Buchanan, William Insco (1853-1909). [Historically Significant Journal/Scrapbook with Over a Hundred Original Typewritten, Printed and Manuscript Documents (Including Those Signed by the U.S. Secretary of State John Hay, Acting Secretary of State Alvey A. Adee, Mexican Delegate Francisco L. de la Barra and Secretary of the American Peace Society Benjamin F. Trueblood), Nine Period Brochures and Over Fifty Period American and Mexican Newspaper Clippings, Documenting Buchanan’s Work on the International Arbitration during the Second Panamerican Conference in Mexico City in October 1901 – January 1902, Titled:] Arbitration. International Conference. Mexico, 1902. W.I. Buchanan. Private. Mexico City, Washington, ca. April 1901 – February 1902.
Historically Interesting Album with Forty-Four Original Photographs of Mexico, Showing the Portraits of Local Dancers, Musicians, Women & Children, Street Merchants, &; also, with the Photos of Ancient Landmarks of Mexico City, Chiapas, and Tlaxcala; titled: Photographs. Ca. 1940s.