Lewisohn, Walter Pickett (ca. 1910-1991). Historically Significant Archive of a Member of Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s Second Antarctic Expedition, Walter P. Lewisohn, Including His Original, Richly Illustrated Diary, Kept during the Expedition and Containing the Complete Set of a Very Rare Mimeographed Periodical “The Snowshovel,” Issued on Board the Expedition Ship S.S. “Jacob Ruppert” in Jan. 1934; the Diary’s Typescript; a Complete Set of an Extemely Rare First American Publication in Antarctica - Mimeographed Periodical “The Barrier Bull,” Issued in “Little America” (the Expedition’s Base in Antarctica) in May-July 1934; Lewisohn’s Original Snow Glasses from the Expedition; Original Medals Presented to Lewisohn and to Another Expedition Member, Kennett Rawson; Official Expedition Stationery Leaf with the Postal Stamps, Cancelled in “Little America”; Printed Account of Byrd’s First Antarctic Expedition, Signed by the Author; and Two Groups of Later Ephemera and Original Photographs. Ca. 1933-1935.
Lambert, Gustave Richard (1846-1907); Lai Fong (ca. 1839-1890) & Others. Album with 53 Original Albumen Studio Photographs of Singapore (Singapore River, High Street, Post Office & Exchange, Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank, St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Government House, “Cricket Pavilion on New Year’s Day,” Raffles Place, Sri Mariamman Hindu Temple, a Chinese Mansion, Native Quarter and House Boats, a Street Market, Paddle Steamer “Bangkok,” Parks, “Singapore Fruits,” Tomb of a Sultan in Kuta Raja (Banda Aseh), Portraits of Sultan Abu Bakar of Johor, Sultan Jamalul Kiram II of Sulu, a Teucoe (Aristocrat) from the West Coast of Aceh, a Chinese Locksmith, an Opium Smoker, a Chinese girl in a Rich Traditional Dress, a Native Warrior), Hong Kong (Victoria City and Peak, Praya, Pedder Street and the Clock Tower, Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank, Chinese Houseboats, City Streets, Gardens, a Group Portrait of Chinese Noblemen), Portraits of Javanese Dancers and Musicians, &c. Ca. 1890s.
Greenham & Evans (fl. ca. 1895-1900); King, Henry (1855-1923); Caire, Nicholas John (1837-1918); Sargeant, Albert & Others. Album with 77 Original Gelatin Silver and Albumen Studio Photographs of Australia and Tasmania, Showing Perth, Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne, Gippsland Lakes, Hobart, Strahan (Tasmania), Cape Raoul, Fren Tree Bower, Portraits of Aboriginal Australians, Gold Miners, Tree Loggers, &c. Ca. 1880s-1890s.
Clifton & Co. (fl. ca. 1890s-1930s) & Others. Album with 97 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs and Collotypes of India, Showing Agra (Taj Mahal Complex, Agra Fort, Moti Masjid, the Tomb of I'timād-ud-Daulah), Bombay (Victoria Terminus, Crawford Market, Dwarakadhish Temple, Government Secretariat, Elphinstone Circle, University Library & Clock Tower, Oval Maidan, Queen’s Statue, Flora Fountain, General Post Office, High Court of Judicature, Elphinstone College & Sassoon Library, Oriental Buildings, Royal Alfred Sailors’ Home, Municipal Hall, Town Hall, Esplanade, Victoria Gardens, &c.), Delhi (Jama Masjid), Shiva Temple in the Elephanta Caves, a Series of Portraits of Indian People, &c. Ca. 1900s.
Album with 71 Original Well-Preserved Albumen Studio Photographs of Panama, Showing the Construction of the Panama Canal (Dredges, Earthworks and Excavations, Auxiliary Rail Tracks and Trains, Settlements for American Workers), Panama Railroad (Tracks, Bridges, Stations), Colon (Front Street, Count Lesseps Palace, Office of the Panama Railroad Co., Washington Hotel, Bolivar Street, Harbour, &c.), Panama City (General View from the Ancon Hill, Church of Santa Ana, Metropolitan Cathedral, La Merced Church, Panama Bay, Panama Railroad Station, Office of the Panama Canal Company, Grand Hotel, Ruins of the Jesuit Church), Native Panamanians, &c. Ca. 1900s.
Collection of 79 Original Gelatin Silver Vernacular Photographs of Peru, Showing Rare Early Photos of Machu Picchu and Pisac, Cusco, Huancayo, Paita, Portraits of Peruvian Marker Sellers, Parade Participants, “Street Urchins,” Llama Herdsmen, Mothers with Babies, also Cartagena, Guayaquil, a Panama Canal Lock, &c. Ca. 1920s.
Andrew, Thomas (1855-1939); Davis, John (d. 1893)/ Tattersall, Alfred John (1866-1951). Album with Thirty-Five Original Albumen and Gelatin Silver Photos of Samoa, Including Eight Photos of Wrecked American and German Naval Ships after the 1889 Apia Cyclone, Images Illustrating the Second Samoan Civil War (“Guard from U.S.F.S. Philadelphia at the American Consulate,” “U.S. Entrenchment, Mulinuu,” “Gatling gun commanding the beach road near Court House,” “The start for Mulinuu,” “Bombardment of Apia”), Scenes of “Unveiling the Anglo-American monument” and Ceremony during the “American Samoa Cession Day, <…> 17 April 1900,” Portraits of Chief Mata’afa Iosefo and King Malietoa Tanumafili I, a Detachment of Samoans Armed with Rifles, &c. Ca. 1889-1900.
Album with 43 Original Gelatin Silver Photos of the New Guinea Campaign of WW2, Showing Australian General Sir Thomas Blamey, U.S. General Robert L. Eichelberger, Australian and Papuan Soldiers, Papuan Load Carriers, Families, Children, Villages, &c., Titled: This Book Contains Pictures of New Guinea, 1943-1944. Ca. 1943-1944.
Album with 62 Original Gelatin Silver Photos of Mongolia, Showing Dechingalav Temple in Ulaanbaator (Demolished), Megzed Janraiseg Temple of the Gandantegchinlen Monastery, Sükhbaatar Square with the “Green-Domed Theatre” (Burned in 1949), Scenes from a Buddhist Festival, Portraits of Mongolian Camel Riders and Herdsmen, Political Activists, Buddhist monks, Families, a Woman Wearing Traditional Horn-Style Headdress, &c. Ca. 1920s.
Arnoux, Hippolyte (active ca. 1860 - ca. 1890); Zangaki, Adelphoi (active 1870s–1890s). Album with Sixteen Original Albumen Studio Photograph Views of Port Said, Suez Canal, and Aden. Ca. 1870s.
Album of 34 Gelatin Silver Photographs of the French Colony of Dahomey, showing Porto-Novo (Governor’s Palace, Catholic Mission, Customs Building), the Port of Cotonou, a Trading Post in Dogbo, Adja-Ouéré, “a King’s Hut,” Local Villages, Portraits of Native People and French Residents, the Booth of the “Compagnie de l’Ouémé-Dahomey” at the Paris Exposition Universelle of 1900, etc. Ca. 1890s – early 1900s.
Album with Sixty-one Original Albumen Photographs, the Majority of Which are of South Africa Showing Detailed Views of Kimberley and De Beers Diamond Mines, Johannesburg Gold Mine, Sites and Memorials of the Anglo-Zulu and First Boer Wars, Views of Pietermaritzburg, Georgetown, Durban, Newcastle; Ethnographic Photos of Zulus and “Kaffirs”; With: Photos of Zanzibar (6), Lamu in Kenya (6), Aden (4) and Egypt (8). Ca. late 1880s.
Album of 66 Gelatin Silver Snapshot Photographs of a Safari Trip in British East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, and Northern Tanzania), Showing Hunters and Game, Their Camps and Rest Houses, a Durant Rugby (Safari Vehicle), the Karamojan People, Native Guides and Porters, East African Scenery Titled: Kenya – Uganda – Belgian Congo – Sudan, October 1926 – February 1927. Ca. 1925-1927.
Nelson, Charles “Red” (1900-1982); Bragaw, Robert (1889-1969, fl. ca. 1920s-1930s); Steward, H.W.; Rossman, Earl; Johnson, George L. & others. Album with over 210 Original Gelatin Photographs of Alaska, Showing Central Alaska (Mt. Denali, Mt. Susitna, Knik Arm, Tanana and Susitna Rivers, Cache Creek, Curry – Now a Ghost Town, Mining and Survey Camps), Anchorage Environs, Kenai Peninsula (Lake Kenai, Resurrection River, Bald Mountain, Tustumena glacier, Nuka Bay glacier), Prince William Sound, the Inside Passage, Latouche Village, Portraits of Yupic People, Scenes of Dog Mushing, Hunting, Fishing, and Gold Panning, Alaskan Wildlife, Russel Merril’s Plane, &c. Ca. 1920s.
Ennis, R.C.? Album of 180 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of Dutch Harbor (Unalaska), Sand Point (Popof Island) and Unga Village on Unga Island (a Ghost Town Since 1969), Taken and Collected by an American Resident During WW2. Ca. 1940-1944.
Tembreull, Christine Erma (1895-1961), attributed to. Album with 114 Original Gelatin Silver Photos Taken During a Cruise to Alaska in 1938 and Showing Metlakatla, Ketchikan, Wrangell, Petersburg, Sitka, Skagway, Letnikof Cove, Haines Barracks, Famous Skagway Tour Guide Martin Itjen, Indigenous People, Filipino Steerage Passengers, American Military men from Haines Barracks, Cruiseship Passengers and Captain, & c. 1938.
Album with 39 Early Original Gelatin Photographs of Fairbanks, Showing St. Matthew’s Church and Hospital, the Launch of the “Koyukuk” River Steamer, City Streets, Interior of a Building Decorated for the “Floral Ball,” Firefighters and their Horse-Driven Cart, “Fireman Cook” with Pet Bears, Pioneer J. [Schuster?], “Sale Cup” of the Fairbanks Gun Club, &c. Ca. 1900s – 1920
Collection of Forty-Eight Loose Original Gelatin Silver Photographs, Showing the Filming of the Oscar-Winning Movie “Eskimo” in Northwestern Alaska in 1932-1933, Featuring Rare Behind-the-Scenes Photos of the Film Cast & Crew (Ray Mala, Lotus Long, Peter Freuchen, W. S. Van Dyke), Native Actors in Parkas and Mukluks Haunting Polar Bear, Walrus, and Moose, Extras Posing in Igloos and Processing Captured Animals; also, with Early Photos of Alaska’s Arctic and the 1930s Movie Equipment. 1932-1933.
Album with 229 Original Gelatin Silver Snapshot Photographs, Showing Nome (Sheldon Hotel, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Front Street, Golden Gate Hotel, &c.), Dutch Harbor (Facilities of the “North American Commercial Co.,” Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Ascension, Iliuliuk Bay), Likely Kotzebue Sound, Gold Miners Panning, Dredging and Digging, Canoeing, Dog Sledding, Posing next to Their Tents, on Board a Steamship, Native Alaskans, “Wisconsin” Gold Dredge, &c. Ca. 1898-1903.
Album with Fifty-Eight Early Original Albumen Photographs of French Algeria, Showing Algiers, Constantine, Bone, El Kantara, Katara Gorge, Roman Ruins in Timgad, Portraits of Native Algerians, Views of Smaller French Settlements and Country Houses, Algerian Villages etc. Ca. 1878.
Neurdein Frères (active ca. 1870s-1890s); Jouve, Noël (ca. 1880s-1910s) & Others. Album with 49 Original Albumen Studio Photos of Algeria, Showing Algiers, Oran, Tlemcen, Mers El Kebir, Mansoura, Constantine, Algerian People, French Colonial Residents and Catholic Missionaries, etc. Ca. 1880s-1890s.
Collection of Two Albums with 128 Original Gelatin Silver Photos Taken by a French Participant of the South-Oranese Campaign in Southwestern Algeria, Showing Towns and Military Posts (Taghit, Béni Abbès, Mazzer, Igli, Kerzaz, Tamtert, Béni Ounif, Duveyrier, Ain Sefra, Saida), Native Ksars, Military Convoys, Wounded French Military Men, Funeral and Exhumation of French Officers, Captured Berbers, Hermitage of a Catholic Hermit Charles de Foucauld, Scenes of Vaccination by Dr. Perrin, Portraits of the Local People, etc.
Collection of 21 Original Photos, taken during XIXth Soviet Antarctic Expedition on Molodezhnaya station in the years 1973-1975, led by V. S. Ignatov and D. D. Maksutov. The collection shows the work process at the station, the equipment and the experiments conducted, the everyday life of the scientists, including food preparation and participation in Soviet elections, the machinery used at the station, as well as the panoramic view of the station itself. 1973-1975.
Interesting Album with 53 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of Iceland, Showing Natural Sites, Kaldadal Highland Road, Bridges, and Smaller Communities around the Island. Ca. 1938
Collection of Sixteen Loose Albumen Photos of the East Argentine Railway, Showing Concordia (Entre Rios), Railway Stations in Gualeguaycito and Monte Caseros, a Four-Span Bridge over the Mandisovi River, Ceibo River and Nearby Ranchos, Monte Caseros, Company’s “Mensajero” Steamer in Ceibo, &c. Ca. 1880s.