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Cabal, José Maria. Autograph Letter Signed, Concerning Troop Payments, soon after the Declaration of Columbian Independence in Cartagena. 16 November 1811.



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Folio (ca. 30x21,2 cm). 1 p. Brown ink on watermarked laid paper. Text in Spanish in a large, fairly legible hand. Light damp stains, otherwise a very good document.

A letter to the officials of the Superior Gobierno de la Provincia de Popayán (part of the viceroyalty of New Granada) order that soldiers be paid for August, September, and October, in accordance with an attached list. After the southern part of Spain was captured by the French in May 1810 and the Spanish Supreme Central Junta dissolved itself, many areas of Latin America set up Juntas Supremas, including Popayán. Cartagena, on the northern coast of Colombia, established a Junta on May 22, 1810, and Bogotá on July 20, 1810, the date now celebrated as Colombia's Independence Day.

Item #MB82
Price: $375.00