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Search results: October 2024 New Acquisitions & Selected Stock Highlights
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[Martynov, Ivan Ivanovich (1771-1833). Izvestiya o Puteshestviyakh Rossiyan okolo Sveta [A Relation about Voyages of the Russians around the World]. In: Litsey: Periodicheskoye Izdaniye [Litseum: A Periodical]. Part 1. Book 2. Pp. 87-94. [Saint Petersburg: Imperial Typ., 1806].
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Healey, Charles Terraine (1833-1914). Historically Significant Archive of Three Original Manuscript Notebooks, by California’s First Licensed Surveyor, Documenting His Land Surveys of New Almaden and Guadalupe Quicksilver Mines (Santa Clara Co.), Los Vergeles, Moro Cojo and Los Capitancillos Ranches, in the Vicinity of the Sargent Station of the Southern Pacific Railroad (now a Ghost Town), &c.; WITH: a Period Copy of a Survey on the Retracing of Los Huecos Rancho (Santa Clara Co.), Signed and Sealed by the U.S. Surveyor General for California, W.H. Brown. Notebooks: ca. 1871-1879, 1886.
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Fee, Darlington (Dart) E. (1876-1938). Historically Significant Original Lined Notebook with 88 Original Gelatin Silver Snapshot Photos, Taken by an American Deputy Collector of Customs on Siasi Island (Sulu Archipelago of the Philippines) and Showing American Military Gamp Gregg, Military Governor of Siasi Captain Samuel Seay, Sultan Jamalul Kiram II and his Staff, Haji Housman – Chief Police, Datu (Tribal Chief) Puego, American Military Officers (with Names Identified), Soldiers Building a Water Ditch, Playing Baseball, Resting on Siasi, “First American Flag at Siassi,” Siasi Dock Tower, Hospital, “the Commissary Building, the Flag at Half-Mast,” Market Road, Tiana Stret, the Native Quarter Built on Stilts in the Sea, Native Cemetery, the Compiler’s Living Quarters in the Custom House &c. Ca. 1900-1901.
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Album with 38 Original Well-Preserved Albumen Studio Photographs of Panama, Showing the Construction of Panama Canal by the French (American and French Dredges, Earthworks and Excavations, French Clapet Boats, Canal Locks, Auxiliary Rail Tracks and Trains), Colon (Front Street, Count de Lesseps Palace, Compagnie Interocéanique’s Office, French Consul’s Quarters, Washington House, Garfield House, Colonel Reeve’s House, French Hospital, &c.), Panama City (the Main Square with Metropolitan Cathedral, Grand Hotel and Bishop’s Palace, Bull Baiting on Santa Ana Plaza, Panama Bay), Culebra Station of Panama Railroad, Gatun Village and Chagres River, Native Panamanians, &c. Ca. late 1880s.
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Rust, Thomas Alfred (1841-1904) & Others. Album with 42 Original Albumen Studio Photographs of Northern India, Showing All Saints Cathedral in Allahabad (Prayagraj) During and Shortly after Its Construction, Local Clergy Including Bishop of Calcutta Rev. Edward Ralph Johnson, the First Bishop of the Diocese of Lucknow Rev. Arthur Clifford, Civil and Military Chaplains, Organists, Choir Members, Buildings of Bishop Johnson School for Girls and Colvin School for Boys, a Series of Portraits of Royal Artillery Servicemen in Allahabad and Roorkee, British Military Establishments in Chakrata and Kailana, a portrait of Commander-in-Chief of India Sir Frederick Roberts at Chakrata, &c. Ca. 1880s-1890s.
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Dodge, William S. A Historically Important, One of the Earliest Manuscript Liquor Licenses Signed by the First Mayor of Sitka and Alaska Pioneer, William S. Dodge, Just a Year After the US Purchased Alaska from Russia and Only a Few Months before the Act of Congress of 27 July 1868 Prohibited the Sale and Import of Alcohol to the Inhabitants of the Territory. Sitka, 07 March 1868.
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Album with 229 Original Gelatin Silver Snapshot Photographs, Showing Nome (Sheldon Hotel, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Front Street, Golden Gate Hotel, &c.), Dutch Harbor (Facilities of the “North American Commercial Co.,” Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Ascension, Iliuliuk Bay), Likely Kotzebue Sound, Gold Miners Panning, Dredging and Digging, Canoeing, Dog Sledding, Posing next to Their Tents, on Board a Steamship, Native Alaskans, “Wisconsin” Gold Dredge, &c. Ca. 1898-1903.
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Helbert, Raymond Ferdinand Marie (1877-1972), colonel. Historically Significant Album of ca. 410 Gelatin Silver Photographs Taken by Raymond Helbert, a Lieutenant of the 4th Zouave Regiment, During His Service in Tunisia (1904-1906) and the Conquest of Morocco (1909-1911), Showing Sidi Abdallah (French Military Base in Bizerte), Zouave Barracks, a Series of “Manoeuvres” (Camps of the 4thZouaves, “Artillery in Position”), the Departure of General d’Amade, the “Méhalla des Grands Vizirs,” Moroccan Goumiers, Senegalese Tirailleurs, Helbert’s Legion d’Honneur Ceremonies, etc. Ca. 1904-1919, 1930-1933.
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$ 950.00
Collection of 21 Original Photos, taken during XIXth Soviet Antarctic Expedition on Molodezhnaya station in the years 1973-1975, led by V. S. Ignatov and D. D. Maksutov. The collection shows the work process at the station, the equipment and the experiments conducted, the everyday life of the scientists, including food preparation and participation in Soviet elections, the machinery used at the station, as well as the panoramic view of the station itself. 1973-1975.
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[Kablé, Emile]. Historically Significant Collection of Two Albums with over 460 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of Diamond Mining Operations of French “Companhia Boa Vista” near Diamantina, Minas Gerais State of Brazil, Showing Earthworks at Lagoa Secca, Bom Successo, Pindahybas and Tahoa, Boa Vista Settlement with the General Office and Employees’ Settlement, Water Reservoirs and Pump Stations, Electric Plant at Santa Maria, a System of Sluices, Installation of Boilers and Pulsometers, the Head of the Construction Antonio de Lavendeyra, the Company’s Employees including the Compiler, Native Workers Washing Paydirt, Views of Diamantina and Environs, &c. Ca. 1897-1900.
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Murray, John Sutherland (1818-1882); Moore, Henry M. Original Autograph Letter Signed from Moores Flat (a Gold Mining Town Later Abandoned in the Early 20th Century), Written by a California Forty-Niner and Talking about the Construction of a “Store-Room” in the General Store or the Hotel of Town Founder H.M. Moore, Successful Gold Mining, When “an Ounce of Beautiful Gold” was Obtained after an Hour Washing “under Disadvantageous Circumstances,” Nevada County Pioneer and Gold Miner James Weaver, &c. Moores Flat (Nevada Co.): 1 January 1854.
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Interesting Album with ca. 260 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of the Caribbean, Taken and Collected during a Cruise of S.S. “Moltke” with Amateur Snapshot and Studio Photos of Destruction of St. Pierre (Martinique) after the Eruption of Mount Pelee in May 1902, and Lively Views of Havana (Cuba), Charlotte Amalie (Saint Thomas), San Juan (Puerto Rico), Fort-de-France (Martinique), Nassau (Bahamas), Portraits of the Locals and Tourists, &c. Ca. early 1910s.
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$ 3750.00
[Ezra, Alfred] (1872-1955). Album with 78 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of Mostly Central Asia, Taken During an Overland Travel from India to England and Showing Srinagar (Khanqah-e-Moula Mosque, Hindu Raghunath Temple, Sher Garhi Palace), Kashgar (Afaq Khoja Mausoleum), Fort Verny (Almaty), Pamir Mountains, Scenes of the Party Crossing Mountains and Rivers, Portraits of Central Asian Tribesmen, a Chinese Elder, Criminals with Their Heads Locked in Pillories, Street and Market Scenes, &c. Ca. 1904.
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$ 1500.00
Leblanc, Félix (active ca. 1865-1910s) & others. Album of 14 Albumen Studio Photographs of Chile, Showing Valparaíso, Santiago, the Magellan Strait, and the Andes. Ca. 1891-1893.
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Fritsche, Hermann (1839-1913). Astronomicheskie, Magnitnie i Gipsometricheskie Nabliudeniia, Proizvedennie v 59 Punktakh na Puti ot Pekina, cherez Mongoliiu, Nerchinskii Zavod, Irkutsk, Barnaul, Yekateriburg i Perm v S.-Petersburg [Astronomical, Magnetic and Hypsometric Observations Executed in 59 Points on the Way From Peking, through Mongolia, Nerchinsk, Irkutsk, Barnaul, Yekaterinburg and Perm to Saint Petersburg]. In: Zapiski Imperatorskogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obschestva po Obschei Geografii [Bulletins of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society on the Geography in General]. Saint Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, Typ. of V. Bezobrazov & Co., 1875
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Interesting Collection of Twelve Original Gelatin Silver Photos of Shanghai, Showing Longhua Temple Pagoda, Willow Patern Tea House and Nine Curve Bridge, Several Views of the Bund (Street View with the Original Building of the Shanghai Club, Bandstand in the Bund Public Garden, Various Parts of Bund Riverfront), &c. Ca. 1900s.
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$ 4500.00
Robertson, James (1813-1888); Beato, Felice (1832-1909), attributed to. Collection of Six Loose Salt Paper Prints, Showing Sevastopol and Environs During the Crimean War and in the Aftermath of the Capture of the Malakhov/Malakoff Redoubt on September 8, 1855. Ca. 1855-1856.
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$ 3250.00
Hammerschmidt, Wilhelm (ca. 1830 - d. 1869); Désiré, Ermé (fl. ca. 1864-1885); Royer & Aufiére (fl. ca. 1860s), Délié, Hippolyte (fl ca. 1860-1880s), De Michele, Luigi/Fotografia Egiziana (fl. ca. 1850-1890), Neurdein, Étienne (fl. ca. 1870s-1900s), Deplanque, Jules, & Others. Album of Sixty Early Original Carte-de-visite Albumen Photographs of Egypt - Mostly Portraits of the Locals (Water Carriers, Musicians, “Bedouins from Giza,” Camel, Oxen and Donkey Riders, Sellers of Oranges or Sugar Canes, a Beggar, a Barber and His Client, a “Tobacco Cutter,” lsmail Pasha, Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt, Arab and Nubian Women with Water Jugs, Smoking Hookah, Posing in Traditional Dress, with Covered Faces, and Others), Also Views of Cairo (Muhammad Ali Mosque, Mosque of Qani-Bay, “Houses of Copts,” &c.), Suez Canal, Pompey’s Pillar, &c. Ca. 1860s.-1880s.
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$ 2500.00
Zangaki Brothers (ca. 1880s-1890s); Beato, Antonio (-1906); Maison Bonfils (1867-1939); Sébah, Pascal (1823-1886); Sébah, Johannes Pascal (1872-1947); Arnoux, Hippolyte (active ca. 1860s-1900); Lékegian, G. (active ca. 1887-1925); Fiorillo, Luigi (active ca. 1870s-1890); Maison Garrigues (active ca. 1870s-1911); Neurdien Fréres (active ca. 1870s-); Perdis, P. (active ca. 1890s-1905); & others. Album of 139 Albumen Studio Photographs of Egyptian Cities (Cairo, Alexandria, Port Said), the Suez Canal, and Egyptian Temples (Philae, Dendera, Luxor, Karnak, Wadi es-Sabua, Edfu), etc. Ca. 1870s-1890s.
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$ 1500.00
White, E.R. Knox (ca. 1891-?). Album of 68 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs Including 10 Real Photo Postcards of Egypt and Anglo-Egyptian Sudan During WWI, Showing Akobo, with Ethnographic Portraits of the Anuak People, Khartoum, Cairo (Heliopolis Palace Hotel, the Great Pyramids, Cairo Citadel), Alexandria, Port Said, and etc. Ca. 1915-1918.
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Album of 30 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs Showing Takoradi Harbour and the Gold Coast (Sekondi Harbour, Elmina Castle, Cape Coast Castle, Christiansborg Castle), etc. Ca. 1929.
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Vysheslavtsev, A.V. Ocherki Perom i Karandashom iz Krugosvetnogo Plavaniya v 1857, 1858, 1859 i 1860 godakh [i.e. Sketches in Pen and Pencil from the Circumnavigation in 1857, 1858, 1859 and 1860]. St. Petersburg-Moscow: M.O. Wolf, 1867.
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[R.A.E., Edward] (1847-1923); [R.A.E., Gray Kynoch Leathart “Bino”] (1887-1947). Album with 184 Original Gelatin Silver Photos, Documenting a Trip to the Holy Land, Syria and Lebanon in 1908 and Showing the Sea of Galilee, Tiberias, Cana, Nazareth, “Waterfall near River Yarmuk, Country of the Gadarenes,” Jerusalem (Church of the Holy Sepulchre, City Walls, “Chapel of the Finding of the Cross,” Garden of Gethsemane, Tomb of Absalom, Dome of the Rock, Mount of Olives, Tower of David), Siloam and Bethany Villages, Beirut, Damascus, Tracks of Lebanon and Hedjaz Railways, Native Inhabitants, Pilgrims, the Travellers, &c. Ca. 1908.
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Album of Thirty Very Attractive Original Watercolour Views of the Holy Land; Including: Two Watercolours from the Same Travel Showing Surghaya village in the Anti-Lebanon Mountains (Syria) and the Acropolis in Smyrna/Izmir (Turkey). March-May 1893.
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$ 5250.00
Clifton & Co. (fl. ca. 1890s-1930s) & Others. Album with 97 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs and Collotypes of India, Showing Agra (Taj Mahal Complex, Agra Fort, Moti Masjid, the Tomb of I'timād-ud-Daulah), Bombay (Victoria Terminus, Crawford Market, Dwarakadhish Temple, Government Secretariat, Elphinstone Circle, University Library & Clock Tower, Oval Maidan, Queen’s Statue, Flora Fountain, General Post Office, High Court of Judicature, Elphinstone College & Sassoon Library, Oriental Buildings, Royal Alfred Sailors’ Home, Municipal Hall, Town Hall, Esplanade, Victoria Gardens, &c.), Delhi (Jama Masjid), Shiva Temple in the Elephanta Caves, a Series of Portraits of Indian People, &c. Ca. 1900s.
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$ 3750.00
Greene, Captain Dominick Sarsfield, Royal Artillery (1826-1892). Attractive Album of Ten Original Watercolours, Showing the Western Ghats near Mumbai, Elephanta Caves (Mumbai Harbour), Gibraltar Hill as seen from Rawalpindi (Pakistan), Taj Mahal (Agra), Jama Masjid Mosque (Delhi), the Environs of Constantia (Cape of Good Hope), Saint Helena Island, Sao Vicente and Santo Antao Islands (Cape Verde). Ca. 1857-8.
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Butler, Robert, Lieutenant and Captain, East India Company Army (ca. 1792-1862). Archive of Seventeen Original Manuscript Documents (and Two Original Envelopes), Compiled during Butler’s Service in the Madras Native Infantry in ca. 1815-1837, Including the Original Commission Appointing Him a Lieutenant in the 11th Madras Native Infantry (Signed by the Governor of Madras, Hugh Elliot and with the Seal of the East India Company), Official Papers Regarding Butler’s Sick Leave, Penalties for not Reporting his Return, a Subsequent Pardon, Money Loans, Payments and Allowances from the Madras Native Infantry, House Renting near “Camp at Kulladghee” [Kaladgi], and a Shipment of His Order of “1 Linen Surcingle, 1 Set of White Tape Headstall & Reins, 1 Pale […?] Saddlecloth with Gold Lace…”. Fort St. George, Madras, Cannanore, Camp at Kulladghee, &c., ca. 1815-1837.
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Zubov, Platon Pavlovich (ca. 1796 – after 1857). Kartina Posledney Voiny Rossii s Persiyeyu, 1826-1828. S Prisovokupleniyem Istoriko-Statisticheskogo Obzora Zavoyovannykh Gorodov i Vospominanii o Erivani [A Picture of the Latest of War Between Russia and Persia, 1826-1828. With the Addition of a Historical and Statistical Overview of the Captured Cities and Memoirs on Erivan]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of Conrad Wingeber, 1834.
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$ 3750.00
Kostenkov, Kapiton Ivanovich (1792-1883). [ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATED PUBLISHER’S WRAPPER PRESERVED:] Istoricheskiye i Statisticheskiye Svedenia o Kalmykakh, Kochuyushchikh v Astrakhanskoi Gubernii. S Kartoyu Kalmutskoy Stepi. Sostavil Glavny Popiechitel Kalmytskogo Naroda General-Mayor K. Kostenkov/ [Izdaniye Ministerstva Gosudarstvennykh Imushchestv] [Historical and Statistical Intelligence about Kalmyks, Roaming in the Astrakhan Province. With a Map of the Kalmyk Steppe. Compiled by the Chief Trustee of the Kalmyk People Mayor General K. Kostenkov/ Published by the Ministry of State Properties]. St. Petersburg: Typ. of V. Nusvalt; title page and map – in the lith. of N. Glybov, 1870.
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Collection of Forty Original Photos from the 1908-1910 Ryabushinsky Expedition to Kamchatka, Showing the Expedition Members Conducting Experiments, Bathing in Thermal Springs, Driving Dog Sleds, Resting by their Yurt, Posing at a Winter Base, etc.; also with the Photos of Local Villages (Milkovo, Sharomi, Pushchino, Ganaly, Klyuch), Mountains (Mishennaya Sopka), Rivers (Ozernaya, Kamchatka, Kroda-Kyg, Andrianovka), Ranges (Valaginsky, Karakuli), etc. 1908-1910.
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Wingate, B., Corp. A Historically Important Original Autograph Manuscript Letter Written by an American Soldier and Participant of the Mexican-American War the Very Same Day the Siege of Veracruz Ended With Mexico’s Surrender, Triumphantly Writing to His Folks Back Home in Indiana about “One of the Greatest Battles Ever Won by American Arms,” Talking about Mexican Soldiers Begging General Zachary Taylor, the Next US President, for Something to Eat, Fiercely Stating that Mexico City “Must Hear the Barking of Our Buldogs [i.e. Bulldogs] Before Walls,” and Enthusiastically Predicting the Near End of the Warfare After the American Capture of the “Third Strong Place in the World;” Also Mentioning General Winfield Scott Whose Heroism “Must Gane [i.e. Gain] for the Commander the Name that Will Last for Ages to Come.” Veracruz, 29 March 1847.
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Cosme, Robert. Album of ca. 228 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of a French Naval Officer’s Service Aboard the French Cruisers Galiée and Desaix During the First Year of the French Conquest of Morocco, Showing the Bombardment of Casablanca, Combat Exercises, French Officers and Sailors, Sultan Abdelaziz of Morocco, the Harem of the Pasha of Mogador Bel-Ghazi, and Moroccan Cities (Tanger, Mazaghan, Mogador, Saffi), etc., Titled: Campagne du Maroc. Ca. 1907-1908.
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Collection of Two Albums with 79 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs Showing Casablanca During French Occupation After the Bombardment of Casablanca (1907). Ca. 1907-1908.
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[Adler, Alfred Charles] (1863-1934); [Adler, George Martin] (1860-after 1920); [Moulton, George Henry] (1860-1921). Extensive Archive of Forty Original Documents (Twenty Original Autograph Letters Signed, with Two Original Envelopes, Five Typewritten Letters Signed, Nine Mimeographed Letters and Manuscripts, Six Printed Letters or Leaflets) and an Original Gelatin Silver Photo, Related to the Foundation and Early Activities of “La Victoria and El Triunfo Rubber Plantation,” Established by Massachusetts Entrepreneurs in La Paz, near the Pacific Coast of Nicaragua. Ca. 1901-1908.
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$ 3250.00
Album of ca. 810 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of Panama, Showing Panama City (Street Scenes, Paseo de las Bovedas, University of Panama, San Francisco Church, Panama Viejo), Colón (Municipal Park, Mount Hope Cemetery), Chitre (St. John Baptist Cathedral), Portobelo (Ruins, Modern Portobelo, Church of San Felipe), Barro Colorado Island, Ethnographic Portraits of the Guna People, etc. Ca. 1943-1945.
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$ 3250.00
Historically Significant Album with 72 Rare Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of Peru, Showing the Citadel of Sacsayhuaman (General View, Entrance to a Chamber, Entrance to an Old Silver Mine, a Secret Staircase, Opening to an Underground Tunnel), Cuzco (City Cathedral, Convent of Santo Domingo, a Stoned-up Viaduct, Inca Masonry Work, Spanish Buildings on Inca Foundations, Streets, Entrance Gates, &c.) and Lima (Metropolitan Cathedral, Hotel “Pension Royal”); Peruvian Passers-by, Children, Llama Herdsmen, a Priest from the Convent of Santo Domingo, and the Album’s Compiler. Ca. 1920s.
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Historically Significant Scrapbook with ca. 120 Original Gelatin Silver Photos, Printed Postcards, Maps, and Newspaper Clippings, Likely Taken and Collected by a Male Employee of the Amur River Shipping Company in Khabarovsk and Blagoveshchensk in the Late 1920s.
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Collection of Eighteen Loose Original Gelatin Silver Photographs and Two Real Photo Postcards Taken and Collected during the Czechoslovak Legion’s Revolt against the Bolsheviks in Siberia and Russian Far East in the 1910s-1920s, Showing the Legion’s Defense of the Krasnoyarsk Bridge, Soldiers Posing at the Site of a Train Collision in Yekaterinburg, Czech Militaries and Hussites Celebrating the Overthrow of the Soviet Power, Soldiers Awaiting the Evacuation from Vladivostok, etc.; also, with a Photo of the Destroyed Ononsky Bridge in Manchuria in 1918. Ca. 1917-1929.
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Album with 130 Original Photos of the 1939-1940 Soviet Oil Exploration Expedition to Nordvik Bay, Showing the Expedition Base Camp (General View, Bathhouse, etc.), Construction Works (Rotor No 2), Team Members (Including the Compiler and his Wife), Equipment (Boiler Room, Rotor Drilling Rig, Oil Drilling Rigs, etc.), and Infrastructure (Meteorological Station, Tankette, etc.); also, with the Photos of a Local Fire, Funeral of Deceased Explorers, Rallies, and Native Yakuts; titled: Alʹbom dlya malyuvannya [Album for Drawing]. Ca. 1939-1940.
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$ 1250.00
Edwardes, David Jones (d. 1878). Autograph Letter Signed by David Jones Edwardes, a British Diplomat in the Kingdom of Siam, Talking about the Funeral of a Siamese Prince (with a Separate Captivating Four-page Manuscript Account of the Funeral), the Delimitation of Siamese-Burmese Boundary, American Baptist Missionaries in Bangkok, Including Ms. Adele Fielde, etc.; the Manuscript Account is Titled: Account of Burning the Remains or Skeleton of the Son of the First King. Bangkok: British Consulate, 8 February 1868.
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$ 9500.00
Müller, Gerhard Friedrich (1705-1783). Opisanie Sibirskogo Tsarstva i Vsekh Proizshedshikh v Nem Del on Nachala, a Osoblivo ot Pokoreniya Yego Rossiiskoi Derzhave po Sii Vremena; Sochineno Gerardom Friderikom Millerom, Istoriografom i Professorom Universiteta Akademii Nauk i Sotsieteta Aglinskago Chlenom [Description of the Siberian Kingdom and All Affairs That Took Place there from the Beginning, and Especially from its Conquest by the Russian State until These Times; Created by Gerard Friderik Miller, Historiographer and Professor of the University of the Academy of Sciences and a Member of the English Society]. Saint Petersburg: Imp. Academy of Sciences, 1787.
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[Nil/ Isakovich, Nikolay Fedorovich, archbishop] (1799-1874). Buddizm, Rassmatrivayemyi v Otnoshenii k Posledovateliam Yego, Obitayushchim v Sibiri [Buddhism, Interpreted in Relation to Its Followers Living in Siberia]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of Grigory Trusov, 1858.
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$ 5250.00
Skeen & Co. (fl. ca. 1860s-1920s); The Colombo Apothecaries Co. LTD. (fl. ca. 1880s-1890s); Scowen, Charles Thomas (1852-1948) & Others. Album with 77 Original Albumen Photos of Sri Lanka, Showing Colombo, Kandy, Portraits of Market Sellers, Tea Pluckers, Buddhist Monks, a “Kandian Chief,” a Female Musician, a Snake Charmer, &c., Titled: Der ferne Osten. Ca. 1890s.
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$ 5250.00
Schmidt, Yakov Ivanovich (Isaak Jakob) (1779-1847). Tibetsko-Russky Slovar c Prisovokuplyeniyem Alfavitnogo Spiska [Tibetan-Russian Dictionary with Addition of the Alphabetic List [of Russian Words]. St. Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1843.
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$ 5250.00
Berggren, Guillaume (1835-1920); Abdullah Frères (active ca. 1858-1899); Sebah & Joailler (1888-1908) & Others. Album with 65 Original Albumen Photographs of Ottoman Istanbul and Its People. Ca. 1890s.
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[Viges And Darby Families, Attributed to]. Album with Forty Original Gelatin Silver Photographs and Eight Real Photo Postcards from the Viges and Darby Families of Eunice, St. Landry, Louisiana, Showing Black American Soldiers in Segregated Units of the U.S. Army, Engaging in Labor Activities, Posing in Post-War Japan, Heading towards Fort Benning, etc.; Units and Regiments Represented Include 24th “Buffalo” Infantry Regiment, United States Army Central, the Anti-Aircraft Command, the 6th Armored Division, the Civil Air Patrol, etc. Ca. 1943-1946.
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$ 3750.00
Album with 76 Original Gelatin Silver Photos of London Missionary Society Stations in North-Eastern Rhodesia (Zambia); Including Portraits of Missionaries and their Families (W. Draper, H.E. Wareham, Rev. R.S. Wright, Rev. J.A. Ross, Rev. H.C. Nutter, W. Freshwater, B.R. Turner, Rev. W.G. Robertson, Rev. E.H. Clark), British Civil Servants (H.C. Marshall, G.M.E. Leyer, J. McNeil), Views of “Spirit Huts, Mambwe,” “Mrs. McNeil’s Grave, Kawimbe,” Kalambo Falls, Luena River, Lake Malawi, Mount Waller, Mombasa, Dar-es-Salaam, Zanzibar, Portraits of Maasai, Kikuyu People, &c. Ca. 1900s.
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Weatherley, Captain Cecil Poulett (1860-1932). Historically Significant Content-Rich Original Manuscript Notebook Documenting the Exploration and Survey of Lake Bangweulu in British Central Africa (Soon to Become North-Eastern Rhodesia, Now – Zambia), With Detailed Notes on the Local Chiefs, Customs, Methods and Styles of Tattoos, Teeth Filing and Its Negative Impact on the Teeth Health, &c., Illustrated with Over Forty Pencil and Watercolour Maps and Sketches of the Lake Shores, Islands, Marshes, the Course of the Luapula River, Native Hairstyles, &c. Ca. 1898-1899.
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