Second Edition revised and largely rewritten. Quarto. xxiii, 543 pp. With 23 plates and maps, several folding. Bound without the geological map of India. Handsome period style brown gilt tooled half morocco with marbled boards. A very good copy.
The author was superintendent of the geological survey of India. His career started by him working in the Godavari valley where he did "important work on the geology of the outer Himalaya. Subsequently he accompanied the Manipur-Burma boundary commission in 1881-2 and visited the Andaman Islands in 1885. Further fieldwork included Rajputana, the Salt range, Baluchistan, Upper Burma, and the Son valley. He was promoted to superintendent on 1 October 1891, and from 8 May 1896 to 23 November 1897 he officiated as director of the survey in the absence of C. L. Griesbach"(Oxford DNB).