[Whitaker, Ewen Adar] (1922-2016). Historically Significant Collection of ca. 409 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of the Moon (Views from Space, Closer Images of the Lunar Surface and Craters), Taken by Several NASA Spacecrafts - Ranger VII (1964), Surveyor I (1965), Ranger VIII ad IX (1965), Lunar Orbiter III and IV (1967), and by Apollo 15 Mission (1971). Ca. 1960s – 1970s.
Gsell, Émile (1838-1879), Attributed to, & Others. Album with 72 Original Albumen Photos of French Colonial Cambodia, Cochinchina and Annam, Showing Angkor Wat (Western Entry Gate, Main Entrance, Central Tower, Library, Cruciform Terrace, Porticos, Inner Galleries), Angkor Thom (Entrance Gates, Bayon Temple, Phimeanakas Temple), Phnom Penh (Botanical Garden), Saigon (Chinese Firefighters in Cholon District, River Views, French Gunboats), Po Nagar Temple Tower, the Town of Rach Gia, Villages in Nha Trang and Khanh Hoa Provinces, French Explorers, Cyclists, Vietnamese Cham People, &c. Ca. 1860s-1880s-1890s.
Historically Significant Extensive Collection of Five Albums, and Loose Gelatin Silver Photos (altogether over 680 Images), Taken and Collected by U.S. Military Men During Their Service in the Korean War and Showing Military Actions, Seoul after its Capture by the UN Forces in September 1950, Service on the Border with North Korea during the Stalemate (Chuncheon, Kapyong Headquarters, Kumhwa), a Visit of South Korean President Syngman Rhee to the Positions in Kumhwa, American Military Bases and Field Camps, Everyday Life of American Soldiers, Operations and Activities of the U.S. Air Force in Korea and Japan, Hardships of Korean Civilians, Views of Seoul, Busan, South Korean Towns, Villages and Countryside, Portraits of Families, Peasants, Artisans, &c. Ca. 1950s.
Historically Significant Album with 132 Original Gelatin Silver Amateur and Studio Photographs, Taken and Collected by a Serviceman of the Yokohama Headquarters of the Eighth U.S. Army, Showing U.S. Military Camp and Headquarters in Yokohama, the Compiler and His Fellow Servicemen, Japanese People and Girls in Western Clothes, Streets and Sites of Yokohama and Tokyo, Scenes of Atomic Destruction in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, &c.; With: An Original Blue Cloth "Air Police" Armband. Ca. 1945 – late 1940s.
Greenham & Evans (fl. ca. 1895-1900); King, Henry (1855-1923); Caire, Nicholas John (1837-1918); Sargeant, Albert & Others. Album with 77 Original Gelatin Silver and Albumen Studio Photographs of Australia and Tasmania, Showing Perth, Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne, Gippsland Lakes, Hobart, Strahan (Tasmania), Cape Raoul, Fren Tree Bower, Portraits of Aboriginal Australians, Gold Miners, Tree Loggers, &c. Ca. 1880s-1890s.
Historically Significant Album with 72 Original Photos of a French Military Hospital Camp for Serbian Soldiers Recovering in Tunisia after the Great Retreat or Serbian Golgotha; the Photos Show Starved Serbian Soldiers in a Hospital at Vido Island (Greece), Their Arrival and Disembarkation at the Camp, Disinfection, Interior of Hospital Rooms, Medical Operations, Patients, Doctors and Nurses, Recovering Soldiers Dancing and Playing Musical Instruments, Official Visits and Reviews, Possibly by the Maritime Prefect of Bizerte Admiral Guépratte, Serbian Orthodox Funeral Service and Internment, Serbian Cemetery near “Sidi Yaya,” &c. Ca. 1916-1917.
[Woodbury, George Edward] (1902-1973). Historically Significant Collection of 61 Original Gelatin Silver Photos, 95 Film Negatives and Three Glass Plates, Showing the Excavation of Native American Burial Mounds on Cape Canaveral, in 1933-1934: Mounds in their Original Stage, Excavation Process, Workers and Anthropologists, Unearthed Remains Identified by Numbers. Ca. 1933-1934.
[Hall, Sir John KCB] (1795-1866), Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals, Cape of Good Hope (1847-1851). Archive of Twenty-Eight Original Autograph Letters Related to Sir John Hall’s Medical Service in South Africa, Including Twenty-Two ALS from Hall to His Wife (with Seven Original Envelopes), Reporting about the Events of the Eighth Xhosa or Cape Frontier War (1851-53); Two ALS to Hall by His Superior - Director-General of the Army Medical Service Sir James MacGrigor, and Four ALS to Mrs. Hall by Various Correspondents, Detailing on Hall’s Service in South Africa and Crimea. Hall’s letters: Cape Town & Wenburg [Winburg, Free State], 27 July - 9 September 1848 and King William’s Town [Qonce, Eastern Cape] and Grahamstown [Makhanda, Eastern Cape], 18 January – 5 July 1851.
Historically Significant Album with 83 Original Gelatin Silver Photos, Illustrating the Life and Work of a Young Chinese American Graduate of the “Curtiss-Wright Technical Institute” in Los Angeles and Showing the Compiler and His Friends next to Planes, in Workshops, with their Cars, Partying on Los Angeles Beaches, Their Families and Girlfriends, &c. Ca. 1929 – early 1930s.
Krusenstern, Adam Johann von (1770-1846); Tilesius, Wilhelm Gottlieb von Tilenau (1769-1857); Ukhtomsky, Andrei Grigorievich (1771-1852). Original Copper Engraving from the Famous "Atlas k Puteshestviiu Vokrug Sveta Kapitana Krusensterna" (Atlas to the Circumnavigation of Captain Krusenstern), Titled: Tab. XXVIII. Grobnitsa Kapitana Klerka v Petropavlovske. Captain Clerkes Grabmal im Hafen St. Peter und Paul [Captain Clerkes’ Tomb in Petropavlovsk]. [Saint Petersburg]: [Morskaya Typ.], [1813].
[Simms, H. W.] Album of 79 Albumen and Gelatin Silver Photographs Showing Saint Helena (Jamestown, Breakneck Valley, Sandy Bay, Plantation House, Longwood House, etc.) and Ascension Island (Georgetown, Green Mountain), the HMS Sparrow and its Officers and Crew, Group Portrait of the Members of the 1892 “Gambia Expedition,” West Africa (Fernado Po, Annobón, Sierra Leone), Jamaica after the 1907 Earthquake (Kingston, Port Royal), etc. Ca. 1890s, 1907.
Butler, Charles M. (ca. 1866 – after 1930); [Hopkins, William A.] (ca. 1862-1951). Collection of Three Original Autograph Letters Signed to His Friend William Hopkins from Watsonville, CA, Talking about His Gold Mining on the Sunset Creek near Nome, the Success of the “Pioneer Mining Co.” on the Metson Bench and of Other Miners on the Ophir Creek, the Creation of a New Gold Mining Camp on the Iditarod River, and that “it is the hardest time I ever saw in Nome”. Nome, Alaska, 20 June 1909, 28 October 1909, 10 March 1910.
[Arndt, Max E., Dr.] Historically Significant Album with 110 Original Gelatin Silver Photos, Compiled by a German Engineer, Including 87 Images Taken during His Work in Elisabethville, Belgian Congo (now Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo) and Showing Railway Construction, First Buildings of Elisabethville (Railway Station, Radio Station, Governor’s House, “my house,” “Bucherie, W. Ulmann,” “Carlton Hotel”), Facilities of the Etoile du Congo Copper Mines, Local European Residents, Congolese People, &c.; With Photos of His Work on Repair of Infrastructure in Belgium, Occupied by Germany, in 1914. Ca. 1911-1912, 1914-1915.
Historically Significant Archive of Over Fifty Original Manuscripts and Period Copies, Merchants’ Receipts, Two Rare Printed Caribbean Broadsides and an Autograph Letter Signed, Documenting Trade Voyages of Canadian-Built Wooden Schooner "Lima," Manned and Commanded by Americans, from New York to St. Thomas, Danish West Indies, Mostly Focusing on its Damage during a Storm in the Caribbean in September-October 1865 and Subsequent Auction Sale in St. Thomas. New York, St. Thomas (Danish West Indies), Kingston (Jamaica), ca. 1865 – early 1866.
Rust, Thomas Alfred (1841-1904) & Others. Album with 42 Original Albumen Studio Photographs of Northern India, Showing All Saints Cathedral in Allahabad (Prayagraj) During and Shortly after Its Construction, Local Clergy Including Bishop of Calcutta Rev. Edward Ralph Johnson, the First Bishop of the Diocese of Lucknow Rev. Arthur Clifford, Civil and Military Chaplains, Organists, Choir Members, Buildings of Bishop Johnson School for Girls and Colvin School for Boys, a Series of Portraits of Royal Artillery Servicemen in Allahabad and Roorkee, British Military Establishments in Chakrata and Kailana, a portrait of Commander-in-Chief of India Sir Frederick Roberts at Chakrata, &c. Ca. 1880s-1890s.
Arnoux, Hippolyte (active ca. 1860 - ca. 1890); Zangaki, Adelphoi (active 1870s–1890s). Album with Sixteen Original Albumen Studio Photograph Views of Port Said, Suez Canal, and Aden. Ca. 1870s.
Katrak, Sorab Kavasji Hormuzdyar (1892-1972). Through Amanullah’s Afghanistan: A Book of Travel. Karachi: D.N. Patel at the “Sind Observer” & Mercantile Steam Press Ltd., 1929.
Album of Five Indian School Watercolour, Ink and Pencil Portraits Signed “CP,” Showing the Traditional Dress of People and Leaders in the Kingdom of Caubul [Kabul] During the Durrani Dynasty (1747-1842) Perhaps used as the Original Archetype Illustrations for Montstuart Elphinstone's, 1815 Book:] “An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and its Dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India; comprising a view of the Afghaun Nation, and a history of the Doorauni Monarchy.” Ca. 1815.
[Boyd, A[lexander] S[tuart](1854-1930). Original Ink Drawing prepared for the “Graphic”, Titled:"Chamberlain & Natives in Africa (Witnessing a Zulu War Dance in Natal)." 26 Feb 1903.
Baudin, Lieutenant de Vaisseau, Commander of the Warship “Vulcain”. Official Certificate Given to Michel Lastrén, 2nd maitre cannonier, who served on the Warship “Vulcain” in 1829-1830, and in particular during the French Invasion of Algiers; the Certificate is Signed “Baudin”. Toulon: , 1 December 1830.
Album of 34 Gelatin Silver Photographs of the French Colony of Dahomey, showing Porto-Novo (Governor’s Palace, Catholic Mission, Customs Building), the Port of Cotonou, a Trading Post in Dogbo, Adja-Ouéré, “a King’s Hut,” Local Villages, Portraits of Native People and French Residents, the Booth of the “Compagnie de l’Ouémé-Dahomey” at the Paris Exposition Universelle of 1900, etc. Ca. 1890s – early 1900s.
Album with Sixty-one Original Albumen Photographs, the Majority of Which are of South Africa Showing Detailed Views of Kimberley and De Beers Diamond Mines, Johannesburg Gold Mine, Sites and Memorials of the Anglo-Zulu and First Boer Wars, Views of Pietermaritzburg, Georgetown, Durban, Newcastle; Ethnographic Photos of Zulus and “Kaffirs”; With: Photos of Zanzibar (6), Lamu in Kenya (6), Aden (4) and Egypt (8). Ca. late 1880s.
Album of 66 Gelatin Silver Snapshot Photographs of a Safari Trip in British East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, and Northern Tanzania), Showing Hunters and Game, Their Camps and Rest Houses, a Durant Rugby (Safari Vehicle), the Karamojan People, Native Guides and Porters, East African Scenery Titled: Kenya – Uganda – Belgian Congo – Sudan, October 1926 – February 1927. Ca. 1925-1927.
Trotter, A[lexander] M[ason] (Scotland 1891-1946). Watercolour, Apparently Used as an Illustration in 'The Graphic,' Titled On Verso: "Death of Livingstone." London: 1917.
Bates, Leo. Collection of Five Large Signed Mounted Black and White Monochrome Watercolours Showing Scenes of David Livingstone's Last Expedition Including his Meeting with Henry Stanley. Ca. 1920.