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Search results: The Americas & Americans Abroad October 24
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Healey, Charles Terraine (1833-1914). Historically Significant, Content-Rich Archive of Nine Original Manuscript Notebooks, by California’s First Licensed Surveyor, Documenting His Land Surveys in or near Wilmington, Machado, San Fernando, San Joaquin, Long Beach, Stearns Rancho, Narbonne & Weston Partition (Rancho Palos Verdes), Ranchos Las Bolsas and San Marino, Santa Catalina Island Road Survey, Elevation on a Portion of Southern California Railway, First Mapping of Willmore (Long Beach), Early Oil Survey and Drilling at Puente Whittier (Whittier Oil Field), &c.; WITH: Manuscript Field Notes of the Survey of Lands Adjacent to Ranchos Los Coyotes and Los Cerritos (Los Angeles and Orange Counties). Ca. 1882-1904.
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Healey, Charles Terraine (1833-1914). Historically Significant Archive of Three Original Manuscript Notebooks, by California’s First Licensed Surveyor, Documenting His Land Surveys of New Almaden and Guadalupe Quicksilver Mines (Santa Clara Co.), Los Vergeles, Moro Cojo and Los Capitancillos Ranches, in the Vicinity of the Sargent Station of the Southern Pacific Railroad (now a Ghost Town), &c.; WITH: a Period Copy of a Survey on the Retracing of Los Huecos Rancho (Santa Clara Co.), Signed and Sealed by the U.S. Surveyor General for California, W.H. Brown. Notebooks: ca. 1871-1879, 1886.
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$ 2250.00
Album with 43 Original Gelatin Silver Photos of the New Guinea Campaign of WW2, Showing Australian General Sir Thomas Blamey, U.S. General Robert L. Eichelberger, Australian and Papuan Soldiers, Papuan Load Carriers, Families, Children, Villages, &c., Titled: This Book Contains Pictures of New Guinea, 1943-1944. Ca. 1943-1944.
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Dodge, William S. A Historically Important, One of the Earliest Manuscript Liquor Licenses Signed by the First Mayor of Sitka and Alaska Pioneer, William S. Dodge, Just a Year After the US Purchased Alaska from Russia and Only a Few Months before the Act of Congress of 27 July 1868 Prohibited the Sale and Import of Alcohol to the Inhabitants of the Territory. Sitka, 07 March 1868.
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Collection of Forty-Eight Loose Original Gelatin Silver Photographs, Showing the Filming of the Oscar-Winning Movie “Eskimo” in Northwestern Alaska in 1932-1933, Featuring Rare Behind-the-Scenes Photos of the Film Cast & Crew (Ray Mala, Lotus Long, Peter Freuchen, W. S. Van Dyke), Native Actors in Parkas and Mukluks Haunting Polar Bear, Walrus, and Moose, Extras Posing in Igloos and Processing Captured Animals; also, with Early Photos of Alaska’s Arctic and the 1930s Movie Equipment. 1932-1933.
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George, T.H. Original Autograph Manuscript Letter Written by a Juneau Pioneer “T. H. George” and Addressed to “Friend Easton,” Talking about the Resumption of Mining Operations and the Construction of a New Mill in the Silver Bow District; also with Notes about an Early Local Mining Company “Hayward & Lane”. Juneau, Alaska: 26 February 1895.
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Album with 229 Original Gelatin Silver Snapshot Photographs, Showing Nome (Sheldon Hotel, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Front Street, Golden Gate Hotel, &c.), Dutch Harbor (Facilities of the “North American Commercial Co.,” Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Ascension, Iliuliuk Bay), Likely Kotzebue Sound, Gold Miners Panning, Dredging and Digging, Canoeing, Dog Sledding, Posing next to Their Tents, on Board a Steamship, Native Alaskans, “Wisconsin” Gold Dredge, &c. Ca. 1898-1903.
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Clark, Willoughby (ca. ?-1906); Munly, Thomas J (ca. 1857-1932). Historically Important Collection of Two Original Letters Signed to Joseph W. Ivey, Former U.S. Customs Collector in Alaska, Regarding his Participation in the Upcoming Nonpartisan Convention in Juneau and his Pioneering Interest in the Kayak Coal & Oil Fields. Catalla (Katalla), Alaska: 22 September 1903; 15 November 1903.
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$ 1750.00
Collection of Sixteen Loose Albumen Photos of the East Argentine Railway, Showing Concordia (Entre Rios), Railway Stations in Gualeguaycito and Monte Caseros, a Four-Span Bridge over the Mandisovi River, Ceibo River and Nearby Ranchos, Monte Caseros, Company’s “Mensajero” Steamer in Ceibo, &c. Ca. 1880s.
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[Pastorino, Luis], & Others. Album with Sixty-Six Original Gelatin Silver Photos of Argentina and Uruguay, Showing Buenos Aires (General & Street Views, Port, Waterfront, Piramide de Mayo, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Metropolitan Cathedral, Zoo, &c.), Tigre (Private Mansion, River Waterfront), Campana (Military Camp, Cattle Farm, River Waterfront), and Montevideo (Plaza Independencia, Fortaleza del Cerro, Baños Plaza Ramirez, “Saladero Clouzet & Cia” Facility, Palaza Cagancha with La Libertad Statue, Metropolitan Cathedral, &c. Ca. early 1900s.
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Dimick, Essie E., née Frakes (1891-1973). Album with ca. 190 Original Gelatin Silver Snapshot Photographs and 11 Real Photo and Printed Postcards, Showing Melbourne (South Wharf, Business Sector), Samoa, Fiji (Ovalau, Rotuma, Portraits of Locals), etc. Ca. 1928-1936.
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$ 850.00
Turner, Captain Henry A., Royal Artillery (British, active 1849-1853). Original Initialed (on verso) "H.A.T." Watercolour on two Joined Sheets, Dated & Titled: "Pilgrim. The Governor's Residence Barbados. Apl. 1852."
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[Kablé, Emile]. Historically Significant Collection of Two Albums with over 460 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of Diamond Mining Operations of French “Companhia Boa Vista” near Diamantina, Minas Gerais State of Brazil, Showing Earthworks at Lagoa Secca, Bom Successo, Pindahybas and Tahoa, Boa Vista Settlement with the General Office and Employees’ Settlement, Water Reservoirs and Pump Stations, Electric Plant at Santa Maria, a System of Sluices, Installation of Boilers and Pulsometers, the Head of the Construction Antonio de Lavendeyra, the Company’s Employees including the Compiler, Native Workers Washing Paydirt, Views of Diamantina and Environs, &c. Ca. 1897-1900.
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Barbosa, Januario da Cunha (1780-1864). [Protocols and Procedures for Burials in the Churches of Rio de Janeiro] Exposição do Padre Januario da Cunha Barbosa a El-Rei D. João VI sobre as sepulturas nas Egrejas do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro: Ca. 1813-1816.
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Kolloch, M.H. Historically Important Original Autograph Manuscript Letter Written by M. H. Kolloch on His Way From Fairplay (Colorado Territory) To Paradise Valley (Arizona Territory), Bragging About His Discovery of the North Extension of the “Richest Mine” in the Now-abandoned Settlement of Brownsville (California), Enthusiastically Reporting on a Two-feet-Wide Ledge Stuffed With Free Gold, and Writing That He Needs To Build 200 Feet of Road Leading to the Mine. Fairplay, California: 14 October 1866.
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Original Autograph Manuscript Letter by a Fruit Seller in Marysville, CA., Talking about the Crowds of Chinese Immigrants & Native Americans, the General Buzz over Local Elections, High Rental Prices, Teacher Salaries, etc.; also Writing “Every Nation upon the Globe is Represented Here in Cal” and “California Produces all Kinds of Fruits and Nuts”. Marysville: 17 March 1859.
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Harris, William. Historically Interesting Original Letter by William Harris, a San Francisco Entrepreneur, Urging his Business Associate Harriett Stone to Immediately Foreclose and Divide the Former Mexican Land Grant Rancho Sisquoc in Santa Barbara County, California. San Francisco: 6 June 1891.
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Anthony, E. M. (ca. 1826-?). An 1856 Legal Order to Arrest "Sailor Jim," One of Yreka’s (Siskiyou Co., California) Earliest and Most Ill-Fated Murderers Doomed to Be Hanged Twice. Yreka, Siskiyou County, California: 24 December 1856.
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Historically Interesting Original Letter by Nevada City’s (California) Pioneer, Writing to His Sister Back Home and Talking about Limited Job Opportunities, Striking Disparity in Earnings, and the Widespread Practices of Gambling & Drinking. Nevada City: 12 June 1854.
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Taber, Isaiah West (1830-1912); Baker, Walter T. & Cathcart, Walter, & others. Album with Nineteen Early Original Albumen Photographs from the Collection of Samuel Parsons - a San Francisco Resident and Employee of a Local Wall Paper Dealer “George W. Clark & Co,” Including a Series of Parson’s Portraits, Views of His Residences and a Street of San Francisco, the Storefront of “George W. Clark & Co” on Market Street with Staff Members, Most likely Including Parsons, Scenes from an Outing in the Redwood Forest, &c.; with a Later Gelatin Silver Portrait of a Young Girl at the Rear. Ca. 1880s.
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Gillespie, Edgar D (ca. 1822-1875). Historically Interesting Original Letter by One of the Earliest Residents of Suisun Valley, California, Talking about his Pioneering Farming Activities, the Scarce Demand for Hay in Sacramento City, and the High Cost of Ropes Reducing Profits. Mountain Valley Upper Suisun, California: 25 May 1852.
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Elegant Grisaille Watercolour Showing Columbus Landing in America with the Explorer Encouraging his Party to go Forward, and a Group of Native Americans and a Spanish Ship in the Background. Early 19th century.
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Interesting Album with ca. 260 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of the Caribbean, Taken and Collected during a Cruise of S.S. “Moltke” with Amateur Snapshot and Studio Photos of Destruction of St. Pierre (Martinique) after the Eruption of Mount Pelee in May 1902, and Lively Views of Havana (Cuba), Charlotte Amalie (Saint Thomas), San Juan (Puerto Rico), Fort-de-France (Martinique), Nassau (Bahamas), Portraits of the Locals and Tourists, &c. Ca. early 1910s.
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[Peacock], [Alfred?] Original Unsigned Watercolour Titled: "St. Thomas. West Indies." 1889.
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$ 750.00
Pritchett, B.J. Original Watercolour Showing the Harbour of Coquimbo, Chile. January 1851.
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$ 1500.00
Leblanc, Félix (active ca. 1865-1910s) & others. Album of 14 Albumen Studio Photographs of Chile, Showing Valparaíso, Santiago, the Magellan Strait, and the Andes. Ca. 1891-1893.
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Album with ca. 296 Original Gelatin Silver Photos of China and the Philippines, Showing Qingdao, Mount Lao Valley, Hong Kong, Beijing, the Great Wall of China, Manila, Olongapo Naval Station, Ships and Military Exercise of the U.S. Naval Battle Force, Admiral Harris Laning, American Enlisted Sailors, Chinese Policemen, Passers-By, Families, Beggars, &c., Titled: James A. Smith Tsingtao. China. Ca. 1930s.
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Album of 48 Original Gelatin Silver Snapshot Photographs of a Hunting Trip in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, Including Campsites, Their Horses and Carriage, a Rural Post Office, and Hotel Colorado Titled: Off for the Rockies – Two Spike Club 1901
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$ 850.00
Morland, John. Official Autograph Letter Signed to Miguel Tacón y Rosique, Captain General of Cuba in 1834-38, from U.S. Acting Consul in Havana John Morland, Asking for Release of Eugine Newman, an American Seaman of the U.S. Vessel “Cavalier” who was “confined in the Stocks at the Prison;” With: the Official Translation of the Letter into Spanish. Havana: Consulate of the United States of America, 7 August 1834.
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$ 525.00
Harvey, Robert (1848-1920). Original Watercolour View of the Morro Castle in Havana. 1905.
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$ 2250.00
Album with 394 Original Amateur Gelatin Silver Studio Photographs of Ecuador, Showing Rio Napo, Coastal and Riverside Villages, Snow-Capped Mountains (most likely, Cotopaxi), Cattle Ranches, Banana and Papaya Plantations, a Bullfight in Quito, a Pottery Workshop, Market Stalls, “Handicraft/ Art-Workshop, Arturo Kiewe,” “Hotel de Palace,” “Pension Federico,” Scenes of Transportation and Installation of a Tank, Possibly for a Brewery, Portraits of German Residents, Ecuadorian Mule Drivers, Loaders Carrying Wooden Casks, a Show Polisher, Children at a street Christmas Celebration, Native Species of Mammals, Birds and Turtles, &c. Ca. 1950s.
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Album with 196 Original Gelatin Silver Photos of Ghana (Accra, Aburi) and Eritrea (Asmara, Massawa, Cheren) Taken by a U.S. Air Force Serviceman in the Last Years of WWII, with Interesting Photos Including a “Witch Doctor Scaring away Evil Spirits After a Death of a Native,” G. I.’s Sharing Cigarettes with the Crowd of Locals, Native Women Shopping in their Traditional Attire, Soldiers “Getting Shoes Shined” by the Local Children & Holding Burst Shells on the Cheren Battlefield, etc.; also with the Photos of Military Installations, the Church of Our Lady of Rosary, the Asmara Cinema, Red Cross & Grand Hotels, etc. Ca. 1940s.
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Album with 106 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of the USCGC Eastwind’s Annual Summer Cruise to Greenland (Thule Air Force Base, Cape Etoh, Grondal, and Godthab) Showing American & Canadian Vessels (USS Glynn, USCGC Westwind, and Labrador), Prominent Arctic Explorer Donald Macmillan, a Helicopter Crash Landing on the Ice, “Frog Men” Preparing for Underwater Dynamiting, Local Eskimos Posing with the Captain Rhanke, etc.; Also with the Images of Sailors Meeting Danish Admiral on the Fourth of July, Having a Beer Party, and Celebrating the Initiation Ceremony in Costumes. Ca. 1950s.
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Reiner, Samuel (ca. 1805-1862). Historically Interesting Original Pike’s Peak Gold Rush Letter by Samuel Reiner, a Farmer from Columbus City (Iowa) and State Senator, Talking about Local Folks Rushing to Gold Areas to Escape Economic Crisis, Describing Ox Teams as the Best Mode to Cross the Plains, and Outlining the Ideal Timing & Team Composition for the Journey. Columbus City, Iowa: 4 April 1859.
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Heider, Karl G. (b. 1935). Album with 36 Original Vernacular Gelatin Silver Photographs, Showing Persepolis (Aerial View, Entrance Hall, Apadana Palace Columns and Reliefs, Throne Hall, the Tachara, Tombs of Darius I and Xerxes I at the Naghsh-e-Rostam Necropolis); Titled: Persepolis or Tacht-i-Jamshid, from the Travels of KGH, April 11 and 12, 1957.
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Fallon, J. H. Album of 99 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs Documenting a Cruise to Panama (Construction of Panama Canal and Railroad, Workers’ Lodgings, Panama Railroad Company’s Pier 4, Native Panamanian Huts), Cuba (Jose Marti Monument in Parque Central, Mausoleum of the Firefighters, Havana Streets), and Jamaica (Kingston Streets) Titled: Cruise 1912 – Cuba, Panama, Jamaica. Ca. 1912.
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$ 2250.00
Farmer, Junius Warren (1900-1969); Haynes, Frank Jay (1853-1921). Album of ca. 286 Gelatin Silver Photographs Showing Kansas State Agricultural College (Waters Hall, Seaton Hall, Calvin Hall, Denison Hall, Fairchild Hall, ROTC Training Field, Livestock Barns), Agricultural Fairs in 1921 and 1922 (Fairgrounds, Parade Floats, Railway Ride, Ferris Wheel), Students and Teachers of Westminster Presbyterian Sunday School (Topeka), Cabinet Members of a Manhattan Presbyterian Church, Farmer Family’s “Nine Mile Ranch,” Campuses of Colorado College and University of Minnesota, Yellowstone National Park, etc. Ca. 1904, 1912-1922.
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Album of 32 Gelatin Silver Photographs showing Rio de Janeiro, Including Sugarloaf Mountain, Mount Corcovado, the Neighbourhood of Botafogo, Palácio Monroe, Avenida Central, etc. Ca. 1910s.
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Album of 37 Gelatin Silver Photographs Showing Patagonia and the Strait of Magellan, Including Punta Arenas, Ushuaia, Rio Gallegos and Monte Sarmiento, Cockburn Channel, Beagle Channel, Lago del Toro, Mount Balmaceda, Sheep Farming, and Ethnographic Portraits of the Selk’nam (Ona) People, etc. Ca. 1920s.
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$ 2500.00
Graham Photo Company. Album with 36 Original Gelatin Silver Studio Photographs, Showing Los Angeles (Figueroa Street, a Street in St. James Park, House of Harrison Gray Otis), Pasadena (Orange Grove Avenue, Raymond Hotel, Mansions of William C. Stuart and Charles Richardson), Arcadia (Baldwin’s Ranch), Altadena (House of Colonel George G. Green), Redlands (Brookside Avenue, House of Albert C. Burrage), Riverside (Magnolia Avenue), San Gabriel, a Portrait of Actress Helena Modjeska in her “Arden Forest” House near Silverado, a Scene at an Ostrich Farm, &c. Ca. 1900s.
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McKenna, Mike. Historically Interesting Letter Signed by an American Soldier in an Agua Prieta Hospital, Talking about a Rebel Paranoid about Being Poisoned, a Half-Paralyzed Yaqui's Dire Condition, and the Deaths of Local Patients (a Federal & a Yaqui Mayo). Agua Prieta, Sonora: 5 November 1912.
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Dorrance, William T (Ca. 1804 - ?). A Historically Important Original Autograph Manuscript Letter Written by 1st Sergeant of the 7th US Infantry Regiment, William T Dorrance, from Occupied Mexico City and Signed to His Cousin Edward Moulton in Willimantic, Connecticut, Sharing Breaking News of the Arrival of Two US Commissioners “Empowered to Settle the Terms” of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Heatedly Arguing about the Possible Need of Marching to San Luis Potosi and Giving the Mexicans “A Drubbing” There, Decisively Claiming That “The Question of Peace or War Rests Now Entirely with Mexico,” and Mentioning Several American Political Figures, Including Nicholas Trist, Nathan Clifford, and Ambrose Sevier. Mexico City, 20 April 1848.
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Slocum, Wilkes Almy (ca. 1824-1848). Original Autograph Letter by Wilkes Slocum, a Boatman Near Vera Cruz, Sharing with “Dear Mother” the Hot News of the Mexican Defeat in the Vera Cruz Battle and Writing about the Minimal Casualties Suffered by the American Forces. Vera Cruz: 29 March 1847.
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Album with 207 Original Gelatin Silver Vernacular Photographs, Taken during an Early Car Trip from Los Angeles to Mexico and Back in July-August 1938, Titled: Six Weeks in Mexico. Ca. 1938.
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Otte, Pauline (1919-2005). Album of 59 Original Gelatin Silver Snapshot Photographs of a 1944 Tour of Mexico Taken by an American Woman, Showing Mexico City (Hotel Reforma, Metropolitan Cathedral, Palace of Fine Arts, House of Tiles), Cuernavaca, Desert of the Lions National Park, a Bull Fight in Xochimilco, Teotihuacan, etc. With Over 15 Pieces of Ephemera from the Tour. Ca. 1944.
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McCrackan, Rev. John Henry (1856-1906); [Rondthaler, Rev. Edward, Bishop] (1842-1931). Historically Significant Journal with 59 Original Albumen Snapshot Photographs, Nine Printed Postcards, and Over a Dozen Specimens of Dried Flowers and Plants, Illustrating a Travel of an American Episcopal Clergyman John McCrackan and a Moravian Pastor from North Carolina Edward Rondthaler around Palestine in April – May 1889.
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Watkins, George S (ca. 1837-1941). Historically Interesting Original Letter by George Watkins, Montana’s Pioneer Gold Miner and Farmer, Writing to his Sister in Hainesville (now Parkland), IL, Talking about the Brand-New Gold Diggings on Snake River and a “Very Steady” Former “Negro” Slave Striking it Rich; also with Notes about the Overall Scarcity of Money and his Early Farming Activities. Virginia City, Montana: 4 March 1869.
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[How Family, Attributed to]. Two Historically Interesting Very Well Annotated Photo Albums with 486 Gelatin Silver Photographs, Showing Candid Views of Farming Activities in Nebraska, Mostly by the Family of Local Pioneer Farmer Charles How (also by Lon Stonehocker, Lee Martin, Frank Schaffer, Wm. Sasse, etc.), as well as Views of Hastings (the Burlington Depot, L. A. Kinney & Co Wholesale House, Pizer Clothing Store, Woolworth & Co 5 and 10 Cent Store, A. H. Brooke’s Drug Store), Scenes of Jimmy Ward’s “Shooting Star” Biplane Flight during an Aviation Meet, Armistice Day Parade, Festive Circus Day, One of the Earliest Regional Auto Shows, etc.; also with the Views of Grand Island, Rosedale, Doniphan, Hanson, Boelus, etc. Ca. 1910-1929.
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$ 850.00
Ingraham, Samuel. A Deed Regarding his Share of the Prize after the Capture of Louisbourg during King George’s War. [York, York County, New England (Maine)], 3 May 1746.
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Swett, Leonard Herbert (ca. 1859-1934). Autograph Letter Written by Leonard H. Swett, Assistant Topographer of the U.S. Geological Survey in Fort Wingate, Talking about His Daily Duties in the Camp, Senator John A. Logan’s Recent Visit to the Fort, and His Trip to the Zuni Land. Fort Wingate, New Mexico: 12 September 1882.
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