Quarto (ca. 22,5x19,5 cm (9 x 7 ½ in).Four pages with only two filled in. Laid watermarked paper with printed address letterhead and a penny Inland Revenue stamp on the second page; text written in ink in a legible hand. Paper mildly sunned and aged, and with folds, but overall the letter is in a very good condition.
Captain Bedford Pim, R.N. Was a British naval officer, who "In June 1859 he was appointed to the Gorgon, for service in Central America. While stationed off Grey Town he originated and surveyed the Nicaraguan route for an isthmian canal through Mosquito and Nicaragua. While on the station he purchased a bay on the Atlantic shore, for which he was censured by the lords of the Admiralty in May 1860."(Oxford DNB).
This letter concerns his salary as "Special Commissioner of Honduras" to which he was appointed to on the "23rd of May." Proposing payment "on the quarter days usual in this country," Pim includes the details of the first two proposed payments and "Incidental expenses." The letter is docketed, at the foot of the second page, "in the name & on behalf of the Honduras Government & as Minister Plenipotentiary." and signed "Carlos Gutierrez." Countersigned by Pim in receipt of £550 over a penny Inland Revenue stamp, and dated 23 July 1872.