Lewisohn, Walter Pickett (ca. 1910-1991). Historically Significant Archive of a Member of Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s Second Antarctic Expedition, Walter P. Lewisohn, Including His Original, Richly Illustrated Diary, Kept during the Expedition and Containing the Complete Set of a Very Rare Mimeographed Periodical “The Snowshovel,” Issued on Board the Expedition Ship S.S. “Jacob Ruppert” in Jan. 1934; the Diary’s Typescript; a Complete Set of an Extemely Rare First American Publication in Antarctica - Mimeographed Periodical “The Barrier Bull,” Issued in “Little America” (the Expedition’s Base in Antarctica) in May-July 1934; Lewisohn’s Original Snow Glasses from the Expedition; Original Medals Presented to Lewisohn and to Another Expedition Member, Kennett Rawson; Official Expedition Stationery Leaf with the Postal Stamps, Cancelled in “Little America”; Printed Account of Byrd’s First Antarctic Expedition, Signed by the Author; and Two Groups of Later Ephemera and Original Photographs. Ca. 1933-1935.
Golovnin, Vasily Mikhailovich (1776-1831) & Duncan, Archibald. Opisanie Primechatelnykh Korablekrusheniy... [Description of the Most Interesting Shipwrecks Which have Taken Place at Various Times. A work by Mr. Duncan. Translated from English and Supplemented with Notes and Explanations for the Use of Russian Navigators by Fleet Captain-Commander Golovnin. Published by the order of the State Admiralty Department: in 3 parts]. [With]: GOLOVNIN, Vasily Mikhailovich (1776-1831) Opisanie Primechatelnykh Korablekrusheniy, v Raznye Vremena Preterpennykh Rossiyskimi Moreplavatelyami... [Description of the Most Interesting Shipwrecks Suffered at Various Times by Russian Navigators. Collected, Organized and Supplemented with Notes and Explanations by Fleet Captain-Commander Golovnin. Part 4, Serving as the Continuation to the Description of the Most Interesting Shipwrecks by Mr. Duncan. Published by the order of the State Admiralty Department]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. Of N. Grech, 1853.
Healey, Charles Terraine (1833-1914). Historically Significant, Content-Rich Archive of Nine Original Manuscript Notebooks, by California’s First Licensed Surveyor, Documenting His Land Surveys in or near Wilmington, Machado, San Fernando, San Joaquin, Long Beach, Stearns Rancho, Narbonne & Weston Partition (Rancho Palos Verdes), Ranchos Las Bolsas and San Marino, Santa Catalina Island Road Survey, Elevation on a Portion of Southern California Railway, First Mapping of Willmore (Long Beach), Early Oil Survey and Drilling at Puente Whittier (Whittier Oil Field), &c.; WITH: Manuscript Field Notes of the Survey of Lands Adjacent to Ranchos Los Coyotes and Los Cerritos (Los Angeles and Orange Counties). Ca. 1882-1904.
Vysheslavtsev, A.V. Ocherki Perom i Karandashom iz Krugosvetnogo Plavaniya v 1857, 1858, 1859 i 1860 godakh [i.e. Sketches in Pen and Pencil from the Circumnavigation in 1857, 1858, 1859 and 1860]. St. Petersburg-Moscow: M.O. Wolf, 1867.
Butler, Charles M. (ca. 1866 – after 1930); [Hopkins, William A.] (ca. 1862-1951). Collection of Three Original Autograph Letters Signed to His Friend William Hopkins from Watsonville, CA, Talking about His Gold Mining on the Sunset Creek near Nome, the Success of the “Pioneer Mining Co.” on the Metson Bench and of Other Miners on the Ophir Creek, the Creation of a New Gold Mining Camp on the Iditarod River, and that “it is the hardest time I ever saw in Nome”. Nome, Alaska, 20 June 1909, 28 October 1909, 10 March 1910.
Nelson, Charles “Red” (1900-1982); Bragaw, Robert (1889-1969, fl. ca. 1920s-1930s); Steward, H.W.; Rossman, Earl; Johnson, George L. & others. Album with over 210 Original Gelatin Photographs of Alaska, Showing Central Alaska (Mt. Denali, Mt. Susitna, Knik Arm, Tanana and Susitna Rivers, Cache Creek, Curry – Now a Ghost Town, Mining and Survey Camps), Anchorage Environs, Kenai Peninsula (Lake Kenai, Resurrection River, Bald Mountain, Tustumena glacier, Nuka Bay glacier), Prince William Sound, the Inside Passage, Latouche Village, Portraits of Yupic People, Scenes of Dog Mushing, Hunting, Fishing, and Gold Panning, Alaskan Wildlife, Russel Merril’s Plane, &c. Ca. 1920s.
Fridrikhs, Vasiliy Nikolayevich (1852-1898). Plavanie na Kreisere “Afrika” pod Flagom Kontr-Admirala Aslanbegova (1880-1882) [A Voyage on Cruiser “Africa” under the Flag of Rear Admiral Aslanbegov (1880-1882)] // From: Russky Vestnik. 1883. Vol. СLXIV. No. 3, pp. 321-347; No. 4, pp. 670-702. [Moscow: University Typ., 1883].
Ennis, R.C.? Album of 180 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of Dutch Harbor (Unalaska), Sand Point (Popof Island) and Unga Village on Unga Island (a Ghost Town Since 1969), Taken and Collected by an American Resident During WW2. Ca. 1940-1944.
Tembreull, Christine Erma (1895-1961), attributed to. Album with 114 Original Gelatin Silver Photos Taken During a Cruise to Alaska in 1938 and Showing Metlakatla, Ketchikan, Wrangell, Petersburg, Sitka, Skagway, Letnikof Cove, Haines Barracks, Famous Skagway Tour Guide Martin Itjen, Indigenous People, Filipino Steerage Passengers, American Military men from Haines Barracks, Cruiseship Passengers and Captain, & c. 1938.
Dodge, William S. A Historically Important, One of the Earliest Manuscript Liquor Licenses Signed by the First Mayor of Sitka and Alaska Pioneer, William S. Dodge, Just a Year After the US Purchased Alaska from Russia and Only a Few Months before the Act of Congress of 27 July 1868 Prohibited the Sale and Import of Alcohol to the Inhabitants of the Territory. Sitka, 07 March 1868.
Album with 39 Early Original Gelatin Photographs of Fairbanks, Showing St. Matthew’s Church and Hospital, the Launch of the “Koyukuk” River Steamer, City Streets, Interior of a Building Decorated for the “Floral Ball,” Firefighters and their Horse-Driven Cart, “Fireman Cook” with Pet Bears, Pioneer J. [Schuster?], “Sale Cup” of the Fairbanks Gun Club, &c. Ca. 1900s – 1920
Collection of Forty-Eight Loose Original Gelatin Silver Photographs, Showing the Filming of the Oscar-Winning Movie “Eskimo” in Northwestern Alaska in 1932-1933, Featuring Rare Behind-the-Scenes Photos of the Film Cast & Crew (Ray Mala, Lotus Long, Peter Freuchen, W. S. Van Dyke), Native Actors in Parkas and Mukluks Haunting Polar Bear, Walrus, and Moose, Extras Posing in Igloos and Processing Captured Animals; also, with Early Photos of Alaska’s Arctic and the 1930s Movie Equipment. 1932-1933.
[“Wadhams & Co”] (1865-1905). Collection of Three Manuscript and Two Typewritten Official Autograph Letters Signed to the Offices of the “Wadhams & Co.” in Portland and San Francisco, Regarding the Shipments of Deer, Hair Seal and Wolf Skins from Howkan and Loring (Alaska) and by Transit from Port Townsend (Washington). Loring, 4 May 1889; Howcan [sic!], 5 March and 26 April, 1890; San Francisco, 30 April and June 13 1890.
Kennedy, W. W. Original Autograph Letter Written on Printed Letterhead of the Juneau’s “Circle City Hotel” by an Alaskan Gold Miner, with Notes about Hard Living and Working in Juneau in Winter.
Juneau, Alaska: 11 January 1899.
Lascy, Albert (ca. 1827-1917). Collection of Two Extensive Autograph Letters Signed by Gold Miner and Surveyor Albert Lascy, Giving a Detailed Account of His Gold Exploration near Karluk, Uyak and Uganik Bays on the Northern Kodiak Island. 1893.
Album with 229 Original Gelatin Silver Snapshot Photographs, Showing Nome (Sheldon Hotel, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Front Street, Golden Gate Hotel, &c.), Dutch Harbor (Facilities of the “North American Commercial Co.,” Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Ascension, Iliuliuk Bay), Likely Kotzebue Sound, Gold Miners Panning, Dredging and Digging, Canoeing, Dog Sledding, Posing next to Their Tents, on Board a Steamship, Native Alaskans, “Wisconsin” Gold Dredge, &c. Ca. 1898-1903.
Smith, W[illiam] D. [Collection of Three Original Autograph Letters Signed by W.D. Smith, Owner of the “Shumagin Packing Company” in the Chignik Bay (Alaska Peninsula), Addressed to His Agents in San Francisco and Discussing Financial Operations and Shipping of Supplies and Canned Salmon. 1889.
Clark, Willoughby (ca. ?-1906); Munly, Thomas J (ca. 1857-1932). Historically Important Collection of Two Original Letters Signed to Joseph W. Ivey, Former U.S. Customs Collector in Alaska, Regarding his Participation in the Upcoming Nonpartisan Convention in Juneau and his Pioneering Interest in the Kayak Coal & Oil Fields. Catalla (Katalla), Alaska: 22 September 1903; 15 November 1903.
Vavilov, M.I. Poslednie Dni v Russkoi Amerike. Iz Zapisok Ochevidtsa. 1867-1868 [Last Days in Russian America. From the Notes by an Eye-Witness. 1867-1868] // From: Russkaya Starina. 1886. Vol. XLIX. Pp. 549-560; Vol. L. Pp. 593-598; Vol. LI. Pp. 605-614. [Saint Petersburg: Typ. of V.S. Balashev, 1886].
Barsukov, I.P. Innokentii, Mitropolit Moskovsky i Kolomensky po Yego Sochineniyam, Pismam i Rasskazam Sovremennikov [i.e. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, His Works, Letters and Stories of Him by His Contemporaries]. Moscow: Typ. of the Holy Synod, 1883.
Giovio‚Giulio‚ Bishop of Nocera (ca. 1510-ca. 1563). Official Letter Signed by Giovio to “Molto Magnifico Signor” Solomeo Solomei in Florence‚ Introducing his Nephew Passing through Florence on his way to Rome. Como: 19 March 1560.
De La Motte, Edward. Typewritten Manuscript Account of the Fifth Ascent of Aconcagua, by British Climber Edward de la Motte and American Mountaineer James Ramsey Ullman, Being also the First American Ascent of Aconcagua, Titled: Horcones Valley and Aconcagua. February/March 1928.
Manuscript Agreement for the Transfer of Government Licenses for Six Coal Locations along Coldwater River in Nicola Valley, British Columbia. 19 December 1903.
[Baegert, Johann Jakob] (1717-1772). Nachrichten von der Amerikanischen Halbinsel Californien: mit einem zweyfachen Anhang falscher Nachrichten. Geschrieben von einem Priester der Gesellschaft Jesu, welcher lang darinn diese letztere Jahr gelebet hat. [News from the American Peninsula California..,] Mannheim: Churfürstl. Hof- und Academie-Buchdruckerey, 1773.