Collection of Two Sepia Pen and Wash Watercolours after the Aquatints from “A Picturesque Voyage to India by the Way of China” (1810) by Thomas and William Daniell’s; Titled: Anjere Point, Strait of Sunda; Malays of Java. Ca. 1810s.
Kostenkov, Kapiton Ivanovich (1792-1883). [ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATED PUBLISHER’S WRAPPER PRESERVED:] Istoricheskiye i Statisticheskiye Svedenia o Kalmykakh, Kochuyushchikh v Astrakhanskoi Gubernii. S Kartoyu Kalmutskoy Stepi. Sostavil Glavny Popiechitel Kalmytskogo Naroda General-Mayor K. Kostenkov/ [Izdaniye Ministerstva Gosudarstvennykh Imushchestv] [Historical and Statistical Intelligence about Kalmyks, Roaming in the Astrakhan Province. With a Map of the Kalmyk Steppe. Compiled by the Chief Trustee of the Kalmyk People Mayor General K. Kostenkov/ Published by the Ministry of State Properties]. St. Petersburg: Typ. of V. Nusvalt; title page and map – in the lith. of N. Glybov, 1870.
Collection of Forty Original Photos from the 1908-1910 Ryabushinsky Expedition to Kamchatka, Showing the Expedition Members Conducting Experiments, Bathing in Thermal Springs, Driving Dog Sleds, Resting by their Yurt, Posing at a Winter Base, etc.; also with the Photos of Local Villages (Milkovo, Sharomi, Pushchino, Ganaly, Klyuch), Mountains (Mishennaya Sopka), Rivers (Ozernaya, Kamchatka, Kroda-Kyg, Andrianovka), Ranges (Valaginsky, Karakuli), etc. 1908-1910.
[Pazukhin, Boris Andreievich] (d. 1679) & [Pazukhin, Semen Ivanovich]. Nakaz Borisu Andreievichu i Semenu Ivanovichu Pazukhinym na Posolstvo v Bukharu, Baklh i Urgench, dlia Vykupa Russkikh Plennykh, s Prilozheniem k Nakazu Stateinogo Spiska o Sovershenii Pazukhinymi Posolstva. 1669-1673. Izdano pod Redaktsiei Chlena Arkheograficheskoi Kommissii Askalona Truvorova [Instruction to Boris Andreievich and Semen Ivanovich Pazukhin for their Embassy to Bukhara, Balkh and Urgench for the Ransom of Russian Captives, with the Addition of the Report of Pazukhins’ Embassy. 1669-1673. Published under the Supervision of a Member of the Archaeographic Commission Askalon Truvorov]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of V.S. Balashev, 1894.
A Sepia Pen and Wash Watercolour View of Luis de Camões Grotto After the Aquatint from “A Picturesque Voyage to India by the Way of China” (1810) by Thomas and William Daniell’s; Titled: Camoens Cave, Macao. Ca. 1810s.
A Collection of the 33 Ordinances Enacted by the Governor of Mauritius with the Advice and Consent of the Council of Government Port Louis, 1876. 211 pp. [with] A Collection of Proclamations and Government Notices Published at Mauritius during the Year 1876, iv + 49 pp. [with] Index of Government Notices of 1876, xxxiii + Government Notices + 343 pp. Mauritius: G.H. Griffiths, Government Printer, 1876.
Przhevalsky, Nikolay Mikhailovich (1839-1888). Mongoliya i Strana Tangutov: Trekhletneye Puteshestvie v Vostochnoi Nagornoi Azii [Mongolia, The Tangut Country, and the Solitudes of Northern Tibet, Being a Narrative of Three Years’ Travel in Eastern High Asia, by N. Przhevalsky of the Russian Staff Corps, Member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society/ Edition of the Russian Geographical Society. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of V.S. Balashev, 1875.
Evans, Charles (1918-1995). Two Typewritten Letters Signed by Charles Evans, the Leader of the 1955 British Kanchenjunga Expedition, on Official "Kanchenjunga Expedition 1955" Letterhead, and Addressed to the Manager of the Swiss Watchmaking Company Baume & Mercier, with a Carbon Copy of the Answer. Three letters, 28, 29 & 31 December 1955.
Gardner, Edward (1784-1861) [Resident in Kathmandu 1816-29]. Autograph Letter Signed to a Superior (Most likely Governor-General of Bengal, Francis, Earl of Moira (later 1st Marquis of Hastings) Reporting the Latest Intelligence Including Troop Strengths and Movements of the Gurkhas (Nepali Troops) in the Anglo-Nepalese War (1814-16). Hawalbagh (India): 18th Dec. 1815.
Martin, Josiah (1843-1916); Valentine, George Dobson (1852-1890); & others. Album of 17 Albumen Studio Photographs of New Zealand, showing Arthur River, Auckland, Wellington, Port Chalmers, Dunedin, Lake Rotorua, Rotorua Sanatorium and Malfroy Geysers, Waiotapu (Rainbow Hill, Sulphur Terrace, White Terrace before 1886 eruption), Mt. Tarawera, Whakarewarewa, Ohinemutu (Tametekapua meeting house), etc. Ca. 1880s.
Novaya Zelandiya i Okeania, ili Ostrova Yuzhnogo Moria [i.e. New Zealand and Oceania, or the Islands of the South Sea]. St. Petersburg: Obschestvennaya pol’za, 1874.
Holmes, Randolph Bezzant (1888-1973). Collection of Twenty-One Loose Gelatin Silver Photos of the Operations of British Indian Army during the Waziristan Campaign of 1919-1920, and Showing British Camp in Sorarogha, Military Engineering Works and Roads in Barari Tangi, Hazara Cliff, Zawa Kili Tangi, Hurley’s Corner, Marobi, Piazha Algal River, Bangilawa Tower, Portraits of British Military Commanders, Local Chiefs, Scenes with British Troops Firing Cannons, Taking Part in a Review, &c. Ca. 1919-early 1920s.
Collection of 24 Vernacular Gelatin Silver Photographs Documenting the 117th Engineer Combat Battalion during the Bougainville Campaign (November 1943 to September 1944), etc. July 1943 - September 1944.
Levesque, Pierre-Charles (1736-1812). Histoire de Russie [History of Russia]: Atlas Volume.
Paris, Hamburg & Brunswick: l’Imprimerie de Guilleminet,Pierre-Francois Fauche, An VIII [1800].
Collection of Eighteen Loose Original Gelatin Silver Photographs and Two Real Photo Postcards Taken and Collected during the Czechoslovak Legion’s Revolt against the Bolsheviks in Siberia and Russian Far East in the 1910s-1920s, Showing the Legion’s Defense of the Krasnoyarsk Bridge, Soldiers Posing at the Site of a Train Collision in Yekaterinburg, Czech Militaries and Hussites Celebrating the Overthrow of the Soviet Power, Soldiers Awaiting the Evacuation from Vladivostok, etc.; also, with a Photo of the Destroyed Ononsky Bridge in Manchuria in 1918. Ca. 1917-1929.
Rodevich, Vsevolod Mikhailovich (1878-1942). Ocherk Uriankhaiskogo Kraya (Mongolskogo Basseina Reki Eniseya)/ Materialy dlya Opisaniya Russkikh Rek i Istorii Uluchsheniya ikh Sudokhodnykh Uslovii. Vyp. XXIV. Izdaniye Upravleniya Vnutrennikh Vodnykh Putey i Shosseynykh Dorog (po Otdely Vodyanykh Soobscheniy). [Description of the Uriankhai Region (Mongolian Basin of the Yenisei River)/ Materials for the Description of the Russian Rivers and the History of Enhancing the Navigation Along Them. Vol. XXIV. Issued by the Administration of the Internal Waterways and Highways]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of the Ministry of Transport (Kushnerev & Co.), 1910.
Album with 130 Original Photos of the 1939-1940 Soviet Oil Exploration Expedition to Nordvik Bay, Showing the Expedition Base Camp (General View, Bathhouse, etc.), Construction Works (Rotor No 2), Team Members (Including the Compiler and his Wife), Equipment (Boiler Room, Rotor Drilling Rig, Oil Drilling Rigs, etc.), and Infrastructure (Meteorological Station, Tankette, etc.); also, with the Photos of a Local Fire, Funeral of Deceased Explorers, Rallies, and Native Yakuts; titled: Alʹbom dlya malyuvannya [Album for Drawing]. Ca. 1939-1940.
Schrenck, Leopold von (1826-1894). Ocherk Fizisheskoi Geografii Severo-Iaponskogo Moria. Prilozhenie k XVI-mu tomu Zapisok Imp. Akademii Nauk. No. 3 [A Sketch of Physical Geography of Northern Sea of Japan. Supplement to Vol. XVI of the Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. No. 3]. St. Petersburg: Typ. of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1869.
[Semivsky/Semivskii, Nikolai Vasilyevich, 1767-1816] (Vice-Governor of the Irkutsk Province), [Losev, Ivan Antonovich] (artist). Noveyshie, Lyubopytnye i Dostovernye Povestvovaniya o Vostochnoi Sibiri, iz Chego Mnogoe Donyne ne Bylo Vsem Izvestno [The Newest, Curious and Reliable Narrations about Eastern Siberia Mostly Unknown to the Public Before]. Saint Petersburg: Military Typography of His Imperial Majesty’s General Staff, 1817.
[Nil/ Isakovich, Nikolay Fedorovich, archbishop] (1799-1874). Buddizm, Rassmatrivayemyi v Otnoshenii k Posledovateliam Yego, Obitayushchim v Sibiri [Buddhism, Interpreted in Relation to Its Followers Living in Siberia]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of Grigory Trusov, 1858.
Mesiatsoslov s Rospisju Chinovnykh Osob v Gosudarstve, na Leto ot Rozhdestva Christova 1802 [Calendar for the Year 1802 after the Birth of Christ, with an Annotated List of all State Officials]. Saint Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, [1801].
Moore-Bennett, Helen Fletcher (née Latimer) (1891 – ca. 1960s); Moore-Bennett, Arthur John (1877-1950). Historically Significant Scrapbook with ca. 170 Original Gelatin Silver Photos and Real Photo Postcards, Various Manuscript and Printed Ephemera (Business or Calling Cards, Store and Suppliers’ Receipts, Hotel Invoices, Telegrams, Autograph Letters Signed, Original Envelopes, Telegrams and Newspaper Clippings), Taken and Collected during a Ten-Year-Long Cruise on Yacht “Medea” from Shanghai to Hong Kong, Singapore, Around the Malay Peninsula and thence to Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Goa, Aden, Red Sea, Suez Canal, Cyprus, &c. Ca. 1931-1940 (the period of the voyage), but some photos and documents cover the period from 1913 to 1965.