Galbraith, Marion (1908-1967), attributed to. Collection of 261 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs and Real Photo & Printed Postcards from the Collection of Marion Galbraith, a Female Manitowoc Resident and Stenographer, Showing a Series of Marion’s Portraits, Views of her Residence, Photos from her Sister’s Wedding, and Scenes from her Trips to New Orleans and San Antonio; titled: Photographs. Ca. 1920s-1930s.
Bond, Frances Eileen Berkswell. Album with over a Hundred Original Photographs Compiled During Two Cruises: a 1931-1932 World Cruise on RMS “Empress of Britain” Showing Jerusalem, Cairo, Bombay, Colombo, Batavia, Bangkok, Beijing, the Great Wall of China, Japan, Hawaii, Panama Canal, and others; and a 1934 Cruise around the Caribbean, Showing Nassau, Jamaica, Colon in Panama, Cartagena, La Guaira in Venezuela, Trinidad, Barbados and others; Titled: World Cruise. From Monaco to Southampton. December 15th 1931 – April 16th 1932. Q.S.T.S. “Empress of Britain;” Cruise to the West Indies. From Southampton to Southampton. January 27th – March 8th 1934. R.M.S. “Homeric.” 1931-1934.
Historically Significant Album with 72 Original Photos of a French Military Hospital Camp for Serbian Soldiers Recovering in Tunisia after the Great Retreat or Serbian Golgotha; the Photos Show Starved Serbian Soldiers in a Hospital at Vido Island (Greece), Their Arrival and Disembarkation at the Camp, Disinfection, Interior of Hospital Rooms, Medical Operations, Patients, Doctors and Nurses, Recovering Soldiers Dancing and Playing Musical Instruments, Official Visits and Reviews, Possibly by the Maritime Prefect of Bizerte Admiral Guépratte, Serbian Orthodox Funeral Service and Internment, Serbian Cemetery near “Sidi Yaya,” &c. Ca. 1916-1917.
[Viges And Darby Families, Attributed to]. Album with Forty Original Gelatin Silver Photographs and Eight Real Photo Postcards from the Viges and Darby Families of Eunice, St. Landry, Louisiana, Showing Black American Soldiers in Segregated Units of the U.S. Army, Engaging in Labor Activities, Posing in Post-War Japan, Heading towards Fort Benning, etc.; Units and Regiments Represented Include 24th “Buffalo” Infantry Regiment, United States Army Central, the Anti-Aircraft Command, the 6th Armored Division, the Civil Air Patrol, etc. Ca. 1943-1946.
Mainov/ Maynov, Ivan Ivanovich (1861-1936). Russkiye Krestyane i Osyodlye Inorodtsy Yakutskoy Oblasti/ Zapiski Imperatorskogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva po Otdeleniyu Statistiki. Tom XII, Izdanny pod Redaktsiyey d. chl. V.V. Morachevskogo [Russian Peasants and Sedentary Indigenous People of the Yakutsk Province/ Proceedings of the Russian Imperial Geographical Society. Statistics Department / Vol. XII. Ed. by V.V. Morachevsky]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of V.F. Kirshbaum, 1912.
Album with 76 Original Gelatin Silver Photos of London Missionary Society Stations in North-Eastern Rhodesia (Zambia); Including Portraits of Missionaries and their Families (W. Draper, H.E. Wareham, Rev. R.S. Wright, Rev. J.A. Ross, Rev. H.C. Nutter, W. Freshwater, B.R. Turner, Rev. W.G. Robertson, Rev. E.H. Clark), British Civil Servants (H.C. Marshall, G.M.E. Leyer, J. McNeil), Views of “Spirit Huts, Mambwe,” “Mrs. McNeil’s Grave, Kawimbe,” Kalambo Falls, Luena River, Lake Malawi, Mount Waller, Mombasa, Dar-es-Salaam, Zanzibar, Portraits of Maasai, Kikuyu People, &c. Ca. 1900s.
Weatherley, Captain Cecil Poulett (1860-1932). Historically Significant Content-Rich Original Manuscript Notebook Documenting the Exploration and Survey of Lake Bangweulu in British Central Africa (Soon to Become North-Eastern Rhodesia, Now – Zambia), With Detailed Notes on the Local Chiefs, Customs, Methods and Styles of Tattoos, Teeth Filing and Its Negative Impact on the Teeth Health, &c., Illustrated with Over Forty Pencil and Watercolour Maps and Sketches of the Lake Shores, Islands, Marshes, the Course of the Luapula River, Native Hairstyles, &c. Ca. 1898-1899.