Quarto (ca. 32,7x20,4 cm. or 13x8 in). 3 pp. of text. Brown ink on yellow lined wove paper. Seal in the lower right corner of the last page. Fold marks, but overall very good.
Historically interesting original document illustrating legal negotiations regarding early coal mining in Nicola Valley, B.C.
By the late 1890s, Nicola Valley housed one of the northwest's largest and most extensive coal fields. The exceptional quality of deposits along the Coldwater River attracted significant attention, sparking a surge in coal mining activity. The coal boom continued until the 1930s when depleted coal seams eventually took their toll on the local mining industry.
The agreement was made between James Corbett, Joseph Castillon, George Murray of Nicola Lake, B.C. (the first party), and Soren Andrew Hartman of Tacoma, Washington (the second party) on 19 December 1903. The document authorized the transfer of licenses for six coal locations along Coldwater River from the first party to the second. It also enabled the formation of a new coal production company for these prospects, with a capital stock of 2,000,000 shares, each priced at ten cents. The agreement was signed by the members of the parties and a witness “Jas.”
S. Andrew Hartman (1851-1910) of the second party was a retired wholesale merchant and the vice-president of Western Coal & Iron Co. of Portland, Oregon. In May 1904, a few months after this legal deed, Hartman established the Nicola Coal & Coke Company with a capitalization of $2,000,000. By 1905, an extensive advertisement in the Boston Globe sought investments, boasting the company's possession of 3,840 acres of coal lands and a treasury balance of $1,000,000. The company lasted relatively successfully until the early-1910s when it was dissolved after Hartman's death. Overall, historically interesting legal agreement from the early days of the Nicola Valley, B.C. coal mining industry.
Excerpts from the document:
“Agreement made and entered into this nineteenth day of December 1903 by and between James Corbett, Joseph Castillon and George Murray of Nicola Lake, B.C. of the first part, and S. Andrew Hartman, Tacoma, Washington party of the second part –
The party of the first part being the locators of six coal locations situated on Coldwater river about ten miles south west of Coutlee, and whereas Government licences have been obtained for four sections in the names of parties of the first part, and licences applied, and fees paid for two additional sections and (whereas the party of the second part is the lawful owner of twofifths interest in the above mentioned property – the parties of the first part do hereby agree and covenant to place in Escrow - Ladd-Tilton Bankers of Portland Oregon, government licences obtained on said lands and to convey and assign to the party of the second part said licences and title thereto on the following terms and conditions
To wit:
The party of the second part being empowered and by there – being empowered and authorized to form a company and have it incorporated and capitalized to the extent of two million shares of par value of ten cents each – or a different amount and value as may be deemed best by the party of the second second part and his associates
and it is further agreed and understood between hereto that as soon as the party of the second part and his associates shall have completed the incorporation and organization of such company to be formed as above provided – The said government licences placed in Escrow with the assignment of the same – shall be delivered for the said Ladd + Tilton Bankers to the party of the second part as Trustee in trust for the company so formed…”
“The four coal prospecting licences Nos. 1142, 1143, 1144 and 1145 already obtained and the two additional licences, paid and applied for
It is further understood and agreed between the parties hereto that one half of the capital stock shall be set aside as the Company’s treasury stock for the purpose of exploring, developing and equipping the said coal prospect and perfecting title to the same and remaining half of the Capital stock shall be issued to the parties of the first part, and to the parties of the second part in the following manner
- party of the second part to receive two-fifths of the one half of the abovementioned stock which shall be known as promoters stock, and the threefifths to the parties of the first party or their assigns;
And the parties hereto agree to accept suck stock payment in full for the property to be assigned to the company as herein provided
Also it is hereby agreed by the parties of the first part, that the party of the second part is hereby authorized and empowered to effect a cash sale of the property subject to approval of the parties of the first part.
It is also understood between the parties hereto that all the promoters stock shall be pooled for the period of two years from the date of organization of the company.
It is also understood that the stock in the Company to be formed shall be made now assessable and fully paid.
It is further agreed that George Murray shall be placed on the Board of directors and retain a position there so long as he and his associates hold an interest in the Company.
Agreed, sealed and delivered the date above written.
George Murray, James Corbett, Joseph Castillon, Dan – , H., S. Andrew Hartman Witness Jas csc - ”