Collection of Sixteen Loose Albumen Photos of the East Argentine Railway, Showing Concordia (Entre Rios), Railway Stations in Gualeguaycito and Monte Caseros, a Four-Span Bridge over the Mandisovi River, Ceibo River and Nearby Ranchos, Monte Caseros, Company’s “Mensajero” Steamer in Ceibo, &c. Ca. 1880s.
De La Motte, Edward. Typewritten Manuscript Account of the Fifth Ascent of Aconcagua, by British Climber Edward de la Motte and American Mountaineer James Ramsey Ullman, Being also the First American Ascent of Aconcagua, Titled: Horcones Valley and Aconcagua. February/March 1928.
Autograph Letter Signed by a Buenos Aires Merchant Gaspar Ressa to the Members of the City’s Prior y Counsel, Written at the Time of the French Blockade of Buenos Aires During the Spanish American War of Confederation. Buenos Aires, 1 December 1838.
[Pastorino, Luis], & Others. Album with Sixty-Six Original Gelatin Silver Photos of Argentina and Uruguay, Showing Buenos Aires (General & Street Views, Port, Waterfront, Piramide de Mayo, Hipodromo Argentino de Palermo, Metropolitan Cathedral, Zoo, &c.), Tigre (Private Mansion, River Waterfront), Campana (Military Camp, Cattle Farm, River Waterfront), and Montevideo (Plaza Independencia, Fortaleza del Cerro, Baños Plaza Ramirez, “Saladero Clouzet & Cia” Facility, Palaza Cagancha with La Libertad Statue, Metropolitan Cathedral, &c. Ca. early 1900s.
Standke, Fritz. Album with 174 Original Gelatin Silver Photographs of a Steamer and Land Journey from Buenos Aires to the Iguazu Falls and Asuncion (Paraguay) in August-September 1918, Compiled by an Upper-Class German Resident of Argentina and Showing Argentinian and Uruguayan Ports on the Uruguay and Parana Rivers, San Ignacio Jesuit Mission, Puerto Iguazu and its First Hotel, Iguazu Falls from Argentinian and Brazilian Sides, Travellers and their Companions, Asuncion and San Bernardino, &c. 1918.
Album with 110 Original Large Gelatin Silver Photos, Illustrating the Second Annual American Express Cruise to South America and Showing Havana, Panama Canal and Panama City, Lima, Mollendo, Tacna, Arica, Antofagasta, Valparaiso, Santiago, Rio Blanco, Trains of Ferrocarril Transandino Chile, Buenos Aires, Petropolis, Santos, Sao Paolo, Rio de Janeiro, Bridgetown, Scenes of Crossing the Equator Celebration on Board the S.S. “Ebro”, &c.; the Album is Titled:] American Express Tour in South America.