the Blue Mountains), Haiti (Port-au-Prince, Interior of Catholic Cathedral, Sans-Souci Palace, Citadelle Laferrière) and Atlantic Colombia (Port with a Pier and Plane Hangar, Coastal Villages, a Road Sign to Tubara, Portraits of the Locals, &c.). Ca. 1937.
Collection of Three Original Manuscripts, Reporting on the Voyage to Jamaica of a British Merchant Brig “Jane” in August 1780 – March 1781, Including a Detailed Account of “Jane’s” Wreck and Damage in the Mouth of the Great River during the Savanna-la-Mar Hurricane on October 3, 1780]. Montego Bay (Jamaica), 10 January 1781; London, 24 July and 31 August 1781.
Fallon, J. H. Album of 99 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs Documenting a Cruise to Panama (Construction of Panama Canal and Railroad, Workers’ Lodgings, Panama Railroad Company’s Pier 4, Native Panamanian Huts), Cuba (Jose Marti Monument in Parque Central, Mausoleum of the Firefighters, Havana Streets), and Jamaica (Kingston Streets) Titled: Cruise 1912 – Cuba, Panama, Jamaica. Ca. 1912.
Gambier, James, Sir, Admiral of the Fleet (1756-1833). Autograph Letter Signed “Gambier” to Vice Admiral Sir John Duckworth “off Ushant”, About the Admiralty’s Orders that “Lieutenant Brompton to be discharged from St. George, without waiting to be superceded with directions to join the Neptune immediately”. Caledonia in Hamoze, 21 September 1808.
McKenna, Mike. Historically Interesting Letter Signed by an American Soldier in an Agua Prieta Hospital, Talking about a Rebel Paranoid about Being Poisoned, a Half-Paralyzed Yaqui's Dire Condition, and the Deaths of Local Patients (a Federal & a Yaqui Mayo). Agua Prieta, Sonora: 5 November 1912.
Dorrance, William T (Ca. 1804 - ?). A Historically Important Original Autograph Manuscript Letter Written by 1st Sergeant of the 7th US Infantry Regiment, William T Dorrance, from Occupied Mexico City and Signed to His Cousin Edward Moulton in Willimantic, Connecticut, Sharing Breaking News of the Arrival of Two US Commissioners “Empowered to Settle the Terms” of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Heatedly Arguing about the Possible Need of Marching to San Luis Potosi and Giving the Mexicans “A Drubbing” There, Decisively Claiming That “The Question of Peace or War Rests Now Entirely with Mexico,” and Mentioning Several American Political Figures, Including Nicholas Trist, Nathan Clifford, and Ambrose Sevier. Mexico City, 20 April 1848.
Slocum, Wilkes Almy (ca. 1824-1848). Original Autograph Letter by Wilkes Slocum, a Boatman Near Vera Cruz, Sharing with “Dear Mother” the Hot News of the Mexican Defeat in the Vera Cruz Battle and Writing about the Minimal Casualties Suffered by the American Forces. Vera Cruz: 29 March 1847.
[McCall, George Archibald] (1802-1868); McCall, Mary Dickinson (1799-1881). Autograph Letter Signed from Mary Dickinson McCall to her Renowned Brother, Captain of the 4th US Infantry Regiment George McCall, Talking about His Recent Heroism during the Battle of Palo Alto, the Occupation of Matamoros, the Regiment’s Possible Move to Monterrey, the Anecdote about General Winfield Scott and a “Plate of Soup,” and Mentioning Several American Public Figures, Including John Cadwalader, Joseph R. Ingersoll, William L. Marcy, John M. Read Jr., and others. Philadelphia: 15 & 16 June [1846].
Wingate, B., Corp. A Historically Important Original Autograph Manuscript Letter Written by an American Soldier and Participant of the Mexican-American War the Very Same Day the Siege of Veracruz Ended With Mexico’s Surrender, Triumphantly Writing to His Folks Back Home in Indiana about “One of the Greatest Battles Ever Won by American Arms,” Talking about Mexican Soldiers Begging General Zachary Taylor, the Next US President, for Something to Eat, Fiercely Stating that Mexico City “Must Hear the Barking of Our Buldogs [i.e. Bulldogs] Before Walls,” and Enthusiastically Predicting the Near End of the Warfare After the American Capture of the “Third Strong Place in the World;” Also Mentioning General Winfield Scott Whose Heroism “Must Gane [i.e. Gain] for the Commander the Name that Will Last for Ages to Come.” Veracruz, 29 March 1847.
Album with 188 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs and Cyanotypes of an Early Trip to American Southwest and its Environs, Showing Texas (El Paso), Arizona (Phoenix), and Mexico (Juarez), including Rare Portraits of Native Americans and Local Landmarks; also, with the Early Views of California (Hollywood, Long Beach, Redlands, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Barbara, etc.) Ca. 1905.
Coverley-Price, A. Victor (British, 1901-1988). A Grisaille Watercolour Signed "V. Coverley-Price" Titled: Bivouac on Ixtaccihuatl (16,200 feet), Mexico. Ca. 1925.
Historically Interesting Album with Forty-Four Original Photographs of Mexico, Showing the Portraits of Local Dancers, Musicians, Women & Children, Street Merchants, &; also, with the Photos of Ancient Landmarks of Mexico City, Chiapas, and Tlaxcala; titled: Photographs. Ca. 1940s.
Otte, Pauline (1919-2005). Album of 59 Original Gelatin Silver Snapshot Photographs of a 1944 Tour of Mexico Taken by an American Woman, Showing Mexico City (Hotel Reforma, Metropolitan Cathedral, Palace of Fine Arts, House of Tiles), Cuernavaca, Desert of the Lions National Park, a Bull Fight in Xochimilco, Teotihuacan, etc. With Over 15 Pieces of Ephemera from the Tour. Ca. 1944.
Conant, John H. (1825-1881) & Conant, William F. (1822-1897). Pair of Autograph Letters Signed by a Young American Merchant in Panama City to His Brother in Boston. Panama: 20 September 1857 & 30 March 1858.
Collection of 96 Loose Gelatin Silver Photographs Showing Panama, Including US Army Air Base France Field (Airplanes on Tarmac, Base Headquarters, Base Chapel, Bachelors’ Quarters, “France Field Exchange,” Group Portraits of Officers), Colón (Balboa Avenue, Washington Hotel, Municipal Palace), Cristóbal (High School, Fire Station, Union Church, Christ Church by the Sea), Street Scenes, etc. Ca. 1945.
Fisher, J. Album of 130 Original and Studio Gelatin Silver Photographs of the Panama Canal Zone During the Interwar Period Showing Fort Clayton (Aerial View, 16th Pack Train, Pacific Sector Review), the Miraflores Locks, US Fleet in Panama, a Visit from Secretary of War George Dern, Panama City, Colon, “Arrajan,” Taboga Island, etc. Ca. 1930s.
Album with Thirty-Five Large Gelatin Silver Studio Photos of Paraguay, Presented and Signed by the American Ambassador George L. Kreeck to a Noted Writer Frances Parkinson Keyes during her Tour of South America; The Photos Include Views of Buildings and Sites in Asunción, Paraguay Military Regiments, Portraits of Graduates from the Asunción School of Aviation, Elementary Schoolchildren, Paraguayan President José Eligio Ayala, etc. Ca. 1929.
Album of 37 Gelatin Silver Photographs Showing Patagonia and the Strait of Magellan, Including Punta Arenas, Ushuaia, Rio Gallegos and Monte Sarmiento, Cockburn Channel, Beagle Channel, Lago del Toro, Mount Balmaceda, Sheep Farming, and Ethnographic Portraits of the Selk’nam (Ona) People, etc. Ca. 1920s.