Buchanan, William Insco (1853-1909). [Historically Significant Collection of Two Journals/Scrapbooks with over Twenty Original Typewritten and Manuscript Documents (Six Drafts of the Settlement Protocol, Official Letters Signed by the U.S. Secretary of State Elihu Root, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Francisco Gonzales Guinan, &c.), and Over 320 Period American and Venezuelan Newspaper Clippings, Documenting Buchanan’s Arbitration as the U.S. High Commissioner in Venezuela, Which Resulted in the Reestablishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Two Countries in February 1909]. Caracas, Washington, New York, December 1908 – April 1909.
[Ross, George Olen, Colonel, G-5 III MAF Headquarters] (1920-1994). Extensive Private Archive of Over 420 Mounted and Loose Gelatin Silver Photos (Including over a Hundred Panoramas) taken and Collected by Colonel George O. Ross During His Service in the Headquarters of the III Marine Amphibious Force, Da Nang, in the Vietnam War, and Showing Da Nang Military and Air Base, Numerous Military Planes and Helicopters, Commanding Officers of the III MAF at Reviews, Award Ceremonies, Dinners and Social Events, Korean and South Vietnamese Military Commanders, Open-Air Catholic Mass Led by Cardinal Francis Spellman in Vietnam, Views of Da Nang, Portraits of Vietnamese Civilians, School Children, &c.; With Eight Official Invitations to Military Ceremonies and Dinners in Da Nang. Ca. 1965-1967.
Puteshestvie Flota Kapitana Sarycheva po Severovostochnoi Chasti Sibiri, Ledovitomu Moriu i Vostochnomu Okeanu, v Prodolzheniye Osmi Let, pri Geograficheskoi i Astronomicheskoi Morskoi Ekspeditsii, byvshey pod Nachalstvom Flota Kapitana Billingsa, s 1785 po 1793 god. Chast’ I... Chast' II. [Voyage of Fleet Captain Sarychev across the Northeastern Part of Siberia, the Icy Sea and the Eastern Ocean, for Eight Years, during Geographical and Astronomical Maritime Expedition under the Command of Fleet Captain Billings, from 1785 to 1793. Part I… Part II]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of [Johann Carl] Schnoor, 1802.
[Popov]-Veniaminov, Ivan Evseyevich (Innokentii/Innocent Of Alaska) (1797-1879). Zapiski ob Ostrovakh Unalashkinskogo Otdiela, Sostavlennie I. Veniaminovym. Chast Pervaia. Izdano Izhdiveniiem Rossisko-Amerikanskoi Kompanii [Notes on the Islands of the Unalaska Group, Compiled by I. Veniaminov. Part 1. Published on the Account of the Russian American Company]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of the Imperial Russian Academy, 1840.
Album of 450 Original and Studio Gelatin Silver and Platinum Photographs Showing French Troops in Algeria and Morocco During the Early Years of the Conquest of Morocco, Including Military Activity (Battle of Menabha, Oran Military Hospital, Reconnaissance, Reviews, and Camps), the Cities of Béchar (Algeria), Boudenib, Ain Chair, and Takoumit (Morocco), and Portraits and Snapshots of Indigenous Algerians and Moroccans. Ca. 1900s-1910s.
[Maury, Matthew Fontaine, Commander, US Navy] (1806-1873). Ob Issledovanii Yuzhnykh Polyarnykh Stran: Pismo G. Mori Russkomu Poslanniku v Soyedinyonnykh Shtatakh Severnoi Ameriki [About the Research of South Polar Regions: A Letter of Mr. Maury to the Russian Envoy in the United States of North America]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of the Naval Ministry, 1861.
[Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilyevich] (1711-1765). Sochinenie Lomonosova. Izdano ot Gidrograficheskago Departamenta Morskago Ministerstva. Kratkoe Opisanie Raznikh Puteshestvii po Severnim Moryam… [Lomonosov’s Work. Published by the Hydrographical Department of the Naval Ministry. A Brief Description of Various Voyages in the Northern Seas and Indication of a Possible Passage via the Siberian Ocean to the East Indies]. Saint Petersburg: Morskaya [Naval] Typ., 1847.
Filchner, Wilhelm (1877-1957). A Collection of Seven Original Ink Drawings (Three initialed "C.A.") Used as Illustrations in Wilhelm Filchner's Book " Das Kloster Kumbum in Tibet. Ein Beitrag zu Seiner Geschichte (The Monastery Kumbum in Tibet. A Contribution to its History)" Berlin: Mittler & Sohn 1906. Ca. 1905.
Historically Important Content-Rich Letter by a Pioneer California Gold Miner, Writing to his “Dear Mother” about Reduced Wages for Miners, Increasing Emigration, Opportunities for Easy Money, and High Provision Costs; also Mentioning Yuba River Mining Expeditions and his Recent Profitable Sale. Sacramento: 21 August 1852.
Historically Interesting Album with 39 Original Gelatin Silver Photos of Los Angeles and its Environs, Showing the Early Annual Tournament of Roses Parade and Navajo Indians in Pasadena, Rubio Canyon in Altadena, Baldwin’s Ranch in Arcadia, etc.; also with the Photos of a Mexican Woman and Girl Doing Laundry, a Peasant Leading Donkeys Loaded with Wood, and Children Playing in Burro Alley in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Ca. 1902-1903.
MARKS, S. (ca. 1832-1902). Historically Interesting Collection of Two Manuscript Letters Signed by Saul Marks, California’s Pioneer Jewish Businessman, and Addressed to his Merchant Brothers in Oregon, Requesting Money for San Francisco Land Investment, Predicting Rising Land Prices in Coos Bay, and Warning about the Risk of Carmen Island Salt Shortage Spoiling their Meat. San Francisco: 28 March & 7 April 1869.
VANMARTER, J. (ca. 1826-1908). Historically Significant Autograph Letter by One of the Earliest California Gold Miners Johnson VanMarter, Talking about Future Prospects from His New Land Claim, Miners’ Christmas Meal, the Best Bread in the Area, Purchase of New Rubber Boots, and his Recent Financial Losses; also Mentioning the Sacramento Flood, Water Shortages, and the Hard Work of Miners Compared to Others. California: December 1853.
Church, Edward W. (ca. 1814-1861). Original Autograph Letter Signed by San Francisco Banker Edward W. Church to His Friend in New York, Talking about the Health of His Child, Visiting New York, and Recent Weather and Earthquakes in San Francisco. San Francisco, 28 February & 20 March 1856.
Historically Important Album with 227 Gelatin Silver Photos of California, Showing the Former Lumber Hub of Fort Bragg, the Newton J. Tharp Commercial School (1908–1952) in San Francisco, the Tanforan Racetrack in San Bruno, the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, the Second Grammar School in Dixon, Panama Pacific International Exhibition, etc.; also, with Rare Photos of the Standard Oil Co. Explosion in Riverside and Pioneering Automobile Race & Airplane Flight in San Bruno. Ca. 1908-1915.
JAYNE, G. (ca. 1845-1870). Historically Important Collection of Two Autograph Letters by George Edwin Jayne, an Early California Resident, Addressed to His Relatives “Lottie” and “Sam” in New York, Describing the City’s Ongoing Renovation, the Cheapest Place to Live in San Francisco, the Popular Living Arrangements for Residents, Clerking Job Shortages, Dining Prices, etc.; also Mentioning the Lost Landmarks of Mercantile Library & Oriental Hotel and Comparing the Width of Kearny Street with Broadway. San Francisco: 10 September 1868.
Collection of 79 Loose Original and Studio Gelatin Silver Photographs Showing Beijing, Including the Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, Great Wall of China, Summer Palace (Marble Boat), Yonghe Temple, the Beijing Guozijian, Beijing City Fortifications, Miaoying Temple, Zhenjue Temple, Beihai Park (Nine-Dragon Wall), Peking Union Medical College, Street Scenes, and Portraits of Vendors, etc. Ca. 1946-1947.
Thring, Alicia Anne (1783-1862). Twenty Watercolours of Chinese Subjects, the Majority Showing Chinese Costumes, Mounted on Seven Album Leaves. Clifton, Bristol: June 25th 1824.
Trapman, Adrian Sidney Gilbert Reginald (1910-1937). Collection of Three Albums with ca. 307 Original Gelatin Silver Photos, Taken and Collected by a British Vice-Consul in Addis Ababa Shortly Before and During the Second Italo-Ethiopian War, Showing Addis Ababa and Jimma, Emperor Haile Selassie I, German and Italian Ambassadors in Ethiopia, Members of the British Legation, Italian Military Planes and Airfield at Mekelle, Bombing of Ethiopian Troops and Villages, Burning and Looting of Addis Ababa in May 1936, Refugee Camp at the British Legation, etc.; With: a Menu of “A Dinner at the Lansdowne Club on Friday, April 30th 1937, for Those who were in Abyssinia During the Autumn, Winter and Spring of 1935 and 1936,” Signed by Trapman and over a Dozen Other Participants. Ca. 1934-1937.
Dmitri Yermakov (1846-1917), Alexander Mishon (1858-1921) and Alexander Engel. Folio album with 122 Rare Original Albumen Photographs, titled ‘Caucasus, Georgian Military and Transcaucasian Highways’. Ca. 1880-1890s.
Album with 190 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of a Voyage to Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, Showing Local People, Villages and Temples, Notably the Bodobodur Temple Complex (UNESCO World Heritage Site). 1934-1935.
Attractive Collection of 55 Loose Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of Syria and Lebanon, Including Interesting Aerial Views of Damascus, Tartus, Beirut, Tripoli, Sidon, Riyak, Baalbec, Palmyra, Valleys of Barada and Oronte Rivers, as well as Classical Images of Damascus, Aleppo, Tartus, El Mina, source of the Oronte River, Norias of Hama Water Wheela, Ruins of Tetraporticus and Temple of Bacchus in Latakia, Palmyra, Beirut, Beiteddine Palace, Tripoli, Hasbaya, Ruins of Byblos (Jebeil), Pyramid of Hermel (Beqaa Valley), Medieval and Crusader Castles (Masyaf Castle, Marqab/Margat, Krak des Chevaliers Fortress, Beaufort Castle), &c. Ca. 1920s.
Graham Photo Company. Album with 36 Original Gelatin Silver Studio Photographs, Showing Los Angeles (Figueroa Street, a Street in St. James Park, House of Harrison Gray Otis), Pasadena (Orange Grove Avenue, Raymond Hotel, Mansions of William C. Stuart and Charles Richardson), Arcadia (Baldwin’s Ranch), Altadena (House of Colonel George G. Green), Redlands (Brookside Avenue, House of Albert C. Burrage), Riverside (Magnolia Avenue), San Gabriel, a Portrait of Actress Helena Modjeska in her “Arden Forest” House near Silverado, a Scene at an Ostrich Farm, &c. Ca. 1900s.
Album with 188 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs and Cyanotypes of an Early Trip to American Southwest and its Environs, Showing Texas (El Paso), Arizona (Phoenix), and Mexico (Juarez), including Rare Portraits of Native Americans and Local Landmarks; also, with the Early Views of California (Hollywood, Long Beach, Redlands, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Barbara, etc.) Ca. 1905.
MEARS, E. (ca. 1807-1978); PATTRIDGE, S (ca. 1802-1866); PATTRIDGE, M. (ca. 1835-?). Historically Interesting Collection of Two Autograph Manuscript Letters by Minnesota Pioneers Eliyah C. Mears and Marion & Sylva Pattridge, Addressed to Ephriam Mills in Plains, Georgia, Discussing the Legal Disputes Over His Mortgaged Land, Unresolved Claims by Creditors, and Severe Economic Crisis in Minnesota; also with Mentions of California Gold Rush and Disheartened Emigrants Returning from Pike’s Peak. Pleasant Grove, Minnesota: 19 July 1859.
GILMAN, C. Historically Interesting Original Letter Signed by Nevada Pioneer C. Gilman from Ruby Valley and Addressed to Jno. M. Duncan & Hardware Co. in Austin, Urging Immediate Sale of Oats Before Barley Shipments from Salt Lake City Flood the Market. Ruby Valley, Nevada: 22 May 1866.
Miklouho-Maclay, Nikolai Nikolayevich (1846-1888); [Pimenova, Emilia Kirillovna, Editor] (1854-1935); Wesenberg & Co. (ca. 1880s-1910s). Odin sredi Dikarei [Alone among the Savages]; WITH: [Original Albumen Cabinet Portrait Photo of Miklouho-Maclay by the Studio of Wesenberg & Co.] Leningrad-Moscow: Kniga, 1928.
Collection of 96 Loose Gelatin Silver Photographs Showing Panama, Including US Army Air Base France Field (Airplanes on Tarmac, Base Headquarters, Base Chapel, Bachelors’ Quarters, “France Field Exchange,” Group Portraits of Officers), Colón (Balboa Avenue, Washington Hotel, Municipal Palace), Cristóbal (High School, Fire Station, Union Church, Christ Church by the Sea), Street Scenes, etc. Ca. 1945.
Collection of 24 Vernacular Gelatin Silver Photographs Documenting the 117th Engineer Combat Battalion during the Bougainville Campaign (November 1943 to September 1944), etc. July 1943 - September 1944.
MHULACK, E.; FRIAR, S. Historically Important Collection of Two Manuscript Letters Signed by California Pioneer Gold Miners “Esoch Mhulack” and “S. Friar” and Addressed to Their Business Associate “F. B. Haight,” Complaining About the Average Prices for 883 ½ Purity of Gold Dust and Calculating the Distribution of Income Among Stakeholders; also with Notes about Nicaragua Steamship Company’s High Second Cabin Fees and Operational Delays. San Francisco: 28 March 1857.
Album with Fifty-Nine Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of Pre-Quake San Francisco, Showing City Hall & Hall of Records, Golden Gate Park, the Palace Hotel, Gothic Revival Church, German Savings Bank, Union Trust Building, Mission Dolores, etc.; also, with the Views of Chinatown, Golden Gate Park, etc. Titled: Photographs. Ca. 1894-1896.
Berggren, Guillaume (1835-1920); Abdullah Frères (active ca. 1858-1899); Sebah & Joailler (1888-1908) & Others. Album with 65 Original Albumen Photographs of Ottoman Istanbul and Its People. Ca. 1890s.
Pearl, Sam V. [Historically Interesting Original Letter on Anti-Slavery Sentiment In Illinois, Liberty Track, Assisiting the Runaway Slaves, Theodore Dwight Weld’s popularity in the region from an Warrant County farmer, self-proclaimed Abolitionist to his father in Connecticut]. Warren County, Illinois: 18, 20 & 24 September 1843.
Mainov/ Maynov, Ivan Ivanovich (1861-1936). Russkiye Krestyane i Osyodlye Inorodtsy Yakutskoy Oblasti/ Zapiski Imperatorskogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva po Otdeleniyu Statistiki. Tom XII, Izdanny pod Redaktsiyey d. chl. V.V. Morachevskogo [Russian Peasants and Sedentary Indigenous People of the Yakutsk Province/ Proceedings of the Russian Imperial Geographical Society. Statistics Department / Vol. XII. Ed. by V.V. Morachevsky]. Saint Petersburg: Typ. of V.F. Kirshbaum, 1912.