Vysheslavtsev, A.V. Ocherki Perom i Karandashom iz Krugosvetnogo Plavaniya v 1857, 1858, 1859 i 1860 godakh [i.e. Sketches in Pen and Pencil from the Circumnavigation in 1857, 1858, 1859 and 1860]. St. Petersburg-Moscow: M.O. Wolf, 1867.
Dobell, Peter/Petr Vasil’evich; [Dzhunkovsky, A.S.]. Puteshestviia i Noveishiia Nabliudeniia v Kitae, Manille i Indo-Kitaiskom Arkhipelage Byvshego Rossiiskogo Generalnogo Konsula na Filippinskikh Ostrovakh, Kollezhskogo Sovetnika Petra Dobelia, Sostavil i s Angliiskogo Perevel, s Vysochaishego Soizvolenia A. Dzh. [i.e. Travels and Latest Observations in China, Manila and the Indo-China Archipelago by a Former Russian Consul General in the Philippine Islands, Collegiate Councillor Petr Dobell, Compiled and Translated from English, by the Highest Permission A. Dzh.] St. Petersburg: N. Grech, 1833.
Bourne & Shepherd; Paar, T[heodore] H. (fl. ca. 1890s); Kaufluss, Ernst August (1861-1908); Lambert, Gustave Richard (1846-1907). Album with 42 Original Albumen and Gelatin Silver Studio Photos, Showing Agra (Delhi Gate of Agra Fort, Diwan-i-Am, Taj Mahal), Delhi Durbar of 1903 (Official Procession, Viceroy’s Howdah Carriage), Central Police Station in Singapore, Views and Portraits from Darjeeling, Portraits of Malay, Dayak and East-Indian People, &c. Ca. 1890s-1900s.
Album with 190 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of a Voyage to Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, Showing Local People, Villages and Temples, Notably the Bodobodur Temple Complex (UNESCO World Heritage Site). 1934-1935.
Moore-Bennett, Helen Fletcher (née Latimer) (1891 – ca. 1960s); Moore-Bennett, Arthur John (1877-1950). Historically Significant Scrapbook with ca. 170 Original Gelatin Silver Photos and Real Photo Postcards, Various Manuscript and Printed Ephemera (Business or Calling Cards, Store and Suppliers’ Receipts, Hotel Invoices, Telegrams, Autograph Letters Signed, Original Envelopes, Telegrams and Newspaper Clippings), Taken and Collected during a Ten-Year-Long Cruise on Yacht “Medea” from Shanghai to Hong Kong, Singapore, Around the Malay Peninsula and thence to Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Goa, Aden, Red Sea, Suez Canal, Cyprus, &c. Ca. 1931-1940 (the period of the voyage), but some photos and documents cover the period from 1913 to 1965.