First Edition. Quarto. [2 - blank], iv leaves, 130, [1] pp. Later brown quarter sheep gilt lettered on the spine, original publisher’s printed wrappers bound in; front wrapper acting as a title page. Spine with repaired tears at head and foot, mild foxing, a few leaves strengthened at outer margin. Overall a very good copy.
Very Rare Goan imprint, as no copies found in Worldcat.
A collection of official documents and letters about the public life of Eduardo Augusto de sa Nogueira Pinto de Balsemão, who was Chief Secretary to the Governments of Cabo Verde, Angola and Goa (the latter in 1877). He was a member of the Geographical Society of Lisbon and Society of Propagation of African Geographical Knowledge of Luanda, and published several important works on the history of Angola and Portuguese India.