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332 Balboa Street
San Francisco, CA 94118
Phone (415) 668-4723 | Fax (415) 668-4723
Tue-Sun 11 am – 5 pm
Collection of Sixty-Eight Original Gelatin Silver Stereoview Photographs of the Natal Colony (Modern-Day KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa), Showing Pietermaritzburg, Durban, Howick Falls, Castle Hotel in Howick, Environs of Pinetown and Inchanga, “Waterworks for Boer Concentration Camp,” “Boer Refugee Camp, Washing Day,” Portraits of Native Policemen, Railway Workers, Oxen-cart Drivers, “Coolie Procession” et al. Ca. 1900s.


Ca. 1900s.

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Sixty-eight pairs of albumen stereoview photographs, each pair ca. 7,5x15 cm (2 ¾ x 6 in) mounted on original grey cards. All but three photos captioned in negative; thirty-two cards with ink stamps of “Durban Stereoscopic Photo Club, 126 West Street” on verso. A few card mounts with very mild foxing, otherwise a very good collection of strong stereoviews.

Historically important extensive collection of 68 early stereoview photos of the Natal Colony, taken by a member or associate of the lesser-known “Durban Stereoscopic Photo Club.” These photos are from the early 1900s and coincide with the Second Boer or South African War (1899-1902). The collection includes over twenty views of the colony’s capital Pietermaritzburg and over twenty views of Durban; the other photos show the environs of Pinetown and Inchanga, Howick Falls, Castle Hotel in Howick, scenes with native oxen cart drivers, policemen, railway workers, a “coolie procession,” etc. Three rare photos show British concentration camps for Boer women and children, which operated in several South African colonies, including Natal, in late 1900-1902 (see more). One photo portrays British officers posing in front of “waterworks for Boer concentration camp” – possibly, the one in Pinetown, which had a dam specially constructed to supply the camp with water; several of the camp’s tents can be seen in the far left. Two other photos taken from the distance show native women from a “Boer refugee camp” washing clothes in a river and drying them on a slope of a nearby hill. Overall a rare interesting collection of early Natal stereoviews.

List of captions: Natal Parliament buildings; Parliament buildings, Natal; Town Hall, P.M.Burg; Porch, Town Hall, Maritzburg; Police station and Town Hall, P.M.B.; Zulu War monument; Colonial buildings, Maritzburg; Jubilee pavilion, Maritzburg (two different views); Botanical gardens, Maritzburg; Parkview Maritzburg (four different views); Church St. Maritzburg (two different views); Standard Bank, Church St., P.M.B.; Post Office, Maritzburg; [Pietermaritzburg Town Hall and the monument to Theophilus Shepstone]; Natal Government Asylum; Pavilion – Asylum grounds, built by an inmate; Maritzburg environs (two different views); Harbor view Durban (three different views); Pier, Durban; Point view, Durban (two different views); Bot. Gardens, Durban (five different views); Gardens, Durban (three different views); West Street, Durban (two different views); Esplanade, Durban; Coast view, Durban; Cave rock, Durban; Near the Durban waterworks; Waterworks for Boer concentration camp; Boer refugee camp, washing day (two different views); Environs, Pinetown, Natal (two different views); Castle Hotel, Howick; Howick Falls (two different views); Howick Falls Hotel; Near Inchanga; Stone quarry; Natal Road; Mules for the market; Native driving ox wagon; Native girl carrying firewood; Natives carting sand; Repairing the Railway; Police; A beast of burden; Coolie procession; Building sandcastles; Outspanned; Madagascar Oxen.

Item #P83
Price: $1500.00