De La Motte, Edward. Typewritten Manuscript Account of the Fifth Ascent of Aconcagua, by British Climber Edward de la Motte and American Mountaineer James Ramsey Ullman, Being also the First American Ascent of Aconcagua, Titled: Horcones Valley and Aconcagua. February/March 1928.
Autograph Letter Signed by a Buenos Aires Merchant Gaspar Ressa to the Members of the City’s Prior y Counsel, Written at the Time of the French Blockade of Buenos Aires During the Spanish American War of Confederation. Buenos Aires, 1 December 1838.
Buchanan, William Insco (1853-1909). Historically Significant Letterbook with Copies of ca. 450 Two Hundred Letters and Telegrams in English and Spanish, Written and Received by William I. Buchanan in August 1897 – July 1899, during His Service as U.S. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Buenos Aires; WITH: A Journal with 33 Original Amateur Gelatin Silver Photos of Argentina; WITH: A Journal Accounting for Buchanan’s Family Private Expenses in Argentina in November 1894 – December 1895.
[Pastorino, Luis], & Others. Album with Sixty-Six Original Gelatin Silver Photos of Argentina and Uruguay, Showing Buenos Aires (General & Street Views, Port, Waterfront, Piramide de Mayo, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Metropolitan Cathedral, Zoo, &c.), Tigre (Private Mansion, River Waterfront), Campana (Military Camp, Cattle Farm, River Waterfront), and Montevideo (Plaza Independencia, Fortaleza del Cerro, Baños Plaza Ramirez, “Saladero Clouzet & Cia” Facility, Palaza Cagancha with La Libertad Statue, Metropolitan Cathedral, &c. Ca. early 1900s.
Standke, Fritz. Album with 174 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of a Steamer and Land Journey from Buenos Aires to the Iguazu Falls and Asuncion (Paraguay) in August-September 1918, Compiled by an Upper-Class German Resident of Argentina and Showing Argentinian and Uruguayan Ports on the Uruguay and Parana Rivers, San Ignacio Jesuit Mission, Puerto Iguazu and its First Hotel, Iguazu Falls from Argentinian and Brazilian Sides, Travellers and their Companions, Asuncion and San Bernardino, &c. 1918.
Barros, Joao de (1496-1570). Decada primeira da Asia. Dos feitos, que os Portuguezes fizeram no descobrimento, e conquista dos mares, e terras do Oriente, e novamente dada a luz, e offerecida ao Senhor Joao Bristows. [Barros' First Decade of Asia]. Lisboa: Na Officina de Pedro Ferreira, 1752
Bonvalot, Pierre Gabriel Édouard (1853-1933). Autograph Note Signed ‘G. Bonvalot’ to André Liesse, with the Original Envelope with Postal Stamps. Lyon, 20 February 1896.
CARTHEW-YORSTOUN, Morden, Lt. Colonel (1832 - after 1905). Mawlamyine, Burma: Original Double-Page Watercolour Showing a Panoramic View of Moulmein. Ca. 1853.
Ouseley, Gore, Sir (1770-1844). Autograph Letter Signed, Regarding Ouseley Activities in the Royal Asiatic Society and Mentioning George FitzClarence and the First Edition of "The Travels of Ibn Batuta." Woolmers, Hertford:22 October 1829.
Filchner, Wilhelm (1877-1957). A Collection of Seven Original Ink Drawings (Three initialed "C.A.") Used as Illustrations in Wilhelm Filchner's Book " Das Kloster Kumbum in Tibet. Ein Beitrag zu Seiner Geschichte (The Monastery Kumbum in Tibet. A Contribution to its History)" Berlin: Mittler & Sohn 1906. Ca. 1905.
La Cochinchine, Album Général illustré de 456 gravures sur cuivre. [Cochinchina, Illustrated General Album with 456 Photogravures]. Saigon [Ho Chi Minh City]: Edition Photo Nadal, ca. 1925.
Album with 36 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs, Taken and Collected by an Associate of the “Assam Oil Company” and Showing the Company Settlement with Bungalows, Oil Reservoirs and Railway Tracks, Construction of Oil Derricks, Arriving Train (apparently, of the Assam Railway & Trading Co.), Company’s Associates, Native People of Assam, Working Elephants, &c. Ca. 1900s.
Album with 199 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs and One Printed Postcard Taken and Collected by an Englishwoman during an Early Post-War Voyage through Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania in 1950-1951, Showing Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Albury-Wodonga, Tallangatta, Tawonga, Bogong, Adelaide, Perth, Auckland, Rotorua, Wellington, and Launceston; also with the Photos of Colombo, Aden, Port Said, and Gibraltar; titled: Photographs. 1950-1951.
Album with Nine Original Albumen and Gelatin Silver Photographs, Showing the Australian Bush, Homestead and a Creek near “Langiwilli,” Sutherland Dock on the Cockatoo Island (Sydney Harbour), and Cotton Shipping in Galveston, TX. Ca. late 1890s - early 1900s.
A Collection of Four Original Watercolours of Australia and Tasmania, Showing Botany Bay, Murrumbidgee River and Wollundry Lagoon in Wagga-Wagga and Tamar River in Tasmania; With a Watercolour Plant Sketch, Titled "Homeward Bound". Ca. 1890s.
Dimick, Essie E., née Frakes (1891-1973). Album with ca. 190 Original Gelatin Silver Snapshot Photographs and 11 Real Photo and Printed Postcards, Showing Melbourne (South Wharf, Business Sector), Samoa, Fiji (Ovalau, Rotuma, Portraits of Locals), etc. Ca. 1928-1936.
Ashton, Sir John William (Australian, 1881-1963). Original Watercolour Scene, Showing a Docked Sailship, Most Likely in the Sydney Waterfront. Ca. 1898.
Hall, William James (1877-1951); Kerry, Charles (1857-1928); Rudd, Charles (1849-1901), & others. Historically Interesting Album with 48 Original Albumen Photographs of Australia and Tasmania, Showing Sydney, Mount Victoria, Govetts Leap and Wentworth Falls Lookouts, Melbourne, Bengido, Hobart, Huon Road, Mount Wellington, New Norfolk, Derwent River, Cape Raoul, &c. Ca. 1890s.
Gulbenkian, C.S. Transcaucasie et la peninsule D’Apchéron. Souvenirs de Voyage [i.e. Transcaucasia and the Apsheron Peninsula. Travel Memories]. Paris: Librarie Hachette et Cie, 1891.
Interesting Album with 233 Original Mounted and Loosely Inserted Gelatin Silver Photos, Including 112 Images of Bermuda, Showing St. George’s (St. Peter’s Church and Clock Tower, Salvation Army Church, Stewart Hall, Harbour, Streets), Hamilton (Princess Hotel, Wharf), Private Residences, Roads, Local People, &c.; The Album is Titled: Bermuda. 1906. Ca. 1900s.