Kashevarov, Alexander Filippovich (1809-1870). Zhurnal, Vedyonnui pri Baidarnoi Ekspeditsii, Naznachennyi dlya Opisi Severnogo Berega Ameriki, 1838 goda Iyulya s 5-go po 6-e Chislo Sentyabrya togo zhe Goda. Sostavlen Nachalnikom Ekspeditsii Korpusa Shturmanov Podporuchikom Kashevarovym (Iz Zapisok Imperatorskogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obschestva. VIII t.) [A Journal Kept during the Baidara/Kayak Expedition, Ordered for the Survey of the Northern Coast of America in 1838, from July 5 to September 6. Compiled by the Head of the Expedition, 2nd Lieutenant of the Navigators’ Сorps, Kashevarov (Rare Offprint From the Notes of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, vol. 8)]. [Saint Petersburg: Typ. of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1879].