Vysheslavtsev, A.V. Ocherki Perom i Karandashom iz Krugosvetnogo Plavaniya v 1857, 1858, 1859 i 1860 godakh [i.e. Sketches in Pen and Pencil from the Circumnavigation in 1857, 1858, 1859 and 1860]. St. Petersburg-Moscow: M.O. Wolf, 1867.
Lambert, Gustave Richard (1846-1907); Lai Fong (ca. 1839-1890) & Others. Album with 53 Original Albumen Studio Photographs of Singapore (Singapore River, High Street, Post Office & Exchange, Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank, St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Government House, “Cricket Pavilion on New Year’s Day,” Raffles Place, Sri Mariamman Hindu Temple, a Chinese Mansion, Native Quarter and House Boats, a Street Market, Paddle Steamer “Bangkok,” Parks, “Singapore Fruits,” Tomb of a Sultan in Kuta Raja (Banda Aseh), Portraits of Sultan Abu Bakar of Johor, Sultan Jamalul Kiram II of Sulu, a Teucoe (Aristocrat) from the West Coast of Aceh, a Chinese Locksmith, an Opium Smoker, a Chinese girl in a Rich Traditional Dress, a Native Warrior), Hong Kong (Victoria City and Peak, Praya, Pedder Street and the Clock Tower, Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank, Chinese Houseboats, City Streets, Gardens, a Group Portrait of Chinese Noblemen), Portraits of Javanese Dancers and Musicians, &c. Ca. 1890s.
Historically Significant Journal Recording a Travel from Peking to Hankou (a part of present-day Wuhan), along the Line of the Unfinished Peking-Hankou (Jinghan) Railway, with the Eye-Witness Account on the Railway Construction, Notes on the Meetings with the Railway Company Officials, Chinese Workers, Inhabitants of Nearby Villages, Local Places of Interest etc., Titled: V – de Pekin à Hankao.
6-21 November [1903].
Fairbanks, William Leroy (1881-1960); Fairbanks, Lulu Edwin (née Hanna, 1882-1955). Content-Rich Keepsake Album with Over 210 Original Gelatin Silver Snapshot Photographs, Over Forty Real Photo and Printed Postcards, and Over Forty Pieces of Various Ephemera (Printed and Hand-Drawn Invitations to Official and Private Events, Cartes-de-Visite, Greeting Cards, Dinner Menus, Manuscript Notes, Drawings, Magazine Clippings, &c.), Taken and Collected during William Fairbanks’ Service as a Secretary in the American Legation in Peking in 1910. Ca. 1909-1910.
Original Watercolour Showing a Chinese Junk at Sea, with a Native Fisherman Working with a Net in the Foreground, and two European Ships in the Background. Ca. 1820s.
Borzhimskii/Borzhimsky, Fedor Kondratievich (1883-1919?). Kratkoe Istoriko-Geograficheskoe i Statisticheskoe Opisanie Khulunbuirskoi Oblasti// Izvestiia Vostochno-Sibirskogo Otdela Imperatorskogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva. Tom XLIV. [A Brief Historical, Geographical and Statistical Description of the Hulunbuir Region// Proceedings of the Eastern-Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society]. Vol. XLIV. Pp. 1-38. Irkutsk: Typ. Tovarischestva Pechatnogo Dela, 1915.
Fritsche, Hermann (1839-1913). Astronomicheskie, Magnitnie i Gipsometricheskie Nabliudeniia, Proizvedennie v 59 Punktakh na Puti ot Pekina, cherez Mongoliiu, Nerchinskii Zavod, Irkutsk, Barnaul, Yekateriburg i Perm v S.-Petersburg [Astronomical, Magnetic and Hypsometric Observations Executed in 59 Points on the Way From Peking, through Mongolia, Nerchinsk, Irkutsk, Barnaul, Yekaterinburg and Perm to Saint Petersburg]. In: Zapiski Imperatorskogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obschestva po Obschei Geografii [Bulletins of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society on the Geography in General]. Saint Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, Typ. of V. Bezobrazov & Co., 1875
Album with ca. 296 Original Gelatin Silver Photos of China and the Philippines, Showing Qingdao, Mount Lao Valley, Hong Kong, Beijing, the Great Wall of China, Manila, Olongapo Naval Station, Ships and Military Exercise of the U.S. Naval Battle Force, Admiral Harris Laning, American Enlisted Sailors, Chinese Policemen, Passers-By, Families, Beggars, &c., Titled: James A. Smith Tsingtao. China. Ca. 1930s.
Thring, Alicia Anne (1783-1862). Twenty Watercolours of Chinese Subjects, the Majority Showing Chinese Costumes, Mounted on Seven Album Leaves. Clifton, Bristol: June 25th 1824.
Staniukovich / Stanyukovich, Konstantin Mikhailovich (1843-1903). Vokrug Svieta na Korshune: Stseny iz Mosrkoy Zhizni: v dvukh chastyakh [Around the World on board the “Korshun”: Sketches from a Maritime Life: In Two Pars/ With drawings by E.P. Samokish-Sudkovskaya. Saint Petersburg: N.N. Morev, 1896.
[Pyasetsky/Piasetskii], P.Y. Puteshestvie po Kitayu v 1874-1875 gg. (cherez Sibir, Mongoliyu, Vostochny, Sredny i Severo-Zapadny Kitai): Iz dnevnika chlena ekspeditsii P.Y. Pyasetskogo [i.e. Travel across China in 1874-75 (via Siberia, Mongolia, Eastern, Central and Northwestern China): From the Diary of the Expedition Member P.Y. Pyasetsky]. St. Petersburg: Typ. of M. Stasyulevich, 1880-1881.
[With]: Pyasetsky, P.Y. Neudachnaya ekspeditsiya v Kitai 1874-1875 gg. V otvet na xashchitu g. Sosnovskogo po povodu knigi ‘‘Puteshestvie v Kitai’’ [i.e. Unsuccessful expedition to China. In Reply to the Defense of Mr. Sosnovsky about the book ‘‘Travel across China’’].
Attractive Lacquered Album with 112 Original Photographs of Japan, China, Singapore, Samoa, and Hawaii, Including Interesting Images of Nikko Temples and Processions, Tea Houses, Villages and Hotels around Lake Hakone, Streets of Tokyo, and Nara, Panoramas of Penang and Hong Kong, Scenes of Execution in Canton, Portraits of “Maoris” and Samoans, etc., Titled: Around the World, 1900. 20 March - 31 August 1900.
A Sepia Pen and Wash Watercolour View of Luis de Camões Grotto After the Aquatint from “A Picturesque Voyage to India by the Way of China” (1810) by Thomas and William Daniell’s; Titled: Camoens Cave, Macao. Ca. 1810s.
Bond, Frances Eileen Berkswell. Album with over a Hundred Original Photographs Compiled During Two Cruises: a 1931-1932 World Cruise on RMS “Empress of Britain” Showing Jerusalem, Cairo, Bombay, Colombo, Batavia, Bangkok, Beijing, the Great Wall of China, Japan, Hawaii, Panama Canal, and others; and a 1934 Cruise around the Caribbean, Showing Nassau, Jamaica, Colon in Panama, Cartagena, La Guaira in Venezuela, Trinidad, Barbados and others; Titled: World Cruise. From Monaco to Southampton. December 15th 1931 – April 16th 1932. Q.S.T.S. “Empress of Britain;” Cruise to the West Indies. From Southampton to Southampton. January 27th – March 8th 1934. R.M.S. “Homeric.” 1931-1934.