Pereira-Caldas, . Ihlas Carolinas, Conflicto Hispano-Allemao. Arbitrativamente Solvido em Roma a 17 de Dezembro de 1885, Pelo Papa Leao XIII em Mediacao Diplomatica Entre os Contendentes Escolhida. [Caroline Islands, Spanish-German Conflict, Arbitration solved in Rome on December 17, 1885, by Pope Leo XIII in Diplomatic Mediation Chosen by the Contenders]. Porto: A. J. Da Silva Teixeira, 1886.
Novaya Zelandiya i Okeania, ili Ostrova Yuzhnogo Moria [i.e. New Zealand and Oceania, or the Islands of the South Sea]. St. Petersburg: Obschestvennaya pol’za, 1874.
Collection of 24 Vernacular Gelatin Silver Photographs Documenting the 117th Engineer Combat Battalion during the Bougainville Campaign (November 1943 to September 1944), etc. July 1943 - September 1944.
Album of 113 Vernacular Gelatin Silver Photographs of the Solomon Islands (US Soldiers, the Wrecks of a Japanese Submarine and Yamazuki Maru, Japanese Troop Transport), Guam after the Battle of Guam (Inarajan (St. Joseph’s Church), Umatac (Umatac School, Outdoor Library, San Dionisio Church), Portraits of Chamorro People), and Portraits of Melanesians (Likely Ni-Vanuatu) in Traditional Dress, etc. Ca. 1940s.
Bond, Frances Eileen Berkswell. Album with over a Hundred Original Photographs Compiled During Two Cruises: a 1931-1932 World Cruise on RMS “Empress of Britain” Showing Jerusalem, Cairo, Bombay, Colombo, Batavia, Bangkok, Beijing, the Great Wall of China, Japan, Hawaii, Panama Canal, and others; and a 1934 Cruise around the Caribbean, Showing Nassau, Jamaica, Colon in Panama, Cartagena, La Guaira in Venezuela, Trinidad, Barbados and others; Titled: World Cruise. From Monaco to Southampton. December 15th 1931 – April 16th 1932. Q.S.T.S. “Empress of Britain;” Cruise to the West Indies. From Southampton to Southampton. January 27th – March 8th 1934. R.M.S. “Homeric.” 1931-1934.