Collection of Twenty Early Original Albumen Stereoview Photographs of Egypt, Showing Cairo, Ancient Egyptian Temples and Sites along the Nile and Suez Canal Under Construction. Ca. 1860s.
Unsigned Watercolour View of the Town and Harbour of Alexandria with Pompey's Pillar and the Attarine Mosque in the Foreground, Titled: Alexandria, Egypt. Ca. 1870.
Collection of Sixty-Nine Early Original Albumen Stereoview Photographs of Egypt, Showing the Alexandria Waterworks and Kom Ad Dikah Neighbourhood, Almost Certainly Taken by European Associates of the Waterworks and Their Servants, Views of Cairo, and Ancient Egyptian Temples and Sites along the Nile. 1863-4.
Gentz, Wilhelm and Ismael, Mueller, Leopold and Welsch, Charles. Collection of Nine Original Drawings by Wilhelm and Ismael Gentz, Leopold Mueller, and Charles Welsch, Used as Prototypes for Illustrations in Georg Ebers’ Encyclopaedic Work “Aegypten in Bild und Wort (Stuttgart & Leipzig 1879-80);” [Egypt: Descriptive, Historical, and Picturesque] [With]: Complete Sets of both the First German and the First English Editions of the Book. Ca. 1870s.
Hammerschmidt, Wilhelm (ca. 1830 - d. 1869); Maison Bonfils (1867-1909) [Attributed to]. Historically Significant Album with Twenty-Three Original Albumen Photos of Egypt, Showing the Early, Pre-Restoration Views of Ancient Landmarks in Cairo (Mosque of Sultan Hassan, Mosque of Mahmud Pasha, Tombs of Caliphs & Mamluks, Funerary complex of Sultan Qaytbay), Luxor (Temple of Khonsu, Grand colonnade of Amenophis), and Nubia (Temple of Al-Maharraqa Temples at Wadi es-Sabua, Abu Simbel Temple, Kiosk of Qertassi, Trajan’s Kiosk). Ca. 1860s.
Album with 56 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs Taken by a Passenger of the SS “City of Cairo”, Showing Nubian and Sudanese Cities and Villages along the White Nile, from Ibrim to Kosti, Including Khartoum, Omdurman, Wad-Alzaky, Ad Douiem and Others; Several Views of the Blue Nile, and a Three-Part Panorama of Port Said. 1924-6.
Greene, Captain Dominick Sarsfield (1826-1892), Royal Artillery and Aide-de-Camp. Original Mounted Watercolour Titled in Pencil on Verso: "Port Said." Ca. 1857.
Hammerschmidt, Wilhelm (ca. 1830 - d. 1869); Van Lennep, Henry John (1815-1889). Album from the Collection of Noted American Christian Missionary, Writer and Artist Henry John Van Lennep, with Thirty Original Albumen Photographs of Beirut, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Damascus, Baalbek, and Ancient Sites of Egypt - the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx of Giza, Pompey’s Pillar and Cleopatra’s Needle in Alexandria, Karnak, Luxor, Ramesseum Temples, and the Philae Island Complex]
Ca. 1869.
Fernique, Etienne-Victor, abbe (1836-1915). Collection of Forty-Eight Original Albumen Stereo-view Photographs of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Bethphage and Bethany, Issued in the Series: Souvenirs de Terre Sainte. [Paris]: ca. 1860s.
Album of Thirty Very Attractive Original Watercolour Views of the Holy Land; Including: Two Watercolours from the Same Travel Showing Surghaya village in the Anti-Lebanon Mountains (Syria) and the Acropolis in Smyrna/Izmir (Turkey). March-May 1893.
[Sa’adi Shirazi], (1210 – 1291 or 1292), [Kāsefi, Kamāl-Al-Din Ḥosayn Wāʿeẓ] (1436/37-1504/5). The Iqd-I Gul, Being a Selection from the Gulistan and Anwar-i Sohaili. For the use of the Students of the Anglo-Persian Department of the Calcutta Madrasah/ Ed. By W. Nassau Lees, and Mawlawi Kabir Al Din Ahmad. Lees’ Persian Series. No. Vii. Prose No. IV. Calcutta: College Press, 1863.
Bezsonov, Boris Vasilyevich. Russkie pereselentsy v Severnoi Persii [i.e. Russian settlers in Northern Persia] Petrograd: Publishing of the Migration Administration of the Main Administration of Land Management and Agriculture, 1915.
Heider, Karl G. (b. 1935). Album with 36 Original Vernacular Gelatin Silver Photographs, Showing Persepolis (Aerial View, Entrance Hall, Apadana Palace Columns and Reliefs, Throne Hall, the Tachara, Tombs of Darius I and Xerxes I at the Naghsh-e-Rostam Necropolis); Titled: Persepolis or Tacht-i-Jamshid, from the Travels of KGH, April 11 and 12, 1957.
Gurgani, Mirsayyidsharif. Ta’likat Mir Sayyid Sharif fi sharh-e shamsiya [Commentaries of Mir Sayyid Sharif in Shamsiya Explanation]. Tehran (?)., n.d. Commentaries added in 1283 H. [1866].
[Pazukhin, Boris Andreievich] (d. 1679) & [Pazukhin, Semen Ivanovich]. Nakaz Borisu Andreievichu i Semenu Ivanovichu Pazukhinym na Posolstvo v Bukharu, Baklh i Urgench, dlia Vykupa Russkikh Plennykh, s Prilozheniem k Nakazu Stateinogo Spiska o Sovershenii Pazukhinymi Posolstva. 1669-1673. Izdano pod Redaktsiei Chlena Arkheograficheskoi Kommissii Askalona Truvorova [Instruction to Boris Andreievich and Semen Ivanovich Pazukhin for their Embassy to Bukhara, Balkh and Urgench for the Ransom of Russian Captives, with the Addition of the Report of Pazukhins’ Embassy. 1669-1673. Published under the Supervision of a Member of the Archaeographic Commission Askalon Truvorov]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of V.S. Balashev, 1894.
Bonfils, Felix (1831-1885), Dumas, Tancrède (1830-1905); Berggren, Guillaume (1835-1920). Album with 39 Original Albumen Studio Photos, Including 26 Images of Baalbek and Beirut in Lebanon; the Rest of the Photos Shows Damascus, Jerusalem, and Istanbul. Ca. 1880s-1890s.
Collection of Seventeen Loose Original Gelatin Silver Photos Showing Streets and Buildings of Baalbek and Beirut, and the Ruins of Heliopolis. Ca. 1905
Attractive Collection of 55 Loose Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of Syria and Lebanon, Including Interesting Aerial Views of Damascus, Tartus, Beirut, Tripoli, Sidon, Riyak, Baalbec, Palmyra, Valleys of Barada and Oronte Rivers, as well as Classical Images of Damascus, Aleppo, Tartus, El Mina, source of the Oronte River, Norias of Hama Water Wheela, Ruins of Tetraporticus and Temple of Bacchus in Latakia, Palmyra, Beirut, Beiteddine Palace, Tripoli, Hasbaya, Ruins of Byblos (Jebeil), Pyramid of Hermel (Beqaa Valley), Medieval and Crusader Castles (Masyaf Castle, Marqab/Margat, Krak des Chevaliers Fortress, Beaufort Castle), &c. Ca. 1920s.
[Bartet, Albéric Joseph Alfred Louis] (1871-1968); Maison Bonfils (1867-1909); English Photo Co. & others. Historically Significant Album with over 280 Original Studio and Amateur Photos and Collotypes, Over 60 Printed Postcards, Magazine and Book Clippings and Ephemera, Documenting A. Bartet’s Service as a Naval Doctor on board the French Cruiser “Pothuau” in the Mediterranean in 1901-1902 and Showing Negotiations with the Moroccan Ambassador Si Abdel Kerim ben Sliman, Capture and Occupation of Turkish Customs House in Mytilene (Lesbos Island), French Naval Ships, “Pothuau” Officers, Views, Scenes and Portraits from Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Greece, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, &c.; The Album is Titled:] Souvenir du Levant; Le Conflit Franco-Turc, Envoi de la division du Contre-amiral Caillard à Mithylène, Occupation de la Douane Séjour à Syra (Cyclades), November 1901; Vingt-quatre Heures a Tanger avec une division navale Russe, 10 Avril 1902. Ca. 1880s-1890s, 1901-1902.
Lyon, After, Captain George Francis (1795-1832). Original Unsigned Watercolour Showing a "Tuarick of Ghraat" and "Negresses of the Soudan," Combined from two Illustrations in Lyon's "A Narrative of Travels in Northern Africa," Titled in Brown ink: Lyon's Travels in Africa. After 1821.