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Poster. Afrika boretsia, Afrika stroit, Afrika smotrit vperiod! [i.e. Africa Is Fighting, Africa Is Building, Africa Is Looking Forward!] Kalinin: Izobrazitel’noe iskusstvo, 1970.



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80,2x58,1 cm. Creases, small tears of edges, otherwise very good.

Created by poster designer Valerii Rybakov (1939-?). He graduated from the Moscow State Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov (1965), studied in the workshop of N. Ponomarev, O. Savostyuk, B. Uspensky. Since 1965, he worked in the art industrial association “Agitplakat”, contributed to the Moscow publishing houses IZOGIZ, “Soviet Artist”, “Plakat” and “Fine Arts”. Since 1970, he became a member of the Creative and Production Workshop for Visual Agitation. One of his works of the last period, this poster is related to decolonization of African people, establishment of local governments and the Cold War. The USSR was the largest country that called for liberation of African countries and their struggle against capitalist exploitation. In 1960, most colonies were liquidated, but countries such as Angola, Mozambique, Ethiopia continued to fight for their independence. The USSR was actively involved in African military conflicts at that time. In particular, the Angolan Civil War (started in 1975) is widely considered a Cold War proxy conflict, as the Soviet Union and the United States provided assistance to the opposing factions.

In 1957–1976, 15 African countries established political regimes that maintained close relations with the USSR and met the criteria of “a country with a non-capitalist path of development.”

Item #BK1973
Price: $950.00