October 1857
Small Octavo bifolium (ca. 19x12 cm). 1 p. Brown ink on blueish lined paper. Addressed to “B.” on verso of the second leaf. Fold marks, otherwise a very good letter written in a legible hand.
Historically interesting letter, written by Jasper S. Whiting, surveyor of the lower California and the Mexican state of Sonora, who contributed to Lieut. Ives’ exploratory expedition up the Colorado River in 1857-1858. Whiting was “the second in command to Captain Stone upon the survey of Sonora. Mr. Whiting is to start with a small party and survey the coast as far as Guaymas, where he is to be joined by Captain Stone and the remainder of his expedition” (Report upon the Colorado River of the West, Explored in 1857 and 1858 by Lieutenant Joseph C. Ives <…> By Order of the Secretary of War. Washington: Government Printing Press, 1861, p. 36). In 1859 Whiting continued his work in Mexico, serving as the commander of the Commission for the survey of Sonora (Sonora Affairs// Los Angeles Star, Vo. IX, No. 33, 24 December 1859, p. 1). In his note to a friend, Whiting mentions Lt. Ives and the beginning of the expedition, and Whiting’s superior Captain Charles Pomeroy Stone (1824-87), a US Army officer, engineer and surveyor, who surveyed Sonora and Lower California in 1858-1860, and served as US consul in Guaymas in 1858-59. Overall an interesting original note related to the history of the US 19th-century exploration and survey of the Colorado River.
The text of the letter: “Dear Beaumont, I have rarely time to acknowledge the receipt of your last letter, and give you a few hurried items, regarding the unsettled state of my future prospects. Lieut. Ives of the U.S. Topog’s is to leave on the 28th [October, 1857] for the Colorado River. Uncle Sam through the Sec. of War has given Capt. Stone the use of this survey in as far as it affects the boundary of Sonora. An engineer will probably be sent with Lieut. Ives & I shall probably be detached for this duty. This will hurry me up. I have written the same to Drew[?] & requested him not to mention it as some portions may be private. I will send that […?] to you before I leave arranging with you to make your payments when convenient to my agent here. Ever & truly yr. friend, Whiting.”.