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Search results: Drawings and Watercolors
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Lewisohn, Walter Pickett (ca. 1910-1991). Historically Significant Archive of a Member of Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s Second Antarctic Expedition, Walter P. Lewisohn, Including His Original, Richly Illustrated Diary, Kept during the Expedition and Containing the Complete Set of a Very Rare Mimeographed Periodical “The Snowshovel,” Issued on Board the Expedition Ship S.S. “Jacob Ruppert” in Jan. 1934; the Diary’s Typescript; a Complete Set of an Extemely Rare First American Publication in Antarctica - Mimeographed Periodical “The Barrier Bull,” Issued in “Little America” (the Expedition’s Base in Antarctica) in May-July 1934; Lewisohn’s Original Snow Glasses from the Expedition; Original Medals Presented to Lewisohn and to Another Expedition Member, Kennett Rawson; Official Expedition Stationery Leaf with the Postal Stamps, Cancelled in “Little America”; Printed Account of Byrd’s First Antarctic Expedition, Signed by the Author; and Two Groups of Later Ephemera and Original Photographs. Ca. 1933-1935.
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Weatherley, Captain Cecil Poulett (1860-1932). Historically Significant Content-Rich Original Manuscript Notebook Documenting the Exploration and Survey of Lake Bangweulu in British Central Africa (Soon to Become North-Eastern Rhodesia, Now – Zambia), With Detailed Notes on the Local Chiefs, Customs, Methods and Styles of Tattoos, Teeth Filing and Its Negative Impact on the Teeth Health, &c., Illustrated with Over Forty Pencil and Watercolour Maps and Sketches of the Lake Shores, Islands, Marshes, the Course of the Luapula River, Native Hairstyles, &c. Ca. 1898-1899.
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$ 1750.00
[Burton, Lucy]. Collection of Eight Attractive Watercolours of Fiji, Showing Suva, Levuka, a Sugar Plantation, a Fishing Boat, a Coastal Scene with a Dugout Canoe, a Fijian in Traditional Dress, &c. Ca. 1911.
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Album of Five Indian School Watercolour, Ink and Pencil Portraits Signed “CP,” Showing the Traditional Dress of People and Leaders in the Kingdom of Caubul [Kabul] During the Durrani Dynasty (1747-1842) Perhaps used as the Original Archetype Illustrations for Montstuart Elphinstone's, 1815 Book:] “An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and its Dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India; comprising a view of the Afghaun Nation, and a history of the Doorauni Monarchy.” Ca. 1815.
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$ 750.00
[Boyd, A[lexander] S[tuart](1854-1930). Original Ink Drawing prepared for the “Graphic”, Titled:"Chamberlain & Natives in Africa (Witnessing a Zulu War Dance in Natal)." 26 Feb 1903.
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Original Ink Drawing Prepared for the “Graphic”, Titled: The Work of the Loyal Women’s Guild, South Africa: A Corner of Woodstock Cemetery near Cape Town, with the Decorated Graves of the Fallen (From a Photograph). [1901].
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Bates, Leo. Collection of Five Large Signed Mounted Black and White Monochrome Watercolours Showing Scenes of David Livingstone's Last Expedition Including his Meeting with Henry Stanley. Ca. 1920.
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Trotter, A[lexander] M[ason] (Scotland 1891-1946). Watercolour, Apparently Used as an Illustration in 'The Graphic,' Titled On Verso: "Death of Livingstone." London: 1917.
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D’Oyly, Sir Hastings Hadley (1864-1948). Two Original Watercolours of the Andaman Islands, Titled on Verso: 1) Ross Islands from the Aberdeen District Officers’ House, Port Blair; and 2) Government Rest House, Mount Harriet – Port Blair. Ca. 1890.
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Drawing Heightened with Watercolour, Unsigned but Titled and Dated: "Ascension 1847." 1847.
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A Collection of Four Original Watercolours of Australia and Tasmania, Showing Botany Bay, Murrumbidgee River and Wollundry Lagoon in Wagga-Wagga and Tamar River in Tasmania; With a Watercolour Plant Sketch, Titled "Homeward Bound". Ca. 1890s.
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Hallam, A. Original Unsigned Ink Drawing, Titled: Manly Beach from the North. Sydney, N.S.W. Ca. 1880.
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Ashton, Sir John William (Australian, 1881-1963). Original Watercolour Scene, Showing a Docked Sailship, Most Likely in the Sydney Waterfront. Ca. 1898.
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$ 475.00
[Peacock], [Alfred?] Original Unsigned Watercolour Titled:] "Barbadoes from the North-West. Bridgetown." Ca. 1889.
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$ 850.00
Turner, Captain Henry A., Royal Artillery (British, active 1849-1853). Original Initialed (on verso) "H.A.T." Watercolour on two Joined Sheets, Dated & Titled: "Pilgrim. The Governor's Residence Barbados. Apl. 1852."
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$ 625.00
Drummond, Augusta (1842-1908). Two Original Watercolour Views of Biarritz. February 1881.
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$ 525.00
Spence, Percy Frederick Seaton (1868-1933). Original Watercolour prepared for the “Graphic”, Titled: "Soldiers Making Friends with Lascars on a P. & O. Transport. “One touch of Nature”. 2 Nov 1899.
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$ 375.00
Ewan, Frances. Original Watercolour prepared for the “Graphic”, Titled: "Preparing for Emergencies in Johannesburg: A Promising Young Uitlander." 19 Sept. 1899.
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Original Watercolour of one of the Brazilian Islands of the Martin Vaz Archipelago, Dated and Titled: Ille de la Trinite, Vue le 1er Janvier 1821. January 1, 1821.
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$ 750.00
Collection of Three Watercolours of Simonstown, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. Ca. 1908.
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Elegant Grisaille Watercolour Showing Columbus Landing in America with the Explorer Encouraging his Party to go Forward, and a Group of Native Americans and a Spanish Ship in the Background. Early 19th century.
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[Peacock], [Alfred?] Original Unsigned Watercolour Titled: "St. Thomas. West Indies." 1889.
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$ 750.00
Pritchett, B.J. Original Watercolour Showing the Harbour of Coquimbo, Chile. January 1851.
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$ 750.00
Original Unsigned Ink Drawing Titled in Pencil on Verso:] ".., bei Lantschou..," Ca. 1905.
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$ 750.00
Filchner, Wilhelm (1877-1957). Original Signed (Illegibly) Ink Drawing Titled in Pencil: "Haupttor von Si-Ning-Fu" (Main Gate of Xining). Ca. 1905.
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